Tuesday, July 18, 2023

What I Watched In June


I’m getting late writing this but I still love doing it. My pain has been bad and hate smelling the smoke from the forest fires, mind you, if I liked it, I would need to see a shrink. So, watching less movies but watch TV when I get home from work which is, often, late. I’ve been enjoying watching some shows I already spoke about plus the news. I don’t really enjoy watching the news but I like to keep abreast of what is going on. Here is what I have watched in June.


I saw this in the theatre back in 1988 and really like this small time film. It centres on a small boy, played by Lucas Haas, who is trapped in the school closet by a couple of bullies. He sees the ghost of a little girl and sees her being murdered by an invisible killer.  Terrified, he almost dies when the all too human killer comes into the closet trying to retrieve something that fell into the grate. He sees the boy and tries to kill him but, thankfully, is unsuccessful. Now, the boy tries to find out who the girl is when he finds out she was the first victim of a serial killer. It is a ghostly murder mystery but  it is endearing because it takes place in a small town with kids and adults who live a simpler life in the 1960s. There is a sweetness to this movie despite the seriousness of the topic. I highly recommend it.


I just spoke bout this film last week. It’s stupid, dumb but I enjoy it especially since it has John Candy in it.

3. TITANIC-1953

This is not “ A Night To Remember”, which is the best film about the Titanic, but this is a good film that stars Barbara Stanwyck who has decided to take her children back to America and teach them about true manners and to work for what they want. The kids have been spoiled because their dad is filthy rich. The dad, played so well by Clifton Webb, is able to get on the Titanic to prevent his estranged wife from taking his kids away from him. We also meet young students, one played by Robert Wagner, who takes a shine to Stanwyck’s and Webb’s daughter. We get to meet other fellow passengers and we see what happens when the ship is sinking. It is well acted with Thelma Ritter as a Molly Brown character, who shines in her role. I love this movie because the acting is great with some real dilemmas that, I’m surprised, the censors didn’t pounce on the topic. The special effects are quite good for its time too so it is well worth a look.


This is a taut thriller with 4 older men taking a subway train full of people, hostage. The head of the subway, played by Walter Matthau, is now trying to deal with the hostage taking without any passengers dying. The leader of the hostage takers, played by Robert Shaw, is icy cold and demands money or he will kill a hostage. It’s. Exciting, gritty with no movie star look to it. I prefer this version over the remake which seems to have some gloss to it. This is the better film.



This is a pretty cool show, on the Smithsonian channel, that showcases buildings, bridges etc.. built in unique ways. It’s hard to describe but pretty cool seeing a high rise with greenery taking centre stage. Mirrors to make sure parks below still receive sunlight etc…


This is a Canadian backed TV show starring Archie Panjabi ( a woman) who is a chief investigator on a plane crash and finds out more than she bargained for. Christopher Plummer plays her mentor/boss who helps her. This was his last role before he died which is a shame because he was such a great actor. You find out all the intrigues and double dealings that take place. Hubby and I enjoy this show because it’s not a simple plot but there are various double dealings and other mishaps along the way.


This is about the Anne Frank family but through the eyes of the real life Miep Gies who  kept the family hidden for over 2 years at Otto Frank’s business. She has help of course, but you are on the edge of your seat how Miep and her, equally courageous husband, Jan, who was part of the resistance, helped save other Jewish people and their children. The Frank family and the others in the Annex actually take second billing because it is based on Miep who died at the age of 101. The only negative thing I have to say is when they were liberated. It was the Canadians who liberated Holland…CANADIANS!! Do they mention this…nope they just say they are liberated so it makes people think that it was the Americans but it was us! My dad was part of the liberation. 

so…what did you watch? What did you read?


  1. The smoke from those wildfire is intense. We're feeling it up in Eastern ND/Western MN as well.

    1. It’s Birgit…the smoke is better the last few days but what a summer for fires!

  2. I've seen the Taking of Pelham..., but none of the others. I did watch the third season of His Dark Materials on HBO and the final season of Endeavor. Now I want to go back and watch Inspector Morse again as I remember none of it.

    1. It’s Birgit …I don’t know Dark Materials. I have only seen snippets of Endeavor but would like to see it from the beginning. I also need to watch Inspector Morse from the beginning

  3. I just looked it up, and Departure is on Apple Plus. When I resubscribe (for Ted Lasso), I'll check it out. I do know who Archie Panjabi is. She was on The Good Wife. She was also in a movie I love, Bend it Like Beckham. She was the older sister.

    1. I don’t know much about Archie except that she was in a movie with Russell Crowe. I hope you check it out

  4. The only one I saw was The Great Outdoors which I thought was a hoot. Loved John Candy.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. It’s Birgit…it’s been rough but enjoying my vacation. Great Outdoors is fun…stupid but fun

  5. Sorry to read you are in pain. I hope your back gets better soon. I can smell the smoke here at times, too.

    I haven't seen any of these, but now I know where Archie Panjabi went after she left The Good Wife. I see it's on Peacock.

    1. It’s Birgit…I only know her from film with Russell Crowe. I’m better ..rough few days but enjoying the vacation.

  6. Hi Birgit!

    Sorry to hear you have been in pain, hopefully it’s eased up. We also have been feeling the effects of the wildfires though not as severely as many.

    Yay!! Two movies I love!

    Aside from being an excellent thriller with pinpoint precision casting Pelham provides such a great snapshot of NYC in the mid-70’s. The city feels organic and the raft of familiar faces that populate it seem like people you would have seen on the streets or offices at that time. The remake fails because it did not understand what made this one so special and turned it into a routine actioner.

    LOVE this version of Titanic!! I agree A Night to Remember is the gold standard as far as recreating the events of the sinking and it pulls you in and keeps you involved from start to finish while Cameron’s is the technical benchmark. However for a personal story with emotional resonance this is the one to see thanks to Clifton Webb and Missy Stanwyck. They are great separately and together and their impact even greater because it’s not a stretch to believe that Richard and Julia Sturges or a couple just like them would have been among the passengers on the ship. My DVD of the film contains a commentary track by Audrey Dalton who plays their daughter Annette in the film, all fascinating little tidbits. Adore Thelma Ritter as the faux Molly Brown (name change probably due to legal issues)!! She’s ideally cast.

    I liked The Lady in White without loving it. It had both good performances and a nice, unsettling atmosphere going for it. It’s not something I return to, but it was definitely worth that one watch.

    I know people who love it, but I found The Great Outdoors silly and dumb.

    I’m zero for three on your TV shows but they all sound interesting.

    1. Hi, it’s Birgit…I am just starting to watch the commentaries on Titanic and love the tidbits from that classy lady who said her hips were bit wide. Poor thing. Thelma is one special dame..I Love her in everything.
      You are so right about NYC in the 70s which is captured in TV shows like Kojak.
      The great Outdoors is silly and dumb but I like it.
      I bet you would like the miniseries on Miep Gies…it’s quite good.
