Thursday, March 20, 2025



I think, today, is National Happy/Happiness Day so I decided to pick 3 films that have always made me laugh no matter how many times I have watched it. It is more special because I  watched these films with my dad who taught me to love movies. In all 3 of these films, I can recall when he started to laugh with tears streaming down his face, at the films we watched together. So here are the 3 films, I chose, that make me laugh ( there are so many more)…


Some people don’t care for this film because of Cary Grant’s manic acting but I think it perfectly fits with the feel of this classic comedy. Grant plays Mortimer Brewster, a famous author about how marriage should never be. Well, he is getting married to the very pretty, Pricilla Lane who was/is the girl next door. When they get back to their homes, she runs to her home to pack and he goes to his to do the same and tell his sweet aunts that he got married. The problem is that those sweet old Aunts are serial killers who give unsuspecting older men, they deem lonely, elderberry wine laced with arsenic. Their brother, who thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt, believe the men are just another victim of yellow fever and must bury them in the basement. Mortimer finds this all out shortly after getting married and now must find a way to get his lovely aunts to stop killing men. Enter Mortimer’s evil brother, played with great relish by Raymond Massey, who along with a doctor, played by Peter Lorre, come home and wish to hide a body,  Massey’s latest victim, but has to deal with the nuttiness in the home. It’s so very funny especially when Massey reacts about looking like Boris Karloff( who played this character on stage). That reaction just made my dad laugh and laugh…and laugh. It’s a very funny film that I can watch over and over again.


This is an all star cast headed by Spencer Tracy as a cop who asks his Dept. To watch over a bunch of people trying to reach this park after they find out money is hidden under the “Big W”.  You have many of the big comedians of that time all in this one film from Buddy Hackett, Sid Caesar, Milton Berle, Jonathan Winters to the great Terry-Thomas, Phil Silvers, and the very funny Dick Shawn as “Sylvester”. I can’t start on the plot but they are in a race to get to that park not realizing the cops are watching their every move. My friend Loretta (in the top pic with moi) and I have watched this film more than once and we just yell, “Sylvester!” In our best Ethel Merman impersonation making each other laugh. Dick Shawn’s stoned girlfriend, Barrie Chase (still alive) only dances in the film and I made my friend laugh when I got up and started to twist like Barrie….my dad was just crying from laughing when a bunch of the men end up on a whacked out fireman’s ladder. In fact, years later, my mom was just laughing so hard that I went upstairs to see what she was laughing about only to see the same scene. I sat down and we laughed together.

3. WHAT’S UP, DOC-1972

Every time this film came on TV, I had to watch it and it has never gotten old. It is a classic screwball comedy that stars Barbra Streisand as a madcap gal who ends up at this hotel when she sees Ryan O’Neil as Howard Bannister, a professor with his igneous rocks. You also see a crazy lady in hot pants who brings her jewels with her and a man with classified documents. Judy (Streisand), Howard, the lady and the man with the documents all own the same bag which creates confusion and mayhem resulting in one of the best car chases ever filmed. This film introduced Madeline Kahn as Eunice, Howard’s fiancée. The one scene, when she is dropped off at the address, she was told, the party would be, was so funny that, once again, my dad was laughing so hard that tears fell down his face. In fact thinking of her slowly going up those rickety stairs while she gently whines makes me laugh and I am not watching the movie as I write this. If you need to have a good laugh, this is another gem.

What films make you happy?

By the way, Christopher Cross won for Athur's theme, Sheena Easton was nominated  for Your Eyes Only and Neil got Nadda for America.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Which Song Won the Oscar-1981


It’s freebie week over at Monday Music Moves Me and it’s “Guess which song won the Oscar, which was nominated and which got nuttin’ baby”  for the year, 1981. I hope people visit Cathy’s blog since she helps host this weekly music series. So let’s see who gets this right…


At the height of Neil Diamond’s fame, Hollywood came calling and placed him in the lead of the film, “The Jazz Singer” that also starred Sir Laurence Olivier as his Jewish dad and Lucy Arnaz( Desi Arnaz’s and Lucille Ball’s daughter) as his wife. This is a remake of the famous film of 1927 that starred over the top Al Jolson, a film that brought in the Talking picture. The song was a great achievement for Diamond who wrote the song and became even bigger as time went on. It was a patriotic song after the 9/11 attacks with Diamond changing one lyric to make it more appropriate for that time.


This song was written a host of people including the lead singer, Christopher Cross, and Burt Bacharach for the film Arthur that starred Dudley Moore as a drunken playboy billionaire and Liza Minnelli as his lady love. Sir John Gielgud stole the show as his butler who knows how to deal with this nut of an employer. The song became a big hit and is also known as “Arthur’s Theme.”


This song, written by Bill Conti with lyrics by Mick Loeson became a huge hit for this Scottish babe, Shirley Easton, who sang this title song for the James Bond film of the same title that starred Roger Moore. In fact, it’s one of my favourite Bond films ever with great scenes taking place in Meteora, Greece, a place I must visit before I die even if I am scared of heights. I remember when Sheena sang this at the Oscars and her voice was spot on. Yeah, the Oscars must bring back the best songs being sung at the Oscars. That James Bond songfest, done this past year, was totally useless. 

So…do you know which song won, which was nominated and which song came up empty-handed? 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Jeff- A Great Guy!


This is my ex and my dear friend Jeff whom we recently took out for his birthday dinner. It was supposed to be on February 16th, his actual birthday, but we had a big snowstorm. Our friends, Peter and Ron, left on a cruise so, yadda, yadda, we finally took him out this past Saturday.

Jeff loves books, Shakespeare, Dante ( he memorized a classic piece  from Dante's Inferno..I think from there), Chaucer, but has great interest in architecture, the World Wars, snakes, camping, movies, humor  like the great Far Side, and ughh...his puns. He is a Master at that as many can attest like me. He has a great love of photography and bought a few cameras along with new lens. He loved being on Facebook and Instagram showcasing his talent and built quite a following until last Thursday. He joined a group called "Canadians Against Pierre Pollievre", but couldn't look further, as he was called away from his fun. About an hour later, he came back to read about that post, but he was banned, not suspended, but banned! Off Facebook and Instagram! A huge WTF is an understatement and devastated Jeff. Like you, with your blog or WordPress,  if you were suddenly cut off, I bet some of you would be pissed or upset.  He found out that this Facebook page about Pew Polyp, as I like to call him, was still up so it had to be someone following him that complained and got him banned. I mean, I showcased a wonderfully, sculptured head of Trump made from cow dung, and I'm still standing so, I just don't get it. 

I told Jeff about the wonderful blogs and people I have found on my Blog and some, yes, like Trump..I know, but they do( enter devilish grin with a wink to my blogger buds who like this person) and we all respect and get along and agree that Freedom of Speech is a must. I hope you look at his new blog and check out his posts with some great photos he has already posted. I will tell him about the Insecure Writer's Support Group and the A to Z  Challenge. Here is his link-

I hope you enjoy his new blog

Thursday, March 13, 2025

1960 Best Actor-Who Should Have Won


This is a tough one because all Best Actors were good this year but my heart goes to one that was not even nominated even though, later on, he sucked the life out of the character in sequels tht should never have been made. Anyways, I am picking the one who should have won, the won who did win and one who was nominated…did I tell you it was a tough year? 


Anthony Perkins was known as the kid next door, innocent but brave so, when Hitchcock was looking for someone to play Norman Bates, Perkins seemed perfect because nobody would suspect this innocent. Hitchcock used this ploy before when he had boy next door, Robert Walker, play the psychopath Bruno, in the brilliant, “Strangers On A Train.”  This film was shot on a low budget with his TV crew and, when it came out, Hitchcock made a trailer asking people not to divulge anything bout the film. If you haven’t seen the film yet, spoiler alert, you follow a young and Beautiful Marion Crane( Hitchcock had a thing about. Birds too) Who has taken money from her employer to run to her boyfriend but, after coming to a run down motel, she decides to go back and face the music. Unfortunately, she is brutally murdered in the shower by Norman’s mom and Norman must clean up the mess. What he does not anticipate is that her sister and Marion’s boyfriend trying to find her. It is well acted and Anthony Perkins excels as the nervous manchild who cleans up after mom. He truly deserved the Oscar, in my humble opinion, and, if you ever saw the last moment Perkins is on the screen, he conveys so much without saying a word.


Burt Lancaster won the Oscar for his flamboyant role as a flim flam guy who sees his ticket in the preacher, played, brilliantly, by Jean Simmons. She has the way to seduce people into believing she can walk on water and people are coming to see her in droves. Of course, it’s not free and money is coming in much to his heart’s content. Actually, I think his toothy grin deserves a special Oscar all on its own because Burt soaked up every scene he was in. He is really great in this role and gave the character much more depth than one would think. Shirley Jones, mom from the “Partridge Family” won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar as a whore who knows Burt’s past but the one Jean Simmons was over-looked again, as the Minister who believes in what she is spouting. This is, somewhat, based on the famous Aimee Semple McPherson who was a huge “star” in the 1920s making a huge fortune on the gullible. 


Spencer Tracy was, rightly, nominated for his role as the defence attorney who comes to the small American town to defend a teacher who had the audacity to state that we descended from apes not  from God’s finger. Frederic March plays the prosecutor who is equally famous for his religious convictions and who ran to become the President. This is based on the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial where the poor teacher was persecuted for teaching, well, the truth ( Sadly, Florida and many others are hurtling backwards as we speak…freedom of speech where are you now). Both actors are legends by this point and Spencer really knew how to work up March. While March would give a glowing speech in the courtroom only to see Tracy pick his nose, obviously, off camera. This is an excellent film even if you don’t agree with what it states. It is well acted by, not only the 2 leads but Gene Kelly as a, somewhat, slimy reporter, and Dick York( Darrin from Bewitched) as the teacher. 

So, have you seen these films? Do you agree it would you say someone else was more deserving or that Burt should have and was the correct winner? I have to say, all 3 are excellent but what a shame that Perkins was not even nominated.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Green is My Colour...This Week


My Harley loves being kissed on the nose. He sighs and just sinks in as I kiss his cute nose.  Before I talk Green, I must give a shout out to the wonderful Robyn Engel, Life by Chocolate, which is German for Angel and I think she is one...a delightful chocolate angel who can write fun poems  that are full of double entrendres and promiscuity is the rage...I love it! Every year, she has an anti-Valentine challenge and, unbelievably, I won. Due to all the crappola of a certain orange carrot( no, not James Arness from "The Thing"), my gift from Robyn, was delayed at the border for a long time. Fearing they were eating my gift, it finally came this past Saturday! I was incredulous at how lavish my gift was. You can see it in the picture although I already ate 2 of the small raspberry chocolates, which were divine. It was so sweet and I love ya and think so highly of you, Robyn. Thank you so much...I mean this with all my heart. Oh, yes the chocoloate mints are gone too.

Ok, back to Green, over at Monday Music Moves Me, the theme is Green since St. Patrick's Day is this Monday. Here are my 3...


This song was written by Scottish born, Australian, Eric Bogly back in 1976 about a soldier during World War 1. He always felt Canadian John McDermott, was the best singer for his song. He is a great Canadian who loves his roots and loves the soldiers who fought in the wars. 


Ok, I think  this is from 2000 but, no matter, it's a great rendition of this classic song written by John McCormack around 1904 or so. Originally, the Irish Tenors included John McDermott, but, when his mom died in 2000, he had to leave so the members were Anthony Kearns, Ronan Tynan and Finbar Wright. 


These guys are part of the Canadian playbook. Their biggest song was "Wasn't It a Party"  and I could relatebto this song back in the day. This song was written by Anthony Murphy and this was sung by the great Jimmy Ferguson who lent a baritone to the group as well as humor. Unfortunately, he died in 1997 of a heart attack at the age of 57...way too young.

What green song can you think of? What's your favourite chocolate? 

By the way the art piece on the wall was created by my hubby. He does this by woodburning. It's what brought us together.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Elvis is in the Building


March break is almost upon us where many American guys and gals( not us Canadians, well, many of us) will venture to Florida or any beach place to whoop it up. This got me thinking about Sun and beach movies which got me thinking about Elvis the Pelvis who did many films that took time in the sun. Here are 3 that I have seen more than once ( I still have to see Viva Las Vegas!)…


My uncle Ambrose loved Elvis and saw every Elvis film and I always think of my uncle who died at age 53,  back in 1971 when I was just 7 but I still remember how he lit up when he heard Elvis on the radio or saw him on TV. This film stars Elvis as a young man who doesn’t want to take over the family business much to his parent’s chagrin. His mom, especially, wants him to fly straight and do what he was supposed to do but he goes over to his girlfriend’s place and works there. It’s a fun flick with some great songs and the wonderful Angela Lansbury who plays his mom.


I think I have seen this film the most but it’s still been a few years. Elvis is happy on his boat singing about girls and the girls loving to listen. A snotty girl gets him fired but he finds work singing in a nightclub. All he wants is his dad’s boat but now he has a couple of gals who want him. Not much on plot but always entertaining.


Elvis was intimidated by Ursula’s toned body refusing to take off his shirt when she was in the scene. He was glad to be friends with her but told his staff not to leave him alone with her because , well, it is Ursula undress…Elvis ends up as a lifeguard, dating someone who used to be the girlfriend of another guy. That guy is quite unhappy which culminates in diving off that cliff that could kill him. It’s all fun when you are somewhere hot, near water and enjoying music. 

I stuck with his beach and sun flicks but he did make some pretty good movies like King Creole. Have you seen any Elvis films? Are you an Elvis fan?

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March! Don’t March But All About The Month


My Kaspar in his Tux( just left the Oscars) and my Lexi, in her sexy fur coat. Lexi is the lioness always pouncing on poor Kaspar, more a lamb. This week it’s freebie week over at Monday Music Moves Me and I wondered if there were any songs about the lovely ( not!) month of March and there are! In fact, I have one on a CD I own so, without further adieu, here are my 3…


I have a thing for Ruth Etting who led quite a colourful life which was brought to the silver screen in 1955 starring Doris Day as Ruth Etting. This song was written by Teddy Powell, Leonard Whitcup and Walter Samuels the same year and, I think Ruth does it justice.


Julie London can sing the phone book and she’d make it sound sexy. Anyhoo, here she is singing about March, which I do find melancholy. This was written by Herman. Saunders, a casting Director and Producer ( lyrics) and Dory Previn, married to Andre Previn, who composed the music. 


This was a song from the Brazilian, Antonio Carlos Jobim, who made this song famous so Art Garfunkel decided to sing English. I have this song on one of the CDs I own of Garfunkel …I forgot I have this:)

What March songs can you think of?