Ahhhh the Monday Minute...here it goes:)
1. If you could invent a new animal, what 2 animals would you combine to create a new one? And what would be its name?
This is a toughy but I would go with Sarah Palin with a mule...It would be called the Dumbass
2. What is your least favourite sexual position?
standing...too much work. It's a pain in the ass-oops there is a pun in there somwhere..oops again! :)
3. If you could ask Abraham Lincoln one question, what would it be?
Just one? I have to say I do admire this man. I now sound likea true blond but I would rather get into a great discussion with him. What would you do regarding the state of your country? Health care? Gun control? Foreign affairs?
4. Would you rather be allergic to bacon or not be able to bathe for 6 months?
I am a gal so bathing is much needed-must be clean. I would rather be allergic to bacon. Now since men turn into rampaging, sulky brats if they can't eat what they want and when they want-most men would love to rather stink they give up bacon:)
5. Which would you rather have as a pet? penguin or giraffe? and why
The almighty penguin! They can swim in my tub(see above-I like a bath), they waddle which is amusing and the poop would be easier to clean up. Giraffes well when they eat they have such a black stare...just like Sarah Palin-oops that is the dumbass...sorry:)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday Minute
I am so busy decorating and taking care of my mom etc...that i am lacking in cards but i do enjoy the Monday Minute so here are my profound (giggle) answers:)
1. Who is your favourite actor?
Well there is no better actor that Jimmy Stewart! I love the older actors and the young ones could learn from the masters. I watched It's A Wonderful Life" the other day (one of my all time favs) and he should have won the Oscar for that performance. When you think about how he just actually hates his life and can be so gruff in that film it is truly haunting and a brilliant performace. one of my favourite moments...When he no longer exists and he just visits his mom's home and she does not recognize him. he turns and runs up to a closeup of his face. In the back and white(never colourized-that is pure blasphemous(spelling anyone) style he looks around, carzed and half his face is in darkness expressing his dual nature-good vs evil-the Alive George bailey and the Non george Bailey. The eerie music just sets it off. Brilliant scene! Of course he is great in the westerns with Anthony Mann and has anyone seen "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"? Great John Ford western and John Wayne is another fantastic actor who makes me cry in this film. Oh I do go on but film is a passion of mine. Please NEVER watch the colourized version of films-ruins the whole effect. That is my easygoing(ahem) opinion:)
2. Do you collect anything?
Books-Film, art, architecture, occult, travel, well name it. I also have an extensive film collection and am always on the lookout for silent films-yup geek all the way. Oh I also love tea cups...I don't really drink tea but the cups are so pretty. Oh and Christmas stuff but can't be tacky (well by my book anyway) OK Ok I am a bit of a collector
3. What's the biggest turnoff in someone of the opposite sex?
Stupidity! I don't care if they look like george Clooney if they are stupid as a doorknob it just bores me. I also hate when people have to do all the "IN" things -vainity and image-yuck
4. If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to and why?
I actually was faced with this back in grade school when i had to go through confirmation (Catholic). I told them I love my name and that there is a swedish nun who is a saint with my name-Birgitta. They would not take that. My mom then threatened that I would not be confirmed. I said "GREAT!" and started taking off the robe so that threat did not work:) I only accpeted when my mom told me my dad would be disappointed so I can't even remember the name-I tried Maria but that was my middle name so they would not accept that either. So I am sticking to my guns cos i really do love my name-it si different and very few people in North America know about it(it is german/Sweidish..I even heard it is celtic by origin). In case anyone is wondering the best way to know how to say my name is thinking of Get beer...Beer-get but say the get with a slang...Git:) Now my clients have called me Brigit, Brigitte(like Bardot), Burdget, deirdre(???) Margeruitte(???), Gretel, Ingrid (german right??) but my favs are Baguette, Bagel and my all time fave-Bruscetta-happy times in the bread shop.
5. What virtue is better:forgiveness or Justice?
You know Initially I was going to say forgiveness because it is such a hard thing to do but then too many people say they forgive and really they are often quite judgemental. the few people who have been able to do this and mean it-I truly applaud especially for someone who forgives a murderer (I could not). I think Forgiveness-although truly admirable is also too politically correct so I am going to say Justice. The knee jerk thinking was the gun toting redneck who believes justice is served when he rams his Dodge Pick Up into a little honda because the Honda cut him off. Truthfully Justice is far more difficult and can be a great debate and often is in the courtrooms. I do not belive Justice is served when someone wins a court case because they dropped their hot coffee on their lap and decided to sue to place who sold them the coffee but when someone murders and gets away with it due to technicalities-that is also not justice. If someone gets their just desserts we often applaud. I am someone who does believe that the serial killers of the world, where there is absolutley no room for doubt becauser the bodies were found in the basement, deserve the firing squad. It is so difficult but justice needs more recognition. OK I went really serious there and maybe opened a can of worms..Oh well
1. Who is your favourite actor?
Well there is no better actor that Jimmy Stewart! I love the older actors and the young ones could learn from the masters. I watched It's A Wonderful Life" the other day (one of my all time favs) and he should have won the Oscar for that performance. When you think about how he just actually hates his life and can be so gruff in that film it is truly haunting and a brilliant performace. one of my favourite moments...When he no longer exists and he just visits his mom's home and she does not recognize him. he turns and runs up to a closeup of his face. In the back and white(never colourized-that is pure blasphemous(spelling anyone) style he looks around, carzed and half his face is in darkness expressing his dual nature-good vs evil-the Alive George bailey and the Non george Bailey. The eerie music just sets it off. Brilliant scene! Of course he is great in the westerns with Anthony Mann and has anyone seen "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"? Great John Ford western and John Wayne is another fantastic actor who makes me cry in this film. Oh I do go on but film is a passion of mine. Please NEVER watch the colourized version of films-ruins the whole effect. That is my easygoing(ahem) opinion:)
2. Do you collect anything?
Books-Film, art, architecture, occult, travel, well name it. I also have an extensive film collection and am always on the lookout for silent films-yup geek all the way. Oh I also love tea cups...I don't really drink tea but the cups are so pretty. Oh and Christmas stuff but can't be tacky (well by my book anyway) OK Ok I am a bit of a collector
3. What's the biggest turnoff in someone of the opposite sex?
Stupidity! I don't care if they look like george Clooney if they are stupid as a doorknob it just bores me. I also hate when people have to do all the "IN" things -vainity and image-yuck
4. If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to and why?
I actually was faced with this back in grade school when i had to go through confirmation (Catholic). I told them I love my name and that there is a swedish nun who is a saint with my name-Birgitta. They would not take that. My mom then threatened that I would not be confirmed. I said "GREAT!" and started taking off the robe so that threat did not work:) I only accpeted when my mom told me my dad would be disappointed so I can't even remember the name-I tried Maria but that was my middle name so they would not accept that either. So I am sticking to my guns cos i really do love my name-it si different and very few people in North America know about it(it is german/Sweidish..I even heard it is celtic by origin). In case anyone is wondering the best way to know how to say my name is thinking of Get beer...Beer-get but say the get with a slang...Git:) Now my clients have called me Brigit, Brigitte(like Bardot), Burdget, deirdre(???) Margeruitte(???), Gretel, Ingrid (german right??) but my favs are Baguette, Bagel and my all time fave-Bruscetta-happy times in the bread shop.
5. What virtue is better:forgiveness or Justice?
You know Initially I was going to say forgiveness because it is such a hard thing to do but then too many people say they forgive and really they are often quite judgemental. the few people who have been able to do this and mean it-I truly applaud especially for someone who forgives a murderer (I could not). I think Forgiveness-although truly admirable is also too politically correct so I am going to say Justice. The knee jerk thinking was the gun toting redneck who believes justice is served when he rams his Dodge Pick Up into a little honda because the Honda cut him off. Truthfully Justice is far more difficult and can be a great debate and often is in the courtrooms. I do not belive Justice is served when someone wins a court case because they dropped their hot coffee on their lap and decided to sue to place who sold them the coffee but when someone murders and gets away with it due to technicalities-that is also not justice. If someone gets their just desserts we often applaud. I am someone who does believe that the serial killers of the world, where there is absolutley no room for doubt becauser the bodies were found in the basement, deserve the firing squad. It is so difficult but justice needs more recognition. OK I went really serious there and maybe opened a can of worms..Oh well
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Flowers with Butterfly

Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday Minute
I have been so busy with Christmas decor, my mother my freaky doggie that I have not made a card...I promise to put one up this eve:) as for the Monday Minute here it goes....
1. Who would play you in a movie?
hmmm-I guess it can't be Goofy? OK well when I was many pounds lighter I was told I looked like Uma Thurman-nice compliment but I don't see Uma in me. Nowadays people see Goldie Hawn in me and she can be goofy so I will pick her...again nice compliment from these people.
2. Are you a good speller?
I dink sa:)
3. Have you/do you smoke cigarettes?
Thank God Nope! Actually when i was little my momwas cleaning and left her cigarettes in the hall. My brother dared me to take a puff. Of course I had to take him up on the challenge so I took a puff and then Baron(my brother) told me I have to inhale it...so I did. I have never been that shade of green ever again. I coughed and coughed all the way up the stairs. My mom asked if I was alreight and I said yes. years later it came out she knew what we did. We thought we fooled her but mothers know. My mom, who has smoked for 60 yars (has dementia now which smoking has not helped) always told me that one loses one's freedom with the cigarette and that she will consider buying her smokes before her food. I thought that was totally stupid, being a teenager when she told me, so I never started the nasty habit.
4. Have you ever won a trophy?
Are you kidding? Maybe if they have one for talking too much:) or giving unwarranted advice:))
5. Have you ever written(or started to write) a book?
I have not started but I have always thought about it especially writing a biography about my mom. She has had an amazing life to me. She grew up in germany under the Hitler regime. The nazi party forced her to the Hitler youth(contrary to many films not every kid or person went gamely to this evil regime). She decided on a hunger strike(at 12) they had to send her home. She lost her 1yr old brother due to the war and her 19 yr old brother. She was in Hamburg when she was 15 yrs old when it was fir bombed and she was also in Dresden. her father was taken by the nazi's and placed in a camp because he was outspoken. After the war the russians marched in and there was rape, lotting and their books and many photos were burned and they bulldozed the gardens so they were starving. My mom escaped to the West but brought food back and then when her father was let out of the Russian camp(first he was put in the german camps stating he was a communist and then after the Russians moved in he was placed in their camps stating he was a fascist). Anywa she got her father out. She had many close calls with the border police and everything else. When her mother came over to the West she helped them out and then she married a jerk(we all know those) and he was nasty but finally she met my dad and she had many happy times. Of course there is so much more... Did I tell you my mom met Hitler? She wished later she had a grenade on her but then i would not be here.
1. Who would play you in a movie?
hmmm-I guess it can't be Goofy? OK well when I was many pounds lighter I was told I looked like Uma Thurman-nice compliment but I don't see Uma in me. Nowadays people see Goldie Hawn in me and she can be goofy so I will pick her...again nice compliment from these people.
2. Are you a good speller?
I dink sa:)
3. Have you/do you smoke cigarettes?
Thank God Nope! Actually when i was little my momwas cleaning and left her cigarettes in the hall. My brother dared me to take a puff. Of course I had to take him up on the challenge so I took a puff and then Baron(my brother) told me I have to inhale it...so I did. I have never been that shade of green ever again. I coughed and coughed all the way up the stairs. My mom asked if I was alreight and I said yes. years later it came out she knew what we did. We thought we fooled her but mothers know. My mom, who has smoked for 60 yars (has dementia now which smoking has not helped) always told me that one loses one's freedom with the cigarette and that she will consider buying her smokes before her food. I thought that was totally stupid, being a teenager when she told me, so I never started the nasty habit.
4. Have you ever won a trophy?
Are you kidding? Maybe if they have one for talking too much:) or giving unwarranted advice:))
5. Have you ever written(or started to write) a book?
I have not started but I have always thought about it especially writing a biography about my mom. She has had an amazing life to me. She grew up in germany under the Hitler regime. The nazi party forced her to the Hitler youth(contrary to many films not every kid or person went gamely to this evil regime). She decided on a hunger strike(at 12) they had to send her home. She lost her 1yr old brother due to the war and her 19 yr old brother. She was in Hamburg when she was 15 yrs old when it was fir bombed and she was also in Dresden. her father was taken by the nazi's and placed in a camp because he was outspoken. After the war the russians marched in and there was rape, lotting and their books and many photos were burned and they bulldozed the gardens so they were starving. My mom escaped to the West but brought food back and then when her father was let out of the Russian camp(first he was put in the german camps stating he was a communist and then after the Russians moved in he was placed in their camps stating he was a fascist). Anywa she got her father out. She had many close calls with the border police and everything else. When her mother came over to the West she helped them out and then she married a jerk(we all know those) and he was nasty but finally she met my dad and she had many happy times. Of course there is so much more... Did I tell you my mom met Hitler? She wished later she had a grenade on her but then i would not be here.
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