Monday, August 15, 2016

Card Crazy! No Not Really...well, Maybe

Addicted to Stamps-Anything Goes
Color Q- Use Black, basic Grey, Cool Caribbean, White

I have had this stamp for 3 years and this is the first time I used it! I must be barking mad not to have used this before (Nyuck, Nyuck). I stamped the wolves, let's call them, Larry, Moe, Curly...and Bob, onto glossy white cardstock. I used a watercolour effect with my tombow markers (take the marker and scribble the colour on a marjarine lid then take your brush, dip it in water and place it into the scribbled colour) to colour a light grey onto a couple of the wolves and made one black...that's Bob. I cut out grey, the Caribbean blue and black and tiered it. I finished it off with some corner stickers that I coloured black. I had a howl making this card.

Glitter N Sparkle- Anything Goes
Happy Stampers-Anything goes with dies

On Facebook, I play with silly "tests" I found out, according to Facebook (HA! yup like that's the Bible...note the sarcasm), I am 100% Hippie (Sorry Debbie) and that got me a thinking (did you notice any smoke up in the sky? That was my brain on overload) into making a Christmas cards with groovy colours. The background was using the Tim Holtz dies. You just take 3 pads of colours of your choice and stamp that colour on some surface that you can wipe up nicely. You spritz the colours with water and then place the white card onto the colours and watch it work. I took my colorburst, which is this powder that you just gently tap onto the white card and spritz with water, onto another white cardstock. I took my tree die cut and taking the new colorburst paper, I ran it through my sizzex machine. I did this 4 times. I added a pink ribbon, adhered the trees with some popup dots to mimic a forest that only Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds would see, added some snowflakes, stars and dot stickers and Voila!

Craft Your Passion-Always Anything Goes
Happy Little Stampers, Christmas-Snowflakes
WinterWonderland-Use Gold/Silver and/ or embossed background

I had cut out these snowflakes from this white glitter background a while ago and created a card but I liked what was left so I took foil type paper in a dark blue and lighter blue and covered it from behind so you see the snowflakes as the coloured version. I took a mirrored silver cardstock and, using my cuddlebug, embossed it with a snowflake design. I used my clear versamark pad, stamped snowflakes on the edge and placed a dark blue powder on top so one sees this shimmer of snowflakes. I punched out Trump..oops sorry daydreaming, I punched out snowflakes in silver and blue and glued that at the bottom with a blue crystal.

It has been hot, sticky, steamy and I am not talking about my sex life...oops too much information?? :) I wish this heat would end. I am Canadian and proud which means we always bitch about the weather.


  1. Ooh, I really like the festive card. Very soft and pretty.
    Maybe we should do a book, card trade..........

  2. Hi, dear Birgit!

    You must be in a good mood because your post is loaded with fun and good humor. I'm glad! If you're barking mad it's a good thing because some of my best friends are barking mad. In fact, all of them are! :) The four wolves card amazes me. It's gorgeous! Can you make one that shows them sitting around a card table playing poker? :) I love the hippie color scheme on the Festive Wishes holiday card and the intricate colors and design of the snowflake card. It might be hot and sticky up your way but it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

    Have a wonderful week, dear friend BB!

    1. One needs to have fun...might as well right...even in the hot and sticky. Glad you like my cards:)

  3. I love the wolves, Birgit. Of course I love all your cards.


  4. Like the snowflake one. LOL about the weather and how Canadians complain about it. I find herr since it is always hot, not too many comments are made. I guess eventually people get used to it or just accept it, knowing that is what desert living is.


    1. The card turned out quite good. We complain when it is too hot and when it is too cold...too rainy or not...we always seem to find something.

  5. Shemp! You forgot Shemp.

    You're not the first Canadian I've heard complaining about the weather. What I've heard is that it's been so hot I would be complaining. (Well, I am complaining, but it's been hot here, too, and not as hot as what I've heard.)

    1. Yes....good ole Shemp but I just like the ring to Bob:)

  6. Birgit, you're just too funny. I love the wolf card! You did a fabulous job with it!! The others are nice, but the wolf card is awesome! Great job. Thanks for sharing the particulars of each stamping project! ;)

  7. You have me laughing this morning....loving all three but especially the wolves...fabulous effect....I am stuck with the hot and steamy image bless you for cheering my day up xxxxxx

  8. holy cow where on earth did you get that fabulous stamp? I just love wolves and this took my breathe away. And the way you used it was brilliant. Simple, clean, graphic, and just darn awesome.. Oh I love that stamp...

    1. Thank you so much. I actually found this in some sale bin and bought it for $5. I love wolves

  9. Love the cards especially the wolves. One day I should blog about my wolf-tracking adventure up at Ely, Minnesota. I bitch about the weather too, but Canada is my neighbor.

    1. Yes you get the same weather we do. I would love to hear about your trip and seeing the wolves

  10. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Winter Wonderland. It just shows that you should never dispose of anything - you can always do something with it! Good luck with the challenge. Christine DT x

    1. Thank you and yes, we can use almost anything.

  11. They're all beautiful; but the wolves is striking!

  12. I wouldn't have guessed a wolf card would so appeal to me - well done!

  13. Love the cards, especially the wolves. I can't believe that hippie test only gave me 50%! Your groovy colours shine through, Birgit. ☺

    1. I am shocked that you only got 50% but that is a pretty silly test:) I. Glad you like my cards

  14. Those trees are awesome! I love the beautiful colors and design. Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers!

    1. Thanks...I thought of trying something different

  15. The wolves sure stand out for me, my favorite indeed. Don't tell the cat lol and ugg to the heat for sure.

    1. Glad you like the wolves and I won't tell the cat

  16. It's hot here in Portland so thanks for a brief breeze of winter in your terrific seasonal cards.

    1. We all need some cooler temps:) nice to see this in a card

  17. Birgit,

    I received your message about my card. I SO WANT IT. If you send me an email at rarichards68 at gmail dot com, I will send you my home address.

    Debbie posted a link to a Dr. John version I think you can listen to. Let me know if that works for you.

    Thank you on both counts, but especially the card. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!


    1. I hope you got my e-mail and I will send you the card. I hope you will like it.

  18. The one with trees turned out out pretty. Really liked the wolves one too! Great job! Now... about that hippie status and the smoke... are you *sure* that was your brain and not some other substance??? (teasing, of course!)

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. If I would take a smoke I might see those trees move:) glad you like them

  19. Almost didn't forgive you for "I had a howl making this card," but the line about punching out Trump more than made up for it! Ha.

  20. These cards are fantastic, I only wish I could make and market something like these on my blog because cash is king nowadays. Someone was saying recently about Trump that hes a diversion to get Hilary elected, lol. Now I just had to throw that into the loop because its a classic. Shes definitely going to be the next President of the USA.

    1. Cash often does make a play but I just like creating them and giving them away. Fuzzier Bear looks better than Trump

  21. Those cards are gorgeous, I'd buy a bunch for sure if you ever make more.

    1. That is nice of you to say and if you would like some, let me know

  22. Can't wait to see what you are going to create next.

    1. I have something in my head...there is always something

  23. Beautiful array of cards! Thanks for playing along at ATSM and good luck.

  24. All of these cards are great! I love the "groovy colours" card - so unique for a Christmas card! Thanks for playing along with us at CCAYR!

  25. You do good work Birget. I love those stamps. I need to show those to my wife. She does hand painted Christmas cards each year.

    1. Thank you so much. I'd love to see what your wife creates

  26. They're beautiful cards! I especially love the wolves <3

  27. Lovely cards,Birgit,and they all are so different and lots of technique ...thank you for joining us at Craft Your Passion

  28. Wonderful selection of Christmas card....each so beautiful and unique. Thank you for playing along with us at Winter Wonderland. Pat K x

  29. LOL your hot and steamy comment made me laugh out loud. It sure has been hot and I loved these little tastes of Christmas. I am so ready for fall and the holiday season! Of course I also totally LOVED the wolves!!

  30. All the cards are FABULOUS! My favorite is the festive Christmas one with all of the colors. Super cool! :)

  31. I love your cards but especially the one with the bright colours and the trees. I think the background is amazing and the way you did the colourburst on the paper before you die cut the trees. I really feel that I'm neeeeeding to try this out! Thank you so much for entering the Christmas Cards All Year Round (Bright Summery Colours) Challenge, lots of luck. Hugs to you Sue Pxxx

  32. You have been having fun! Love the snowflake cards. Thank you so much for joining us at Happy Little Stampers Christmas Challenge. Good Luck!

    Emma - DT Member

  33. Love the sparkly cards today! Of course, you're making me a little nervous with Christmas cards in August.

    Hope the heat turns down weather-wise!

    I think I saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ten times. I always thought it would end differently. :-)

    1. That last part referred to your other post! Oh well, a two-for today.

  34. Lovely looking christmas cards in many different styles. Nice job. Thanks for joining our challenge over at the Winter Wonderland. On Friday we are back with a new fun challenge.
    Love n hugs

  35. What a colourful Christmas card, such a change from the standard.
    Thanks for ling up at HLS dies. :0)

  36. Three fabulous cards! Love the groovy colours on the second one - a nice change for Christmas. The snowflake one is so wonderfully sparkly and shiny - very festive. Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers!

  37. A great use of colour here and the silver makes it pop from the card. Thank you for joining in with our 'Let's see your Silver-Gold, or embossed background' at Winter Wonderland challenge, and good luck
    Eileen :)

  38. Beautiful cards. Thank you for playing along with the Happy Little Stampers Christmas challenge xx
