Well I did the challenge for 365 cards, Christmas cards all year round and Christmas stampin all year round. Please forgive me if I forgot the correct blog way it is written:) 365 cards has a design challenge so i incorporated it in to the 5 cards to make for Christmas all year round and Stamping Christams. Stampin Christams stated to have stitching on the card and, thankfully, it could be faux, since I suck at anything regardign stitching. For the Christmas cards all Year round, June Challenge was to make it bright and, I think, your favourite embellishment (forgive me as I haven't checked in on my mom for a while and I am writing this quickly:))Well I LOVE crystals so I used them on all my cards. I just bought some nifty paper with glitter already on it in all bright colours so I used it on the Merry Christmas card. My glittery card is the snowflake and I used the fine glitter in white, yellow, light blue and light green...yup it is everywhere. My Santa, which I love is a hark back to Christams stampin 2 weeks ago to make a card look vintage so I used that as inspiration as I have been having a difficult time as of late to make cards. Well I hope I met the guidelines, Oh and quickly, the one Santa, I did not colour him in at all and if I did I would make it soft. Would you leave himas he is or colour him in slightly??? Responses please to my question. I am a gemini at heart so I go back and forth:)