This is a tough one because all Best Actors were good this year but my heart goes to one that was not even nominated even though, later on, he sucked the life out of the character in sequels tht should never have been made. Anyways, I am picking the one who should have won, the won who did win and one who was nominated…did I tell you it was a tough year?
Anthony Perkins was known as the kid next door, innocent but brave so, when Hitchcock was looking for someone to play Norman Bates, Perkins seemed perfect because nobody would suspect this innocent. Hitchcock used this ploy before when he had boy next door, Robert Walker, play the psychopath Bruno, in the brilliant, “Strangers On A Train.” This film was shot on a low budget with his TV crew and, when it came out, Hitchcock made a trailer asking people not to divulge anything bout the film. If you haven’t seen the film yet, spoiler alert, you follow a young and Beautiful Marion Crane( Hitchcock had a thing about. Birds too) Who has taken money from her employer to run to her boyfriend but, after coming to a run down motel, she decides to go back and face the music. Unfortunately, she is brutally murdered in the shower by Norman’s mom and Norman must clean up the mess. What he does not anticipate is that her sister and Marion’s boyfriend trying to find her. It is well acted and Anthony Perkins excels as the nervous manchild who cleans up after mom. He truly deserved the Oscar, in my humble opinion, and, if you ever saw the last moment Perkins is on the screen, he conveys so much without saying a word.
Burt Lancaster won the Oscar for his flamboyant role as a flim flam guy who sees his ticket in the preacher, played, brilliantly, by Jean Simmons. She has the way to seduce people into believing she can walk on water and people are coming to see her in droves. Of course, it’s not free and money is coming in much to his heart’s content. Actually, I think his toothy grin deserves a special Oscar all on its own because Burt soaked up every scene he was in. He is really great in this role and gave the character much more depth than one would think. Shirley Jones, mom from the “Partridge Family” won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar as a whore who knows Burt’s past but the one Jean Simmons was over-looked again, as the Minister who believes in what she is spouting. This is, somewhat, based on the famous Aimee Semple McPherson who was a huge “star” in the 1920s making a huge fortune on the gullible.
So, have you seen these films? Do you agree it would you say someone else was more deserving or that Burt should have and was the correct winner? I have to say, all 3 are excellent but what a shame that Perkins was not even nominated.
I've only seen Psycho. Yeah, the sequel in the 80's was not good.
ReplyDeleteNo and each one kept getting worse.
DeleteI've only seen Psycho so that's the performance I have to go with by default.
ReplyDeleteYou must see the other 2, maybe in a blindspot series.
DeleteI have seen all three. All of the actors were excellent. My cousin and I recently discussed how a certain president reminded us of Elmer Gantry. It scares me to see what is happening in America.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you but Elmervwas much more intelligent than the orange buffoon. This does not make things better.
DeleteI didn't see them but given the staying power of Psycho, Perkins should've won. That's my vote and I'm sticking to it.
Yes, he is one of the best villains in cinema history. Thank you for the chocolate which is delicious. I mentioned you in my blog from yesterday.
DeletePerkins was such an interesting actor. Have you seen Psycho 4? I never saw 2 or 3 (pointless, really), but 4 was on TV at some point, and it was just... It went in such a different direction. Not Psycho, of course. But really well done.
ReplyDeleteI saw the first 3 reenactment s of this film and all were meh.. to me.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% about Anthony Perkins, although I thought Janet Leigh was on-screen for too short a time (don't know how I would have changed it, though).
ReplyDeleteShe was meant to die because no big name star died, In that way, in the first 3rd of the film. Very shocking for 1960.
DeleteHi Birgit!
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed a tough competitive category that year, so strong in fact that it is understandable, if still wrong, that Tony Perkins was shut out. He was definitely worthy of inclusion but who to cut to make room?
Both the British actors competing, Larry Olivier and Trevor Howard, are outstanding in their roles. Jack Lemmon perfection in The Apartment and Spencer Tracy as good as he ever was in Inherit the Wind, in fact much better than in either of the two films he did win Oscars for. He in fact would be my choice to win, even if Perkins had been in the running, if I didn’t feel that Burt Lancaster in Elmer Gantry was a perfect meeting of actor and part. Few could bluster as well as Burt nor in as charismatic a way and that is precisely what is needed for Gantry.
Where I think the Academy really fell down was in the far weaker Best Actress category and its exclusion of Jean Simmons in Gantry. In a year when even the winner herself, Elizabeth Taylor, did not think she deserved to win, or be nominated, this should have been Jean’s if not in a walk, Melina Mercouri was marvelous and deserving in Never on Sunday, than a brisk trot.
You ate so right probably did eat Burt was best for that role and I can see why he won but he would have been my 3rd choice with Tracy a close 2nd.
DeleteI really agree with you about Jean Simmons. Butterfield 8 was a mess but she won because she almost died. Jean did deserve it this year
You are right. Excellent films. Excellent acting. I don't know if I could pick one over the others. Have a pain free weekend.
It was a tough year for sure. Thank you as always.
DeleteI've seen all those films and the actors were all good. I don't have much opinion about who should have won, but I can remember rooting for Burt Lancaster in "Elmer Gantry" back then even though I hadn't seen the film. I just liked Burt.
Burt is fun and his smile works on everyone. Sad that Perkins was not even nominated.
DeleteBIRGIT ~
ReplyDeleteI've seen all three of these, and I like two of them.
'Psycho' was the first Hitchcock film I ever saw and I was really into it for awhile. Back when I was working on movie & TV productions, the Psycho house was still standing at Universal Studios and was part of the tour ride. (It may still be there, for all I know.)
I worked at Universal many times. I always told myself that someday when I was working on a Universal set, I was going to bring an overnight bag with me, and after the filming wrapped for the day, I was going to climb up to the Psycho house and spend the night in there. I never did it, and it's one thing I still kick myself over. It would have been SO EASY back then. Today, it would be impossible with countless cameras and motion-detection sensors all over the place.
Yes, Anthony Perkins was perfectly cast in 'Psycho'. But I'd still give the Oscar to Burt Lancaster for 'Elmer Gantry'.
Although Spencer Tracy starred in a couple of movies I really like a lot ('Tortilla Flat' & 'Bad Day At Black Rock'), 'Inherit The Wind' I have absolutely no use for whatsoever. That was nothing more than cheap, unadulterated anti-Christian propaganda. The movie was completely altered from the factual reality behind the "Scopes Monkey Trial". And, no, it was not altered for dramatic purposes; it was altered in order to portray believers in The Bible as dimwitted dolts.
For anyone who might be interested in the truth (Ha!-Ha!), I wrote and posted an article years ago illustrating just how much actual truth got buried in Hollywood's propaganda hit piece:
~ D-FensDogG
I knew you would hate that movie with a passion but I am one on the side of the apes ( asvi scratch my underarm). Many good people believe in the Bible and that's ok, we can agree to disagree.
DeleteToo bad you didn't sleep in that house because that would have made a good story.
This shows how the Oscars ate personal and why some win and others don't especially when it was a goodvrace. Perkins should have been nominated.