Thursday, February 20, 2025

Love Your Pet Day- TV Shows with Famous Dogs


I learned, over at Sandra Cox's blog that, today, is National Love Your Pet Day and I thought of all the animals that appeared on TV shows either as the star or scene stealing from the stars. I love dogs, well, I love all animals but I always gravitate to the dogs. There are pictures of me as a 1 yr old with our dog named Poke showing no fear and I still don't…unless they are chasing me showing their teeth :). I have not talked about TV shows for a Long time so it's time to showcase some dogs from TV shows.

1. GEORGE-1972-73

Is this a good TV show? No, not really but I loved watching it because it takes place in Grindelwald, Switzerland! I just would daydream that I was living there with a big, dumb St. Bernard, enjoying everything surrounding me. I actually had a St. Bernard, Luke, that would lumber down the snow pile, after me, plop on top of me and lick my face! They are such goofy dogs and this Canadian/Swiss series shows how often George gets into trouble but, eventually, helps whoever needs the help. His owner has to fix the mess George created but realizes how special his dog is. I should watch an episode of this show. Apparently, it comes from a movie of the same name with the same actor as the owner of the dog. 

2. THE LITTLEST HOBO-1979-1985

Tis is a Canadian TV show that was remade from the 1963-65 series. I really enjoy this TV show that had no budget but man, did they get some star talent: Leslie Nielsen, Anne Francis( they starred together in this and in Forbidden Planet), Alan Hale Jr, Mike Myers, Patrick Macnee, Gary Merrill, Nehemiah Persoff, DeForest Keery, Donald O'Connor etc,.. This very smart dog wanders from town to town attaching himself to a person(s) who need help in some way. Sometimes, it is comedic and other times, it's more serious, but, once he has helped the person(s), he trots off wanting to keep going rather than be adopted. There was more than one dog who was adept in one area while another dog was better in another, like climbing a ladder. The most famous is London who was very photogenic and could really act.

3. FRAZIER-1993-2004

Frazier is a great comedy that stars Kelsey Grammar as Dr. Frazier Crane, made famous from the TV show, “Cheers”. When Cheers went off the air, Kelsey Grammar reprized this psychiatrist in his own show when the character moved back home to Seattle, Washington to take on a new job on the radio and reconnect with his widowed dad and his brother, Niles. His dad was a cop, wounded in a robbery, who needs more care so Frazier opens up his home (reluctantly) to his dad and the live in Health care worker, Daphne. Along for the ride is his dad's best buddy…Eddie. Eddie is a Boston terrier who can stare down everyone except his Pappa, Martin, Frazier's dad. There have been more than one episode involving Eddie and this dog delivers! I had no idea that John Mahoney, who played Martin Crane, was not a fan of the dog because the dog was standoffish and could bite. Moose is the dog that plays Eddie and who loved to mess with Frazier brain, roll on his couch, lick the dough before it is served to guests and play with his Barbie doll. This dog is great.

Any TV shows you love that stars an animal or chews the scenery and becomes a star along with the human stars? 

Yesterday, I asked if you knew which song won the Oscar, which was nominated and which came up empty. There were so many great songs that year but the one that won was, “Lullaby of Broadway”, “Cheek to Cheek” was nominated and “Broadway Rhythm” got no love at all. 


  1. I've read (most) our posts but haven't commented because I really am not good at song or movie names. But I can get into Love your pet day for certain. :) I love mine. Hope all has been well.

    1. This is Birgit..thanks for reading which is very sweet. How can one not love animals…

  2. Queequeg from the X-Files! The one Scully adopts after finding his owner dead (and Queequeg eating him). Later though, Queequeg is eaten by an alligator. The circle of life!

    1. Oh yes! Talk about a dog! ,,it was a dog right? It’s been so long since I have seen that series which I loved.

  3. Replies
    1. It”s Birgit..yes, Eddie was a scene stealer.

  4. What comes to mind for me is Lassie and Rin Tin Tin:)
    Have a healthy day. Stay dry and warm.

    1. This is Birgit…yes, Lassie and Rin Tin Tin did have their own Tv shows although they started on the big screen. I have not seen the tv shows!

  5. I don't remember George, but loved the Littlest Hobo and Eddie on Frazier. Lately we have been watching Hudson and Rex, a Canadian police drama set in Newfoundland, featuring a King Shepherd. Dogs are SO smart! ♥

    1. Yes, George was on for just a season and was not a hit. Yes, Hudson and Rex is a hit although I have not seen it. Hubby groans when it’s on. Did you hear that the dog actor died from cancer just 2 weeks ago or so? Such a shame.

  6. I have not seen those shows. I'm only familiar with Frazier, but I never watched it. I can't think of any animals on shows I've seen, but Lassie and Flipper come to mind. (Not shows I watched, but famous.)

    1. I almost chose Flipper but I went with dogs. You haven’t seen Frazier? I’m shocked! I think you would like that show.

  7. i watched Lassie and Rin Tin Tin on a regular basis. Don't recall any other dogs in shows at the moment, but I know there were others. I don't know any of those you mentioned except "Frazier" and I'm not sure I ever actually saw that show.


    1. I have not seen those 2 famous TV shows which is weird since I know Lassie was quite famous. I almost chose Murray from Mad About You.

  8. Hi Birgit! I don't know the first two shows but I adore Frasier, the new show isn't the classic the first was but it was improving so I was sorry to hear that it is being cancelled unless they can find another outlet for it. Eddie was a wonderful addition to the company. I realize he was well trained but his presence gave the others great opportunities to play off.

    Of course the first show that occurred to me was "Lassie" which I watched when I was a kid. Timmy was the most reckless kid imaginable to prove his faithful companion with chances to get him rescued!!

    The next one would be Tiger on "The Brady Bunch" though he did completely vanish from the show without explanation after season 2.

    It's probably cheating but I have to finish with Snoopy on all the Charlie Brown specials. What a fun pup especially with his trusty sidekick Woodstock!!

    1. This is Birgit…have not been well. I heard they might bring Frazier back to a regular channel which is what it needs. I think it would do better. I want to see it when I can get a chance. I don’t think I saw the TV show Lassie and I know I did not see Rin Tin Tin. Love you chose Snoopy and Woodstock. Love Snoopy!!

  9. BIRGIT ~

    I never even heard of the TV show 'George', but what's funny is that in my family of dog-lovers, everyone's favorite was George (a.k.a. Yoey). George was incredibly smart, and I still miss him!

    [Link> GEORGE (or, Yoey) in Orange County, California, circa 1968.

    I own every episode of 'Frasier' (11 seasons). There was a handful of bad eps. But overall, I am 100% convinced that 'Frasier' was the funniest and most clever show in TV history. Some of the plots (and plot twists) that those writers came up with really blow my mind! And the casting was absolutely brilliant!

    My list of Top 10 'Frasier' episodes has about 30 episodes on it. But if I *had* to pick just one as my single favorite, I'd go with 'SLIDING FRASIERS' from season 8. That one was so clever that the writers even warned the audience at the start of the episode, saying something like, "Pay Attention. This Gets Tricky."

    No TV series has ever delivered more laughs-per-minute for me than 'Frasier' did.

    ~ Stephen

    1. This is Birgit…we also own Frazier and I love that show as well. There are so many I love like the ski cottage where everyone is after everyone..but Frazier. I also love the one where Frazier takes his dad to the opera and it ends up that Martin pretends to be gay and Niles is his lover…..hahahahaaa. Anytime they gave a party was great. The Maris jokes…oh, the one where Frazier takes them on the cruise he is to have a lecture on. I always laugh at that comedy, Mary Tyler Moore show, I Love Lucy and The Carol Burnett Show even though that is a variety show.

    2. In truth, what follows is my real & "official" Top 10 list of 'Frasier' episodes, in their chronological order. If I could expand this list to 12 episodes, the 2 that I would add would certainly be 'Enemy At The Gate' & 'Roe To Perdition', both from Season 10:

      1. Dial M For Martin - s6e3
      2. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz - s6e10
      3. Momma Mia - s7e1
      4. Morning Becomes Entertainment - s7e19
      5. Sliding Frasiers - s8e13
      6. Hooping Cranes - s8e15
      7. Forgotten But Not Gone - s8e18
      8. Don Juan In Hell (Parts 1 & 2) - s9e1&2
      9. Trophy Girlfriend - s10e15
      10. Fraternal Schwinns - s10e16

      ~ D-FensDogG

  10. As much as I claimed to dislike Frasier, I was hooked on it for a while.

    1. Oh wow! You dislike Frazier? I must ask why?? This is Birgit

  11. Hi Birgit - I'm sure over the years I've watched a few - and am sure I've seen Hobo ... but thankfully we're all different - cheers and enjoy your choices - Hilary

    1. This is Birgit..yes, glad we are all different. I almost chose Due South, a Canadian show about a Mountie who lives in Chicago and helps out the policemen in this one station. He has a pet wolf who is deaf but must read lips.
