Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gratitude Post

I truly and honestly enjoy reading Vidya Sury's posts as they are always uplifting even when faced with hardships. She finds great quotes that are truly inspiring. Now she and another lady, Corinne, have started a gratitude post which you post on the last Thursday of the month. It can be your own experience, a story, poem, whatever as long as it has anything to do with gratitude.

We can often recall, vividly, the bad things that happen whether we see it in people, in the media or even within ourselves. We often overlook the positive and gratitude can bring this about. This is the first post about gratitude and one can reflect on the month that just passed. One can keep a journal and it might even be quite helpful.

I am grateful to be part of this blogging world, to read everyone's post about their lives, their books, their humour. I enjoy reading about film and picking song choices. I see beautiful card creations and other creations made from yarn or beads and am truly happy and smile at the uniqueness of each blog. I love the quizzes and also blog hops. I marvel at how amazing some people are in responding and looking at so many blogs and always being a huge support to so many people (Alex).

So I am grateful to you, to be a part of this create and learn from every blog I visit. I humbly thank you!


  1. What a lovely sentiment; I feel the same! Hope you had a happy holiday, Birgit. I'm just now mailing your prize (crazy craft fairs, ha ha).

    1. Thank you so much-very sweet of you to mail it:)

  2. It is an amazing blogging world, isn't it? Its hard to explain to someone that isn't into blogging, but there is a sense of community here and I'm glad I'm part of it with you :)


    1. It really is a nice community and I am glad i am part of it with you too:)

  3. Hi Birgit! I just wandered over from Vidya and Corinne's Gratitude Circle and I always benefit when I read for what others are grateful for. I'm looking forward to reading on a regular basis all the good that unfolds in your life! ~Kathy

  4. This is so cute.
    This blog world is really amazing.
    It brings like minded people together from across the whole world.
    Even I'm thankful for it.
    Thanks for sharing...!!

    1. It is such a nice thing to be part of the blogging world as it is teaching me new & interesting things every day

  5. You echo my sentiments, Birgit! I am truly grateful for being a part of this blogging world. I have learnt a lot here, at times it inspired me, and at times it gave such diverse perspectives and so much to ponder too! Glad to meet you here! ♥

    1. Glad to meet you too and reading about gratitude is refreshing

  6. I love you, Birgit! You humble me - you've hardly missed a single post on my blog ever since we met during the A to Z challenge. Clearly one of the blessings in my blogging world. :)

    Thank you so much for being a part of the Gratitude Circle! Hugs!

    1. You are such a dear and a true inspiration about the power of being positive. I love your blog:)

  7. Beautiful sentiment, Brigit. I have no doubt you brighten many lives. And I count myself one of them. Thank you, friend!
    xxx Asha

  8. What a great idea! And this is the perfect time to start it.

  9. I know just how you feel! I'm amazed and humbled by the wonderful people in the blogging community and feel grateful for every comment I get and the chance to get a glimpse into others lives. Thank you for being one of them! :)

    1. You're welcome and there is so much to learn and grow and that can be done from blogs as well and I never thought of that until this year-Thank you!

  10. Well said. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

    1. Well I had a great Thursday and weekend as we celebrated it in October:) I hope your Thanksgiving was beautiful

  11. Living with gratitude is something we should all embrace. Thank you for reminding me of it.

    1. It is something we should embrace and rarely do but it much needed

  12. This is definitely the time of year to set a little time aside to be grateful for this great blogging community!

    1. It is! Gratitude is something I plan to cherish every day

  13. Such a nice reminder of what is so great about the world of blogging. As my online social activities get more and more fragmented, it's nice to have a place where I can share anything I want. Even if my blog is currently just a place where I post a weekly quiz and I don't check my feeds daily... I really enjoy seeing your creations and reading your very funny posts, seeing pictures and learning about other's travels, reading about lives that are very different than mine, and many other things. A monthly gratitude post is a great idea.

    1. I love your quizzes! My computer wasn't working right on the weekend which was a bummer. I am glad you enjoy my posts:)

  14. And I thank YOU for always being such a breath of fresh air! Your comments, your posts, they always make me smile, are always unexpected, and always welcome. Happy Thanksgiving my dear!

    1. This is such a beautiful thing you said and I am so glad to have found your blog:)

  15. It is a great community to be a part of. I took the month of November off and I have to say, I did miss the connections.

  16. This sounds like a lovely meme to be involved with. I'm definitely going to check it out. In fact, I'm going to put a reminder on my desktop, a direct link to THIS post so I won't forget. lol I'm grateful to be a part of a grand group of friends in Blogosphere. There's so much inspiration and encouragement to draw from at nearly every blog I visit. Thanks for stopping by to dance with me on Monday's Music Moves Me/#BOTB! Have the happiest Christmas ever!

    1. Thank you so much-I enjoy voting for the music:)

  17. Alex amazes me too. How does he get to all of us so quickly? Clones is the only answer I can think of that makes sense. hehehe

    In my recovery program, we are taught to do gratitude lists. My first one was required to be ten items, not too hard but kinda, my second was twenty - now, that was hard to come up with for me at the time because my world felt so negative. If they asked for a negative list, I could have filled volumes because that's where I was in my life. That list was a way to teach me to focus on the positive and to make my brain go there rather than the negative. It's such a great tool in my toolbox.

    1. This is wonderful and it would be a hard tool when one is on "the dark side" but it is so important

  18. What a lovely idea. I'm so glad you are part of this community too!

  19. Such a beautiful post. We are thankful for YOU :)
