Friday, May 13, 2016

Mock squid society!

I didn't play last month for obvious reasons.....I was going nuts doing the A to Z.
This month we choose one of the previous ...choices:) I'm feeling really dulled in the head right now as you can tell from my fascinating writing here. There is quite the library being built up  and if you wish to check out what the others have chosen, head on over to the Armchair Squid. I chose the film which was originally reviewed by Toi Thomas.


I love this film because it is so well written, acted and designed. It is quirky which doesn't appeal to many people but I am quirky so it fits:) It takes place when the hotel will soon close and an older man reminisces, to the Author, about its heyday back in the 1930's when he was first hired to work there. He works closely with the concierge, played brilliantly by Ralph Fiennes, who always puts great effort into whatever he is doing. Fiennes character, Gustave, makes sure the hotel is running smoothly and hemakes sure the older ladies are kept , um, happy (wink, wink). One, in particular, he is quite fond of and, unfortunately, she dies. It is believed she is murdered and Fienne's character is the #1 suspect. He escapes with the help of his bell hop( The Narrator) and the Bell Hop's beloved who bakes wonderful cakes. Everyone is after Gustave since he was in her will and was bequeathed a valuable painting so some (many) want him dead. It is a comedy by the way and it is an absurd one done with intelligence and great wit. 

I love the cinematography since the director hearkened back to the early silent film days and used iris shots, fade outs and even a sped up scene on a toboggan. The art direction is rich and beautiful and the wit is priceless. One wonders why Ralph Fiennes doesn't do more comedy.  The director is Wes Anderson who directed The Royal Tenenbaums and Moonrise Kingdom. You either like him or you don't but many who did not like those two films still seem to like Budapest Hotel. I say give it a try and hopefully you will enjoy it.


  1. Saw the previews, but never the film.
    Have a great weekend, Birgit.

    1. I think it is a fun one..have a great weekend too

  2. You must watch a lot of movies Birgit. I have never seen the majority of the films you describe.

    1. Oh..yes, I watch quite a few each week and love it

  3. Yeah, not a fan of Wes Anderson, but if it is better than the other two, may have to give it a go indeed.

    1. I think other people who did not care for other movies of his liked this one the best so you never know

  4. Hi, dear Birgit!

    The Royal Budapest Hotel sounds like the kind of movie Mrs. Shady and I would love to see. We both enjoy comedies with quirky characters. I have commented before that it is hard to imagine Ralph Fiennes in a comedic role after his portrayal of the monstrous Nazi war criminal in Schindler's List. This is the second comedy you have reviewed in which Fiennes plays it for laughs. I am more eager than ever to check out his other performances. I also enjoy films set in hotels and films that pay homage to the filmmaking techniques used in the silent era.

    Thank you, dear friend BB, and have a great weekend!

    1. Oh then you must see this film because it has all that you love and would love to know what you think afterwards.

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed the film. You're right about Wes; you either love him or you don't. It's true though, many who don't like his work still enjoyed this. And yes, Fiennes was wonderful.

    1. You are so right and it is such a great but fun worth seeing.

  6. This movie was definitely a winner for me. When we recently watched The Lady Vanishes, I noticed a lot of interesting similarities between that film and this, particularly in some of the train scenes.

    1. Oh wow....I have to watch The Lady Vanishes again because so many directors are influenced by older films.

    2. Anderson openly admits Hitch's influence on his own work, too. He is featured in the Hitchcock/Trufault documentary I saw recently.

      Sorry you had trouble signing up for next month. I took the liberty of adding your link for you. I hope you don't mind.

  7. Quirky is the perfect description. Also why I enjoyed it. :-)

  8. I SAW THIS! I put it in capitals because I actually SAW A MOVIE you featured here :) Son LOVED this movie. I can't tell you how many times he rented it from RedBox, but one night he did when we were all home and watched it together (about 2 years ago now). Such a delightful movie!


    1. Yeah!! Glad you saw one that I picked:) it is a good movie

  9. I haven't seen this yet but it is my kind of film. Thanks for the review. Hope you have a relaxing weekend, Birgit.

    1. Hope you see the is fun. Today I cleaned a bit so tomorrow...relaxing:)

  10. I love Wes Anderson. My favorite of his is The Royal Tenenbaums, but I like The Grand Budapest Hotel, too.


    1. I really like Wes Anderson and The Royal Tenenbaums was my favourite but this film trumped it

  11. Sounds great. Like some of the MGM films of the 1930s with ensemble casts.

  12. Have seen this one from time to time on our Turner Classic Movie channel, but never watched it. Some of those old movies were so much better than what Hollywood churns out today. One of the things I enjoy about the old films, the actors KNEW how to ennuniciate, and you didn't have music swelling over the dialog so that you couldn't understand it! Have a great wkend. TFS

    1. The older film are, in my opinion, so much bette for what you say but this film seems to harken back to the old style from the music to no mumbling!

  13. I've been hearing about this film for so long, but I still haven't seen it. I need to soon. I'm really curious about why everyone loves it so much. It does sound like a good film. :)

    1. The cast is eclectic and great. The art direction is superb. The story is a fun one and the style of it hardens back to the classic style but with a modern twist in some ways. It is quirky and hopefully you will like it.

  14. I had not gotten around to seeing this one.

  15. I've heard so many divided reviews on this one that I don't even know what to think. Some say it's quirky and fun and love it (like you). Others say it's boring and dry and awful. I guess I'll just have to decide for myself, won't I?

  16. Hi Birgit: I've nominated you for the LIebster Blogging Award :) If you pop over to my blog, you'll see all the details. Don't worry, you don't have to accept, if you don't want to :)

  17. That trailer was so interesting. I loved this movie and I even saw it twice.

  18. The Grand Budapest Hotel was touted as a classic (or soon to be) so I thought I was supposed to love it. Like an artsy gem that I must see. But, naw, not so much. When it was over, I was like "huh?" Probably that quirky aspect of it. I prefer movies along the lines of "Young Frankenstein." But, what else do you expect from a guy who thinks fart jokes are funny?

  19. I've seen Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and while I love both of them, I love, love, love the latter. So I'm always game to watch more, as the opportunity arises.

  20. I am yet to see this movie, only saw the trailer. Thanks for sharing and best wishes!

  21. I love it too - like super duper love!

  22. Sounds like an interesting movie.
    Have a good evening.

  23. I loved The Grand Budapest Hotel, Birgit! I was hoping they'd show it at the film festival here in CuraƧao last year, but... they didn't. *Sigh* It's a great, great movie. You're right; I'm not a fan of Wes Anderson's previous work, but this one won me over from Scene One :)

    Love your review!
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

  24. I've never seen this! I have fav movies that I absolutely love for excellent writing or brilliant plotting. I rewatch them again and again. I also have this thing where I like movies for the houses in the movies. Pathetic, I know. Something's gotta Give is one. The hobbit movies is another. I know, I know. I am weird. Thanks for visiting me today. -Teresa

  25. The trailer looks convincing.

  26. Quirky and interesting it is. I just watched the clip. I respect a film creator that thinks outside the box like that. We need more uniqueness in cinema (and the world). Thank you, BB. =)

  27. Well, Birgit, I inadvertently downloaded Windows 10. The advertisement is always popping up on the computer and I always close it out. I obviously hit something because before I know it, it's downloading. Knock on wood, so far so good. But I wouldn't have done it purposely.

  28. I love this film! And the colours are so beautiful

  29. I've never seen this one, but you make it sound delightfully entertaining. Now if it ever comes on TV, I'll watch. Have a great week! :)

  30. So glad you liked this one! Probably Anderson's funniest film, even if I prefer a few of his others...but Fiennes...just brilliant!
