Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday Movie Picks: Summer Blockbusters

I remember when the shit hit the fan back in the 1970's when the summer blockbuster began and never looked back. Some great movies came out in the summer and some real crap came out as well and either made a ton of money or sank like a dead weight. It will be interesting to see what the others have chosen this week. Head on over to the brainchild of this weekly series, Wandering Through The Shelves, to see what movies have been chosen this week. Here are my 3...

1. JAWS -1975

This is the film that started it all and I remember all the brou-ha-ha that this film generated. People were really freaked out to the point that sharks were being hunted more than usual. In fact, I was scared to ever swim in the ocean...and still am but I have met that fear and won...although I will never swim in any waters in Australia. This is about a big shark that seems to have a yen for human flesh and has come to the waters off  Amity IsLand (Martha's Vineyard) right around the July 4th weekend.   The sheriff, who hates the water, wants to shut down the beaches much to the Mayor's chagrin. Finally, he, a marine Biologist ( not George Costanza) and a weathered fisherman, played wonderfully by Robert Shaw, go out in Shaw's old boat to kill the shark. This film packed a punch, set one's heart a racing and was well acted. Despite all the issues the film crew had with the shark, nicknamed Bruce, the shark looked real and still looks real to me today.

2. Jurassic Park-1993

I can't believe this film is over 20 years old because these dinosaurs still freak me out and look very realistic. This is about a nutty old fart who has a dream to clone dinosaurs and create a park for people to come to. He invites scientists to review his new park and, although they are in awe of what they see, they are also concerned...rightly so. Well, as all blockbusters go, things go very, very wrong and these dinosaurs are on the loose. It has me still on the edge of my seat especially when the kids are eating ice cream. Great effects and edge on your seat viewing make this a fun flick. I have to admit my favourite character is Jeff Goldblum.


I really enjoy watching this movie because it is clever, cheeky and quite entertaining. The hero is a boy taken by aliens and grows up in the cosmos with alien pirates. He becomes an unwitting hero along with a green, smoking hot girl, a brick house of a man, a tree and a demented raccoon. They must save the universe from a raging loon who is hell bent on getting this orb that the hero stole. This is well written with some great tunes and full of humour. Although I love the raccoon my favourite is the bald headed dude, Drax.



There is no way I can not speak about this film that has launched 7 more films and counting. It cemented the summer blockbuster as we know it and changed the way the executroids view films for the summer. In fact, I believe this film is what started the McDonald Toys plus all the other collecter stuff out there never mind nerds around the globe dressing up as their favourite hero/heroine. I had stickers all over my door of han Solo et al, but My brother still has his...with the wrappers. We know the plot....young man wants to leave his dusty old town, meets an old dude with special powers and along with a hot dude and his hairy friend, embark to find the Princess with Laurel and Hardy aka R2D2 and C3P0. They find her and the evil Darth Vader and must battle forces that seems impossible. Flash Gordon, eat your heart out!

Which would you choose


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your bonus would've been my first pick. Even though Jaws came first, Star Wars is the movie that started the summer blockbuster trend.
      (Sorry, typo the first time.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, Birgit!

      I enjoyed your list of summer blockbusters and have seen three of the four - Jaws, Jurassic Park and Star Wars - all of them first run in theaters. I love to watch Jaws again and again. I never get tired of it. I also enjoy repeat viewings of J-Park.

      Jaws is a brilliant film with a top notch cast. Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw are all favorites of mine, and I also appreciate character actor Murray Hamilton's portrayal of the mayor of Amity Island whom you just want to strangle after a while. I also loved Hamilton as Mr. Robinson in The Graduate and the threatening diatribe he launched against Dustin Hoffman in the film.

      In Jurassic park, I loved the performances of Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern, two fine and underrated actors. You mentioned George Costanza. Let us not forget that Wayne Knight - "Newman" from Seinfeld - had a great role in Jurassic Park as one of the geeky tech troubleshooters who keep the parking operating smoothly -
      (or not). I also very much enjoyed the 2015 film Jurassic World starring Opie Taylor's daughter Bryce Dallas Howard.

      Thank you very much for the entertaining reviews, dear friend BB!

  3. Four great films. I love them all. My husband and I separated in 1993 and I went to see Jurassic Park alone. A gentleman came in with six little girls around ten years old. He said it was a birthday party and asked if I minded having them sit in my row. I smiled and said no. When it came to screaming, I was louder than the girls. Perhaps they regretted their seat choice?

  4. Holy moly! The first time I've seen ALL the movies on your list.

    I saw Jaws when I was really little (at my uncle's house on video, not in the theatre). Freaked me right the hell out. Probably why I'm still uncomfortable around boats and water.

    I saw Jurassic Park as an impressionable teen in the theatre and it was amazing. I loved the novel even more, but it's really a well-made blockbuster that still holds up well today.

    The first blockbuster movie for me as a kid was Tim Burton's Batman in 1989 (which is a little dated but still holds up, too). Blew my friggin' mind. It was such a defining moment in our lives that my friends and I still talk about history as "Pre-Batman" and "Post-Batman."

    But yeah, Star Wars is still the best movie ever. :-P

  5. Great choices! I didn't see Jaws until many years after it was released, I'm not fond of the ocean as is and didn't need the fear of sharks to decrease it even more. When I finally did it scared the bejesus out of me but I've long ago given up going in the ocean so it had no ill effects.

    The original Jurassic Park is a fantastic thrill ride even with the inclusion of Laura Dern, not a fan, in the cast. I didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy as much as the first two although Chris Pratt was dynamic. It was fun just not as up my alley as the others.

    Star Wars was fine but I'll never understand the mass love for it and the sequels leave me cold. Sacrilege I know but there it is.

    It seems now films are designed to be blockbusters but it's more exciting when they use to catch the public fancy because of their worth. The three I chose are among those.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)-This will be brief since I’m guessing there isn’t a soul who hasn’t seen this or doesn’t know the story. Opening with a throwback to the adventure of Saturday serials we meet Indiana Jones professor and treasure hunter. Learning that the Ark of the Covenant is at risk of falling into Nazi possession he sets out to get it into the safe hands of Uncle Sam instead. Along the way he meets up again with Marion Ravenwood, daughter of his old partner and a girl he done wrong, who in many ways is as tough as he is. High adventure follows. Just a flat out good time at the movies. Made a mint on release.

    Total Recall (1990)-In the not too distant future Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is suffering from troubling dreams about battles on Mars. His wife (Sharon Stone) is dismissive of them but when he continues to have them he turns to Rekall Inc. a company that sell a different kind of vacation, implanted memories. But something happens when the memory is being placed and he ends up on Mars in a fight for his life…or is he? Very violent and convoluted but involving. Even now technically impressive and along with The Terminator the film that really put Arnold on top for a long time. Cost a fortune to make, made a fortune in theatres.

    Grease (1978)-Well summer vacation is over and Danny Zuko (John Travolta) leader of the T-Birds is back from a trip to Australia where he met the demure Sandy Olsson (Olivia Newton-John) and had some Summer Lovin’. He’s back in his leather jacket and ready to pick up with his gang where he left off but surprise Sandy is a transfer student to his high school and now he’s torn between his image as a tough guy and his love for goody two shoes Sandy, who has been taken under the wing of The Pink Ladies lead by Rizzo (a far too old but sensational anyway Stockard Channing). Teen angst 50’s style, drag racing, a pregnancy scare, cameos by lots of classic stars and a load of good songs follow in this peppy adaptation of the Broadway hit. Raked in the bucks for months on original release then did it again when it was re-released to theatres for its 20th anniversary.

  6. I have never seen Jurassic Park. My family decided to go when I was working, and I was so mad at them I vowed never to see this. (Stupid, I know. If you really want stupid, ask my why I've never seen Titanic.)

  7. I haven't seen your second or third choices, but I'll never forget going to see Jaws. I went with a young man named Mike (he was so cute). When the shark came up out of the water toward the boat, Mike fell out of his seat. I watched him out of the corner of my eye while pretending that I hadn't noticed a thing. I didn't want to embarrass him. I've seen Star Wars a couple of times. I wasn't as crazy about it as my ex-husband and my daughter were. Between the two of them they've probably watched it hundreds of times. X saw it in the movie theater something like fifteen times.


  8. Goodness Birgit I have seen them all...I would use the excuse that I took my niece along at the time but I loved them...I love these type of film no reality at all pure escapism...great fun....xxxx

  9. OMGosh. I've actually seen THREE of the four movies you discussed this week. For some reason, Jaws didn't scare me like it did everyone else. I saw an interview with Richard Dreyfuss who admitted it scared him the first time he saw the complete film. I know lots of people were screaming, but I was just in awe of the animatronics. I saw it when some friends rented a video. On a second viewing, I realized the shark wasn't seen nearly as often as I imagined I had the first time.

    Jurassic Park was FABULOUS. Again, I was impressed with the way the animals ran and walked. Everything was so lifelike, I somehow forgot the actual plot until I saw it a second time on TV.

    Star Wars I saw in a movie theater. I was on a date and I was hooked from the first rumble of the Death Star in the opening scenes.

    LOVED your choices this week because I was able to actually contribute my opinions for once!

  10. I've seen all of these. My least favorite was Guardians of the Galaxy.

  11. Out of all those, I will certainly side with Star Wars

  12. Yeah, you can't go wrong w/ those films. They are the definition of the Blockbuster.

  13. I haven't seen the original Jurassic Park yet. What am I waiting for? I enjoyed the last one that came out. The Husband's birthday is in summer so I get to see at least one, sometimes two, blockbusters on his birthday. My blockbuster choices would be Wonder Woman and the last Avengers movie.

  14. 4 great picks indeed. Enjoyed them all. Indiana Jones would be up there for me. Now if only many of the prequels, sequels and other garbage some of them spawned didn't exist.

  15. These are all great movies. And Star Wars shaped a good chunk of my childhood.

  16. I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy- but I have seen the rest of them and they are great picks. :)

  17. These are some fantastic picks! Not only I've seen them all, but I love all of them!

  18. Good picks. For the most part I've never been one to have to see a film when it first comes out so I don't know when most films were released. I do recall seeing Poltergeist and E.T. in the summer and I think those might be considered summer blockbuster fare.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  19. We have a radio show here called I've Never Seen Star Wars. Basically, some celebrity admits to something they''ve never done and they make them do it. Sounds tame but it can be quite entertaining. Anyway, that's a rambling introduction to saying that I've Never Seen Star Wars doesn't apply to me - I have! But I confess to not having seen the others.

  20. Jurassic Park was probably the first I was aware of as a kid - I remember so many advertising tie-ins!

  21. I'll always regret that I didn't see Jurassic Park in the theater. I saw it later, on a normal-sized TV screen. Kind of a letdown when viewed that way.

    I really enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy, a sleeper if there ever was one.

    And due to my involvement in comic book and fantasy fandom in general, I know a lot about the first six films in the Star Wars series, but I've yet to see any of them in its entirety! A friend took me to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it came out.

  22. I've seen Jurassic Park (liked) and Star Wars (love).

    The previous commenters took my choices, so I'll settle for Back to the Future, Wonder Woman, and Independence Day.

  23. I think I'm the only person who hasn't seen Guardians of the Galaxy. I need to remedy that soon!

  24. Oh wow, all blockbusters indeed.
    Hope you are relaxing and enjoying the weekend, my friend.

  25. Hey, how about that Birgit, I have seen every one of these films and enjoyed them all. Recently saw Jaws again and still found it nerve racking and tense. Don't recommend your swimming off the east coast in the States either, been lots of Great Whites there lately.

  26. Great picks! I like how Jurassic Park aged well, although I have yet to watch the sequels.

  27. I was absolutely terrified by Jaws when I saw it as a kid. The fact that it was filmed on Martha's Vineyard made it worse for me since that was where my family traveled every summer. I've never totally gotten over it LOL.
    Jurassic Park is one of my all-time favorites. I will never forget the scene of the raptors and the kids in the kitchen. The suspense was totally unbearable.

  28. As Jurassic Park came out one year after I was born, it is the film of my childhood. I must have wore the tape out the ammount of times I watched it.

    Guardians of the Galaxy is the best Marvel film, nice choice

  29. I still get the shivers when I hear that musical score for Jaws. Somehow I missed Guardians of the Galaxy. Netflix to the rescue.

  30. Jaws was the movie in its day wasn't it, Birgit?
    I agree with Lee that score will always be associated with Jaws. The hair rises on my neck when I hear it.

  31. And right there with ya on Jurassic Park. I can't believe it's over twenty years old! And I love Jeff Goldblum.

  32. Great choices, though, I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet. Jurassic Park is one of my all-time favorite films.

  33. Star all time classic ever.
    Hope you have a pleasant, restful evening.

  34. Hi everyone...I'm so sorry for not really being here. I love your comments and your picks especially Joel's pick of Grease. I hope to be more back to norm

  35. Pretty funny... my husband is watching Jaws right now as I type. I'm on the opposite side of the house so I don't have to hear the screams. They give me nightmares! But we both enjoy Star Wars and Star Trek (along with all the Lord of the Rings movies, although those are newer). We also fall back on the Back to the Future, and he's a huge fan of the ape movies, old and new, as well as American Graffiti and Grease. I'd rather quilt than watch TV most of the time. :)

  36. I would choose them all, B.B. Each one is among my all time favorites! I remember when each one came out ~ the Jaws hysteria was crazy! Star Wars changed everything! As for Jurassic Park, I was volunteering in the fossil lab of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science leading up to it. I remember coming into the lab one Saturday morning, and everyone was looking at some sketches on paper towels. They were drawings of how the T-rex's throat might look swallowing the goat. The head of our lab had been consulted about that by the movie-makers. A very precious memory. As for GOTG, watched it here at home ~ It was so darn much fun! I enjoyed your post very much!

  37. Jurassic Park is one of my all-time favorite films.

