Wednesday, July 10, 2024



My newest addition is part sweetie and part demon. Right now, she is resting on me while I write this, not sure if she will sleep or attack but she seems to be sleeping. I do love her….the other animals are not too sure of her.

Ok, in 2 weeks we will be on a vacation to my hubby’s aunt’s place on the Richeleau river. A friend, actually, my ex, will house sit which is great. I have to make sure to cook something for him. I was thinking vacations and I thought of my trip to Panama way back in 2006. It was a bittersweet vacation because my friend and I were to with my other good friend and her husband but something horrific happened. Their beautiful son of 9 months died from SIDS. I was ready to cancel but they wanted me to go so, I went. I found, once there, that tequila was the drink for me and had quite a few. Anyhoo, These 3 songs came into my head right away, when I think back to this time. I’m joining the Monday Music Moves Me over at Curious As A Cathy


The first full day we were in Panama, we decided to have margaritas and other drinks with tequila. Should I have been drinking? Probably not, but I did, in a very big way and, thank God my dear friend, VJ, was with me because he made sure I stayed upright. I decided to dance the chicken dance and threw up on his flip flops…his feet were still in the flip flops. I was all class but he took care of me, by dropping me in our room, on my bed leaving me there with the door wide open while he left to find some man candy. I woke up not knowing where I was before realizing I was in Panama. I was hungry so, I took a shower and went to dinner wondering why so many people were staring at me. To this day, I have no idea what else I did but I am not too enthusiastic about tequila any more or the margarita.


Did I learn? Nope! It was another day, another day of debauchery trying to forget and we drank and drank some more around the pool and at the pool bar. I vaguely recall falling in the shallow end and using my left hand to stop myself. The next morning, we woke up bleary eyed but my left hand was more than double its size! I really sprained the crap out of it.  We went to the health guy on the hotel grounds who wrapped my hand up. I really wiped out but, as per norm, no broken bones but, to this day, I can’t open my hand up like I used to.


On the Thursday, one week and a day after little Shane’s death, we took a trip up to the mountains to go zip lining. I am terrified of heights and my knees were truly knocking together. The guys running this were hesitant in my going but I told them I had to go in honour of Shane’s spirit. We were 180’ up but there was a lot of tree cover so you couldn’t see the bottom. We would zip line from one tree to another. The last zip was …amazing! I looked to my right and saw these green mountains and to my left, I saw a waterfall. Suddenly, I saw a butterfly which was a magical moment. It is one of my highlights of all my trips and the butterfly, in native teaching, means joy in life. I felt like I was flying until I stopped a few feet from the end and had to turn around and pull myself in with my very sore hand. I didn’t drink too much after that and enjoyed the trip despite the sadness.

What songs make you think of a vacation you had?


  1. That's because cats are their own creatures! Enjoy your vacation.

  2. Loved your playlist this week - two old favorites and the ABBA song, new to me, is already a favorite. I'm glad the 2006 vacation went well despite the hand injury and the tragedy. I have never zip lined and not sure I would ever try at this part of my life. By the way, I think my worst hangover ever came from a night of drinking tequila straight with salt. I think it was 30 years or more before I could even think of ever drinking straight tequila again.

    1. I'm glad you like that ABBA song. It's o e of my favs. I drank way too much cognac when I turned 19. I will never ever have a drop of that or brandy

  3. I'm so sorry about your friend's loss. Glad the zip lining was a good experience. That kitty is a doll baby.

    1. That loss is horrible for any parent. The zip lining is a highlight and my baby is so sweet until she attacks my feet.

  4. Cute kitty. Enjoy your vacation. It's good to get away.

  5. Oh Birgit, I’m not sure it’s the kitten who’s the demon here!

  6. I hope your cute little kitty will mellow out with time. That's some vacation you had, Birgit! So many people have harrowing tales to tell after imbibing too much tequila. How sad about your friends' baby. The zip lining experience sounds amazing, and you were brave to do it! Your song choices suit the story perfectly. Have a lovely holiday!

    1. Oh, I've had more than one experience with the demon drink and they were good days. Now, I prefer my OJ and Soda Water. That ziplining was amazing
