I have no idea why death has been on my mind but, it has been and what better way to celebrate this disturbing thought than in film. One can take death in many variations but, I thought, it’s fun to showcase films where death is actual entity that roams with us. So here are my 3 films I chose that represent Death in a unique way.
It might feel a bit stagey, but, I love this film! It has an ethereal film and seems to capture an otherworldly feel thanks to, not just Death, but to Evelyn Venable. She is the actress playing the daughter of a count who seems to float through the film who belongs to another time and place. Death comes in the form of the dashing Frederic March who revels who he is to her dad and wishes to take the form of a human so can feel what humans feel. While on a holiday, no one dies and Death is enjoying himself but, when he meets Evelyn, he falls deep in love and can not bear the idea of being without her. It’s a very different film that had a great feel for the other world this film inspires to be. I need to see this again.
Talk about parody! Many of you may not have seen this great Swedish classic but the image of Death play8ng chess for the soul of the knight has been parodied in many movies and TV shows. Bengt Ekert plays Death to perfection who is after the soul of the Crusader, played by the great Max Von Sydow, who refuses to go with Death. Along the way we meet various people from a young couple who are actors to a court jester. It is set during the Middle Ages when the bubonic plague was everywhere. It is a philosophical film which brings up the meaning of life, religion, death and more. I find it one of the most intelligent films I’ve ever seen.