Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday Movie Picks- Scientists

I am feeling better!! Yippee ta ya yeah.... I am still being cautious but amazing what a tooth issue can do. This all seems to be geared to science which is the topic this week from Wandering Through The Shelves....scientists actually. So, without further adieu, here are my 3 which I may have chosen before but, who cares:)...


I actually saw the horrible remake before I saw this gem that stars the great Claude Rains as a scientist who invents invisibility but becomes insane due to this invention. His girlfriend, played by Gloria Stuart, of the blecchhh Titanic Movie, is beside herself while the cops are trying to capture him. This film is quite funny actually and the effects are really very good considering when it was made. Claude Rains became a star after this film was released even though you never see him until the end. He is one of my favourite actors.


This is one of my all time favourite movies that I watched every time it came on tv, this and "What’s Up Doc" which is another of my favs. It stars one of my favourite actors, James Mason, as a professor who comes across a find from an old scientist who made it to the centre of the earth. He decides to find the way as well so, along with his assistant, played by Pat, "white shoes", Boone they head off to Iceland. A colleague Of his, who trying to take the credit and one up the good Professor, is murdered. This does not stop the man's widow from wanting to go along with them so they head towards the volcano along with their right hand man, Hans, and his pet duck, Gertrud. Unbeknownst to them they are followed by a descendant of the long dead scientist. The music is excellent, not Pat Boone, but Bernard Herrmann, The art direction is excellent and gotta love those lizards representing dinosaurs.


This is an excellent film based on the real life event and a man who is one of the main reasons the second world war ended in victory- Alan Turing. This film does not contain super heroes like Ironman or blow ‘em up flicks like Fast and furious 54, but it involves a difficult but gifted man who is the reason for the modern computer and the reason the Nazi Enigma code was cracked. He has a great team that help him, despite their issues with him, and end up respecting him. Benedict Cumberbatch is superb as Turing and he should have won the Oscar instead of that irritating Eddie Redmayne. You want to see an intelligent film, that grabs your attention from the get go, see this film.

What 3 films would you choose?


  1. Hi, Birgit!

    I'm happy to know you are feeling better, dear friend!

    I watched The Invisible Man on TV in the 50s. I'm pretty sure special effects were involved. :) As a boy I was expecting to see a horror movie and remember being disappointed at first, but the clever, witty film won me over. I enjoy listening to that constable's accent.

    I also saw Journey to the Center of the Earth. What a unique cast! Rock 'n' roll maniac Pat Boone along with James Mason and beauties Arlene Dahl and Diane Baker. Gertrude the Duck wasn't bad either. I love James Mason's distinguished voice narrating that trailer.

    I have not seen The Imitation Game. Mrs. Shady is a WWII buff and this looks like the kind of film she and I would both enjoy.

    Any of the old horror movies with Whit Bissel as the scientist would go on my recommended list.

    So glad you are doing well now, dear friend BB. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Whit Bissell! Yes!!! I really loved The Invisible Man mainly due to Claude Rains. I love James Mason’s voice and make me wish the trailers would be more like this. You have to watch The Imitation Game

  2. I've not seen The Imitation Game either. I have seen the other two.
    I'll go Laura Dern on you with two movies - Jurassic Park and October Sky. Another good one is The Dish.

    1. I don’t know the Dish but absolutely love October Sky! Great choice

  3. I saw the Imitation Game, go figure. It was really very good, sad in so many ways. I am glad you are feeling better!


    1. Thanks! It is sad especially how Turing was treated

  4. I've only seen The Imitation Game which I really loved. That was one of my favorites of that year.

  5. I haven't seen any of these movies but The Invisible Man sounds like something I'd enjoy!

  6. Hi glad you are feeling better.....whee...just in time for the weekend...and more movies....I haven't seen the last one but will add it tomy list....hugs xxx

    1. I am happy that I’m Feeling better. Made a few cards and hope you see the movie

  7. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Love all three of your choices!

    I'm sure at the time of its release Invisible Man was cutting edge and both Claude Rains, who I'm a big fan of as well, and Gloria Stuart are terrific in it.

    Journey stretches credibility of course but it's a fun adventure. The cast manages to play it with a straight enough face that it doesn't become ridiculous.

    Imitation Game is a bit slowly paced but the story and performances make up for it.

    The choices this week were thick on the ground so I jumped around a bit. You might remember my first from Dell's Against the Crowd blogathon.

    Creator (1985)-Wildly eccentric but brilliant scientist Dr. Harry Wolper (Peter O’Toole), head of his department at a prestigious medical research university, is at a crossroads. After years of living an unconventional but steady life, which includes trying to clone his late wife in his backyard laboratory, two people enter his sphere and radically change his perspective. Funny, poignant, quirky, evocative comedy drama is anchored by a masterful performance by the great O’Toole.

    Hidden Figures (2016)-Three brilliant African-American women, Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe), work behind the scenes at NASA. Though in many ways they have superior skills to their supervisors they face double discrimination because of both their sex and color but slowly things begin to change as the agency prepares to launch astronaut John Glenn (Glen Powell) into orbit. Involving drama which like Apollo 13 manages to impart a sense of suspense despite the outcome being a known.

    Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989)-When his kids sneak into inventor Wayne Szalinski's (Rick Moranis) upstairs lab to retrieve a baseball, his experimental shrink ray miniaturizes them. On that goofy premise this silly but very successful comedy hinges. Followed by far too many sequels.

    1. Claude Rains is such a great actor and try to hear his original cockney accent. I need to see the Peter O’Toole film which is another actor I love. I almost chose Hidden Figures which is a great film. Your last pick surprises me but it’s a great pick even though the movie is just ok for me

  8. I love What's Up, Doc? too. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I don't think I would have been allowed to watch Journey as a kid as my mother is very anti Pat Boone. Or am I mixing him up with someone else?

    1. Isn’t What’s Up Doc so funny! Love that movie. Pat Boone is the religious lily white bland singer who was a hit back in the day. His trademark is always wearing white shoes

  9. Really enjoyed The Imitation Game but haven't ever watched the other two. The first that comes to mind is Boris Karloff in Frankenstein. Mad scientist alert?

    1. Yes! I almost chose Frankenstein with the eccentric Colin Clive as the scientist

  10. Hooray, glad you are feeling better!

  11. I'm not familiar with The Imitation Game but it sounds really good.
    So glad you are feeling better.

  12. I've never seen any of these, but wanted to see The Imitation Game. Benedict Cumberbatch could eat crackers in my bed any day (grin).

    1. Oh yes, I could have him eat crackers in my bed as well..😇

  13. Wonderful news that you're feeling better! 👌 I'm 0 for 3 on this one, but The Imitation Game sounds good. I'll look for it, online. The only one that comes to mind (excluding the super-hero genre) for this category is 2001: A Space Odyssey. I am a huge Big Bang Theory fan, but that obviously doesn't count. ☺

    1. Why not shoes that fits and I am all about breaking the rules. I hope you get to see The Imitation’s really good

  14. Great that you are feeling better.

    Seen the first two but never watched The Imitation Game. Actually seen many many versions of Journey, some are soo bad. Jurassic Park would be a winner too.

    1. Yeah, I tried watching one with Peter Fonda which was horrible. Jurassic Park is an excellent choice

  15. Hey sis, I'm back from my travels... for two days anyway! I can remember us watching Journey to the Centre of the Earth when we were kids. It was one of many fun and adventurous science-fiction based movies from that era. Haven't seen the other two. My suggestions would include a recent movie called Annihilation. It's uneven but many of the scientific concepts presented in the film are fascinating. Another film that comes to mind is Never Cry Wolf.

    1. Yes, we ave to talk! I remember you saying to me..”Not that movie again? How often can you watch that?” Hahahaa I have not seen Annihilation but great choice with Never Cry Wolf which I almost chose. It’s such a great film and made me love the wolf even more

  16. BIRGIT ~

    'The Invisible Man' was a goot juan, but I haven't seen it in ages.

    The VERY FIRST movie that popped into my mind when I read the topic "Scientists" was 'ALTERED STATES'. I really love that movie! William Hurt put on one hell of a performance in that film!

    On the comedy side, I gotta mention Steve Martin's 'DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID'. A total spoof of Film Noir classics:
    "Juliet Forrest is convinced that the reported death of her father in a mountain car crash was no accident. Her father was a prominent cheese scientist working on a secret recipe."

    And (if you can believe it) even sillier than that is 'BRIDE OF THE MONSTER' by the one and (thank God!) only Ed Wood.

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

    1. I have yet to see Altered States which, for some reason, never appealed to me. Dead Men is an under-rated film and one I love. Who doesn't love Ed Wood.

  17. Don't think I saw either of the first two Birgit, but I own a copy of The Imitation Game. A favourite movie of mine.

    Sorry you had tooth problems. Me too not so long ago. A pain in the ....tooth!!

    1. That film is great and wish he would have won the Oscar because he deserved it. I can't believe my tooth was the reason for my dizziness. Take care

  18. I haven't seen any of these, but I'm very interested in the last one! I've made a note of it.
    Thank you for the lovely comment left on my blog recently. Have yourself a fantastic week, and so glad you're feeling better!

    1. The Last film is so good and hope you get a chance to see it

  19. The imagination Verne put into making this story so compelling. Journeyed to the Center of the Earth, Birgit is packed with surprises. Gertrudes morse code is hilarious funny how Mason fell for that! At first I was unsure how anyone could find documents which led the professor and his nephew to the entrance but theres a real mystery here when one of the expedition turns up dead. Great movie full of mystery and suspense, they just don't make em like this anymore. The others I'll get round to seeing, So glad your tooth is better. I've got to tell you when I had a throbbing tooth way back when I melted disprin extra strength on the tooth until I saw the dentist.

  20. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze.

  21. That poor duck:(
    Hope your day has been a good one.

  22. I've only seen The Imitation Game, but I didn't like it as much as you did.

  23. Birgit,

    I'm sorry to read that you've been suffering from tooth related health problems. It can be a real nightmare for sure. DH has dealt with many issues to his teeth over the past 10 years, in which he has had four teeth extracted and implants put in place. The reason is these teeth were all root canals and eventually root canals will fail which means the tooth gets pulled. There's no other fix for it. This is something you don't know about at the time you have a root canal done and maybe years ago dentists didn't know that but they do now. 'The Imagination Game' is a film I've wanted to watch since someone in this group mentioned it and still haven't gotten around to seeing it. I guess I really need to do that to see what I'm missing. The two others I've seen and liked, so thanks for the movie shares.

  24. I’ve spent enough on my teeth to pay cash for a new car.
    I’m glad you’re feeling better.
    I haven’t seen any of these films. I’ve lived such a sheltered life.

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