Well remember the old Bugs Bunny Cartoons? I still love them and when I can, I watch them proudly:) One of my favourite characters is good old Witch Hazel. She would find herself funny, cackle, click her heels and take off with hairpins flying around her. Well I had no stamp of her so I found this image on the internet and I drew her from the screen I saw(nope no tracing-free hand but from an image). I coloured her in tombow markers and then I added the Cat in black sparkle, the pumpkin, The saying(in purple sparkle) and the butterfly punchouts. I thought even a witch deserves some butterflies and hopefully she does not put them in her pot for toil and trouble. I believe this should work for Flutterby Wednesdays (use purple, orange and black), Simon Says (punch them), and Crafty Creations (Autumn or Halloween see below too:)). Oh I LOVE Halloween! Oh and good Old Witch hazel was introduced in the Bugs cartoon where she is trying to catch Hanzel and Gretel in her cute cottage....
...So here is the cute cottage. I used glossy white paper and then I sponged reds, oranges, a light green (in the centre) and browns for the image. I stamped and embossed the leaves, coloured them with tombow markers and then cut them out and placed them around the card. This was supposed to be for a previous challenge using red, green, yellow, brown(I think I got the colours right) for one of the challenges but I have been so busy that this card was just set aside but it still fits for the Crafty Creations (Autumn or Halloween) and the Stampman Challenge (for Men). I have a friend's birthday today and this will be perfect for him. I love the brown leather looking cardstock too and had to showcase it a bit.
Hi Everyone. I have been answering these questions on marlene's site as I just did not know how to copy and paste them over to my area. I decided to just write them down and then write them here and answer them. There must be an easier way but I am not a computer person. I am the old school book person:) OK so here it goes:
1.Have you ever been hospitalized?
Yes in the mid 80's I had a nasty Kidney stone. I can still feel the pain. in '87 I had my appendix taken out and then 5 years ago i was never admitted but I was in the hospital emergwency 7 times (yup 7) and they kept saying i had a bladder infection. Finally when my dr returned from vacation he checked me out and got the test results-I had a burst cyst on my ovaries and the poisons spread throughout my body. If I could have turned into the incredible Hulk and ram a very large needle up that emergency dr's butt I would!
2. What is the last bit of good news you received?
We got our new bed. Now we dream of sunshine and fairy tales rather than needles and springs up the butt(I have an issue today with butts don't I)
3. Who was your favourite teacher?
My favourite teacher is Mr. Allison. he was my grade 10 math teacher. he was so patient and took the time with me and made the bullies shut up when I could not understand the questions. I actually got a B in that class. It went down hill after that but just prooves what a good teacher can do. Nope I have no interest in math even though I am a credirt Counsellor and am a great budgeter(If I do say so myself:))
4. Do You sing in the shower?
Nope I don;t want all the dogs from the neighbourhhod and beyond howling at my door begging me to stop. The neighbours would come next with pitchforks
5. Describe the Happiest day of your life?
Hmm I can not limit it to just one. My wedding day(We are divorced now although good friends). It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed themselves. When my present spouse, Michael, and met for the 3rd time(no comment but my devil horns are out). Seeing Michael's face when we traveled to Europe. He had never been and his beaming face Iwill never forget.