Friday, September 11, 2015

Film Society-Film Review or shall I say Reviews:)

Oh..I haven't's that time again for the Mock Squid Soup Film Society blog hop put on my Mock and The Armchair Squid. This month we were to pick a film from the previous sessions and review it. I happened to pick 2! I wasn't planning on this but I found the one film at the video store and since I have been wanting to see it for years, I took this time to see this film. So the first film I chose to watch is......


This was initially reviewed by Toi Thomas and since I love Fairy tales, I decided to see this film and I was not disappointed. Now it is not as good as "Ever After" but it still brings more to the table than I thought it would. Of course, Jolie plays the "evil" queen but you realize she is not evil but was just badly betrayed by a man she trusted who happens to be the King. Elle Fanning is great as the young Aurora and brings sweetness and light as she is supposed to. I love the costumes and the cinematography. Of course there are some parts that I wonder about like how she can sleep through the night not realizing her wings got "clipped" (sorry) but, who cares? It's a great story and inventive in this retelling.

Now my 2nd review is for the film I had been wanting to see for a long time...

Three Days of the Condor-1975

This was initially reviewed by Mock. Yup, I waited many years to see this 70's film with the very handsome Robert Redford and I can now say I saw it........Big whoop di do. It is so 70's especially in the ending which is why I hated so may 70's films. I can't stand those non endings. Please for the love of God, can't they make a bloody ending instead of just leading you around and then...that's it! Grrrrrrr. Now Redford works for the CIA reading books-any books and gives info to the CIA of what he thinks. He stumbles across something he shouldn't have but doesn't realize it and his fellow employees all get whacked. Redford, Code name Condor, is now out to search why this happened and to try to stay alive. It all sounds thrilling but I just couldn't truly get into it. Of course he "kidnaps" Faye Dunaway (why anyone would want to kidnap her I have no idea) just to escape from the people who want him dead. They go back to her chic 70's apartment (it's a hoot to see what the decor was back then-brings back the horror of 70's design), he proceeds to tell her the story which she doesn't totally believe. He ties her up in the bathtub and leaves only to come back later, unties her so she can answer the phone to tell the man she loves that she will meet him the next day. Now as any woman will do because I know I would, she ends up sleeping with the Condor because I guess, she just loved the way he tied her up. The best thing in this film was Max Von Sydow who I think is a great actor and is wonderful in this film.  OK, it is Robert Redford so maybe I do understand why she hit the sheets with him.

I'll watch Maleficent any day before Condor. Oh well can't win'em all.


  1. I never watched Maleficent but I just watched Condor a few months ago, suffice to say I agree, I won't ever be watching it again.

  2. Haven't seen 3 days of the Condor, but did see Maleficent. We rented it from Red Box on a whim and I was pleasantly surprised how well done it was :) I would definitely watch it again (and again and again).


  3. I liked 3 Days of the Condor. I'm a huge fan of spy movies though and I saw it when it was released. If I saw it now, it would be dated and it may not stand up to the test of time. I've not seen Maleficent but I wanted to. Somehow it slipped by and I forgot it. Thanks for reminding me!

    1. I love spy films as well and was so looking forward to this but it had that 70's vibe -anti-government, can't trust no one, an ending that just...ends-grrrr

  4. I can only remember the ending of Maleficient right now, which I means I'll enjoy watching the movie again. I didn't care to watch 3 Days of the Condor back then. After reading your review, I still don't. Good to know. :-)

    1. Oh I love the beginning of Maleficent also-sheds light on the "evil" fairy

  5. I've seen 3 Days of the Condor but it was a long time ago.
    Maleficent surprised me as well. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, even if some parts were predictable.

    1. I think you would then be pleasantly surprised by "Ever After" also

  6. I just love Maleficent. I've been reveling in all of the fairytale redux movies.

    1. Now you need to make a card inspired by the film:)

  7. I don't remember if I saw the Condor or not. However, I own Maleficent. I love it.

    1. You may have seen Condor but Maleficent is the film to see:)

  8. Maleficent was just so good. I saw it in the theaters and just loved the imagery though I had the same issues with the wing bit.

    I had the other movie on my watch list, but from your review, I'm glad I didn't watch it. I probably would've raged more than I did on Sleepless in Seattle.

    1. Yes I just didn't get the wings and how she couldn't feel them taken off her. I like Sleepless in Seattle but Condor, which I was expecting to love since I love Spy films just pissed me off. It was the sign of the times-anti government so can't trust anyone blah blah...

  9. I really would like to see Maleficent. It would be interesting to see how they could make the Jolie character look sympathetic (they do, don't they?) juxtaposed against the innocence of Aurora.
    A thinking person's fairy tale where all is not black and white, perhaps?

    1. It is and yes you are sympathetic to Maleficent, in fact, she is the hero and the King is an idiot

  10. I haven't seen Condor (but it's on my Netflix queue)...but I really enjoyed Maleficent (and Jolie's wonderful performance) more than most. Glad you didn't hate it.

    1. Oh no I liked it very much:) Now I must see what you think of Condor

  11. I did not expect to see so much positive feedback for Maleficant, like, anywhere.

    1. hahahaaa-did you see the film? I was not expecting to like it as much as I did-much better than I thought it would be.

  12. 2 more films to add to my list ever growing list!.....have a great

    1. Well, I would skip Condor and I was really looking forward to that film but maleficent was a pleasant surprise.

  13. Yep, I'd pick Maleficent, too! Thanks for sharing both reviews!

  14. Three Days of the Condoe was and still is an incredible movie.

    1. ...ok...if you say so:) Hahahaa The theme was so 70's to me and I like spy films but the anti government-can't trust anyone style is very much of that decade and so is that ending:) That's why it is so much fun to watch films because everyone has a different take on it

  15. Sorry you didn't care for Condor. I enjoyed the romp through 1970s New York and Washington.

    As for Maleficent, would you say Disney's Sleeping Beauty a prerequisite? Or is basic knowledge of the fairy tale sufficient?

    1. It is interesting to see the twin towers when they were new considering what had happened. the anti trust of anything to do with the government was so 70's and it was more a statement on the politics than anything and I hate those endings

    2. Oops as for Maleficent, I think it stands on its own even if you don't know the fairy tale. I think, though, it might be better to read the fairy tale first otherwise you care too much for the evil fairy

    3. I have seen Disney's SB - pretty good as I recall, though it was years ago. My daughter has not but she knows the story. It's good to know Maleficent is strong enough as a stand alone.

  16. Maleficent was the movie we all went to for my niece's birthday party last year. I enjoyed it. Don't ask what movie we watched for the slumber party part of the evening.

    1. It's a good movie and I bet you were sleeping through the slumber party bit...I would be:)

  17. I have never seen any of these movies.

  18. I'll have to see Maleficent - I am usually iffy about seeing movies in theater, but now that it is out on DVD, I will have to rent it from the library.

    1. It is better than I thought it would be and yes it's free at the library so perfect!

  19. I watched 3 Days of the Condor in the 70s when I was a kid and thought it was really good and suspenseful. However, some things really don't translate well over time, do they? I haven't seen Maleficent. Thanks for the reviews on both! :)

    1. Glad you liked the reviews. I would be curious to know what you think now about Condor. I love spy movies but couldn't get into this one

  20. I'm surprised how many people loved Maleficent. When it was being promoted it didn't strike me as something I'd like. Maybe I'll have to reconsider that. And the 70s non-ending - ha, I laughed out loud at that because I know exactly what you mean. Engaging movie, huge build up, just kinda ends. Roll credits. Wait, what? What the hell happened?

    1. I didn't think Maleficent would be this good but it is. It is not Oscar territory but it is engaging and it is not a chick flick (love the trees who protect). Glad you know what I mean about the 70's endings. It is exactly like that and also a bit of a tirade on the politics etc... typical 70's

  21. Hi Birgit,
    I enjoyed both films. Did you know Jolie's little girl was in Maleficent?

    1. Yes I did! Jolie had to show the horns and make sure her child wasn't scared but apparently she handled it like a real trouper.

  22. Can you believe I've seen the Condo but not Maleficent! Got to fix that...thanks to your review.
    hugs Asha

  23. I haven't seen either one of these and now I know which one to avoid. Maybe I'll give Maleficent a shot. Hopefully Netflix has it on there sometime soon.
