Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dance Like It’s the 1980s


So, Harley wanted a hug from Pappa and Pappa wanted his jewels left unscathed( that did not happen). They do love each other even though Harley gulped down my hubby’s chicken leg and thigh in one second. Harley didn’t even chew it…it was just gone! Now, over at Monday Music Moves Me, it is freebie time and I have been thinking about my party days in the 80s when I was in University. It was a lot of fun to put it mildly. I could dance, nonstop, for hours. So here I am remembering the times of many a year ago….


This is one fun song that I danced to at the University pub, University dances and several bars downtown and we all were in top form for dancing around this time of the year. I always thought this guy’s voice was quite good. Dancing was so much fun especially at Gord’s, a famous dance club often with skin heads. Funny anecdote, my first time there, I’m sitting with my friends, Peter, Ron and Darren when this horrible music comes on and these skinheads start running around in circles pushing one another. One of the morons ends up on me and I get angry, tell him to F off and push him off. My friends looked at me, mouths agape, telling me I shouldn’t have done that. I had no idea why and only found out later that one is not supposed to push these skinheads because they are jerks. I just thought they were idiots and didn’t like that they fell onto me…idiots.


This is such a famous song that it’s considered one of the all time best from this decade and beyond. I would place it way down the list when one thinks of the bands from the 60s and 70s, but it is a lot of fun and was always played throughout the 80s. 


This is more of a rock song than the songs we think of from the 1980s but it’s a good one with Joan Jett singing her heart out. In 1982, I travelled to Austria to represent my family for my grandparents’ wedding anniversary of 60 years. My cousin, Gita, decided to take me out with fellow cousin Bettina and her fiancé  who drove an Astin Martin. I was lucky to sit in the front seat while he drove, very, very fast, on the Autobahn. We ended up at a disco which was the first time I ever saw people waltz to rock songs! This man asked Bettina to dance and she said no but, feeling sorry for me( I wish she hadn’t), told him to take me up to dance…this song was playing and he, reluctantly, agreed. During the whole song, he would slowly go down on one knee and point in one direction and then in another. He was a freak!! I tried to dance on my own trying to show that I am not with this nut. Fun times but it is one for the books.

What songs did you dance to when in University, college or just out on a Saturday, Friday, Thursday….lol


  1. Hi Birgit - love Harley defining his love for his 'boss' ... music - love it, but am hopeless at dancing - such is the way of life for me ... cheers Hilary

  2. Hi again, Birgit!

    Happy 4M Monday on Wednesday, dear friend! I am relieved that you found my Linda Darnell comment. Thanks for taking time to search for it. I hope today's comment goes right through w/o any problem.

    I love that picture of your lovable billygoat Harley blowing his roadkill breath in Pappa's face while crushing your hubby's jewels beneath his giant paw. That's a classic, and I thank you for sharing. It always amazes me how dogs, especially large breeds, can make mass quantities of food disappear in the wink of any eye. It's the wolf in them. Our little Cocker Spaniel Toto was the same way. We would toss chicken nuggets in her direction and not a single one would ever reach the floor.

    Compared to Shady, you are a spring chicken. You came of age as the new wave 80s were getting underway. By then, I had a long flowing white beard and 50 great grandchildren. :) Well, to be honest, a few of them were not so great. :)

    I know and love all three of your featured songs. I was working at the MTV station when Frankie went to Hollywood. We played the band's biggie "Relax" in heavy rotation. Thanks for telling us about the time you summoned your girl power and pushed back when a dancing skinhead landed on you at Gord's.

    "Come On Eileen" is a catchy earworm ditty that can get stuck in your noggin for hours or days. I plan to use the song today to ease my anxiety over next month's election.

    I admire Joan Jett, one of the great female rockers of my lifetime. That's an exciting story about speeding on the Autobahn with cousin Bettina and her fiancé who piloted an Aston Martin. By chance, was his name James Bond? :) Was his high end sports car equipped with water cannon and a jetpack? :) What goofy dancing to a rock song, dropping to one knee and pointing. Perhaps he was pointing to the exits in case a fire broke out. :)

    I started college in 1967, and the songs that were popular during my freshman year are particularly memorable. At "jammies," as student dances on campus were called, I grooved to "Different Drum" by young Linda Ronstadt and her band Stone Poneys. That song was written in 1964 by Mike Nesmith, future member of the Monkees. Another great song popular during the same period is "I Can See for Miles" by The Who. A third that sticks in my mind is "Sunshine of Your Love" by Cream, a psychedelic rock song I danced to at fraternity rush parties.

    This was fun. I'll be back tamale, sitting in the balcony and waiting for you-- "At The Movies!" Have a wonderful Wordless Wednesday, dear friend BB!

  3. Love the photo! Harley thinks he's a lap dog. 😄 Those are classic 80s hits and I like Joan Jett the best. You're right - 60s and 70s had better music, in general. Q107 (Toronto Rock Station) used to have a feature called "80s music that didn't suck". 😆 Fun stories, Birgit! I hope nothing bad happened with those Skinheads. 😬 Speaking of "sucky" music, hubby and I partied every weekend during the Disco era (late 70s). We had fun, but most of the music? 😫

  4. Familiar with all three songs.
    Keep your food away from Harley!

  5. Aww what a sweet picture! TBH I listen to "Come on Eileen" quite a bit lol

  6. I remember all of your selections well. Such iconic hits of the era. "Come on Eileen" is an especially great song.
    I was never much of a dancer especially when I was in college. The music we were listening to was predominantly Southern rock, although I listened to a very eclectic range of music. But no dancing.


  7. I was never into clubbing (I would have bored you when I was younger, I have a feeling) but I enjoyed all your selections. I love Relax - I loved another hit, Two Tribes, even more.

  8. Good choices. As a child of the 60s/70s I found 80s music a bit thin - with exceptions. Too many tinny synthesisers.

  9. I'm like an elephant with a broken leg on the dance floor...

  10. "Come On Eileen." Always makes me laugh. Unless it ticks off Eileen.
