Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday Film Picks: August Movies from Special Years


I was thinking of the movies that came out in August and then, I thought, what came out on my birth year, my brother’s and my hubby’s so I checked it out and came up with these 3… yeah, I’m a bit late, I have been working long past my quitting time and getting home late. You’d think I would write this way ahead of time but…nooooo, that would be too organized.


Oh we all know this film which was a huge hit the year I was born. I can’t believe this film is 60 years old nor that I’m 60 but, I digress. This Disney film concerns a family where the children seems to be ignored because the dad is very busy with work and the mom is very busy with her suffragette movement. In come Mary Poppins, with her trusty umbrella,  who becomes the nanny and helps teach the kids and the adults with the aide of the trusty chimney sweep Dick Van Dyke ( who’s real name was Penis Van Lesbian before his agent change his name). It’s a very sweet, fun and engaging film with many famous moments from that Super…..ousuos song, the Chimney Sweep song, a spoonful of sugar, the animated sequence( where many boys today emulate the penguin look with their pants hanging way past their skinny butts) and, my favourite, Let’s go Fly a Kite. Kids, today, know this film which says something.


This is quite funny and sweet romantic comedy that stars Rock Hudson as a rich businessman who travels to his villa in Italy every summer but, this time, he goes early and finds out his major duomo( like a head butler who oversees the entire villa) has converted Rock’s villa into a hotel. Rock is not happy that young kids, with high hormones, are having a great time and Rock doesn’t like any of this. His gal, Gina Lollobrigida, arrives from Rome and they start having a row. Rock becomes chaperone to the kids and Gina looks great. It’s not a grand film but it is fun, with Sandra Dee and Bobby Darrin as the young leads. These 2 met on the set and married shortly after filming ended. Oh, my brother was born this year!


There are many versions of this famous true story about the Brothers Earp who fought the Clanton gang with the infamous gunfight at the corral. Doc Holliday, played by Kirk Douglas, becomes friends with Wyatt, played by Burt Lancaster and helps try to keep order in the town. This film is very…very loosely based on the real adventure with many inaccuracies but all is forgiven because it’s an engaging film with the 2 leads having great chemistry. In fact, Burt and Kirk were friends off screen and had great camaraderie. Just sit back, enjoy the film that came out the year my hubby was born.

What big film came out the year you were born?


  1. I've seen two of those. Not sure what movies came out the year I was born - I'd have to do a search.

    1. I hope you find out and let me to know which movies you like from that year.

  2. Well, I guess the answer would be Gunfight at the OK Corral! Not that I’ve seen it. I still remember the family outing to see Mary Poppins when it first came out. When Sound of Music arrived not long afterwards I became a fully-fledged Julie Andrews fan for a while.

    1. Julie is great in these 2 films and in the others and what a pleasure to hear her sing.

  3. BIRGIT ~
    I got on a 'Mary Poppins' kick over the last few years and today it is one of my all-time Top 25 favorite movies! There is just SO MUCH to love about that story and the production.

    I'm going to have to check out 'Come September'; it sounds like the sort of lighthearted fluff that I often enjoy as a "get out of hell" escape route. Plus, I am a real Bobby Darin fan.

    Of the movies released the year of my birth, I would say my favorite is 'North By Northwest', which also happens to be my favorite of all Hitchcock's films.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Love North by Northwest and love Jesse Royce Landis as Cary’s mom. It’s in my top 5 of Hitchcock films. May Poppins is such a fun movie with some great music. Have you ever seen the Making of the movie with Tom Hanks as Disney? It’s quite interesting because the author of Mary Poppins was not the easiest person to deal with. Emma Thompson played her well. I think you will like this Rick Hudson film.

  4. Around the World in 80 Days. The King And I. The Man Who Knew Too Much. The Court Jester.

    1. Good ole Around The World..I still have to see this flick. Love the others and The King and I was my dad’s favourite.

  5. I remember the first and third movies, but not 'Come September'. Looks typical of the breezy romantic comedies Rock was doing back then. ☺ As you probably know, 1955 was a great year for cinema! "To Catch A Thief', "East Of Eden', 'Rebel Without A Cause', just to name a few.

    1. Oh love these movies you have chosen and do love Cary.

  6. Hi Birgit!

    Fun idea for a theme. As much as I love Mary Poppins of these three Come September is my favorite. It's just so light and sunny with Rock & Gina sparking off each other deliciously (though apparently off camera they were cool to each other-not enemies just not close). The whole thing is played with a sense of whimsy that carries it along.

    I also really like Gunfight at the O.K. Corral but it's a very different type of film. Burt and Kirk both have a powerful, flinty energy that melds well and it is beautifully produced.

    Since I don't have a hubby I'll substitute my Dad, and no brother but a sister. So my three would be:

    Me-It Happened to Jane-released August 5th, 1959-Jane Osgood (Doris Day) runs a lobster business, which supports her two young children. Railroad staff inattention ruins her shipment, so with her lawyer George (Jack Lemmon), Jane sues Harry Foster Malone (Ernie Kovacs), director of the line and the "meanest man in the world". Filmed under the much better title "That Jane From Maine".

    Sister-Band of Angels-released August 3, 1957-Living in Kentucky prior to the Civil War, Amantha Starr (Yvonne de Carlo) is a privileged young woman. Her widowed father, a wealthy plantation owner, dotes on her and sends her to the best schools. When he dies suddenly Amantha's world is turned upside down. She learns that her father had been living on borrowed money and that her mother was actually a slave and her father's mistress. The plantation is to be sold to pay off her father's debts and as the daughter of a slave, Amantha is also to be sold as property. She is bought by Louisiana plantation owner Hamish Bond (Clark Gable), and over time she grows to love him, until she learns he was a slave-trader. She tries again to become part of white society but realizes that her future lies elsewhere.

    Dad-The Merry Widow-released August 26th 1925- When Prince Danilo (John Gilbert) falls in love with American dancer Sally O'Hara (Mae Murray), his uncle, King Nikita I of Monteblanco, forbids him to marry her because Sally is a commoner. Thinking she has been jilted by her prince, Sally marries wealthy Baron Sadoja. When the elderly man dies suddenly, Sally must be wooed all over again by Danilo.

    1. Come September is a fun frolic that rock could do so well. Interesting about Rock and La Lollo. I do really like this western and feel they captured the reason why it was so famous. I love It Happened to Jane and find this one of her better comedies and feel she had a great chemistry with Jack Lemmon.
      I don’t know your 2nd choice but have it marked down because I love Yvonne who was a better actress than what she was often given and she had a very nice singing voice. This film sounds very different from the usual Gable movie.
      I still need to see The Merry Widow! It’s on my silent movie list for sure. I’ve seen parts of it but never the whole John Gilbert and Mae Murray is a hoot. I bet she would be given her own reality show if she were alive today.

  7. I've seen each of your pics. For me, 1946, I zm going with Gilda and The Best Years of our Lives

    1. You have a great year for movies and 2 that are excellent especially Best lives

  8. Do you remember the TV show Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea? Did you know they did a movie? Maybe that was the impetus for the TV series. Anyway, it seems it was released three days after I was born in July, 1961. I saw it on TV once long ago. If I remember correctly, the crew was trying to prevent a nuclear holocaust.

    1. Hey Bro…yes, I saw it and Joan Fontaine co-stars in it. Yes, from this hit came the tv show which I love including the music. I used to have a girl crush on David Hedison. Lol

  9. You know I've never watched Mary Poppins. I'm probably the only person on the planet. Sandra

  10. I also didn't see Come September:( It sounds good.
