Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday Movie Picks: TV Edition-Work Place

I have not been around much because I have had friends stay over this past weekend, dinners out and now Christmas festivities is soon upon us. I apologize for not visiting like I want to but I have been busy making tags, bookmarks and cards. I will show them one day. This weekend I have to make my Advent Wreath and put up some decorations. This week for the's all about tv and we talk about the workplace. Head on over to Wandering Through the Shelves to see what the others have chosen. I love the 3 I chose this week as they are some of my favourites.


In honour of Mary Tyler Moore who died this year, I thought it only right to showcase her show especially with all the crap happening in the entertainment industry. She plays Mary Richards who is hired by WJM-TV as their Associate Producer. Her boss is Lou Grant, played wonderfully by Ed Asner. Murray Slaughter(Gavin Macleod) is the head writer, Ted Baxter (Ted Knight who is excellent!) as the vain and dumber than dumb newscaster, Sue Ann Nivens (Betty White) as the happy homemaker, Phyllis is Mary's landlady and friend (Cloris Leachman) and Rhoda is her best friend played by Valerie Harper. It's considered one of the best written comedies ever and a great shot in the arm for independent women who can make it anywhere! The antics in the newsroom was so funny especially when Ted Baxter goofed things up or Sue Ann was lusting after Lou. I loved it when Mary hosted a party because it was always a disaster. One of the best is the Chuckles the Clown it on youtube!!


"As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!"  I love this show and the antics of all the people at this workplace from the bumbling but good hearted boss to the lecherous Herb Tarlek whom blonde Bombshell Jennifer, the secretary, had to always fend off and could...easily. Poor Less Nessman was a horrible reporter waiting for his walls and door to his own office. You have Andy hired to try to bring the radio station into the black and he hires Venus Flytrap as a DJ along with Dr. Johnny Fever, the spaced out DJ played brilliantly by Howard Hesseman. Bailey is a young newswoman trying to make her own claim. The famous Thanksgiving episode is just one of many. I think my favourite episode was to show the bad effects when drinking, unfortunately, Dr. Johnny Fever's reflexes just got better the more he drank.

3. FRASIER-1993-2004

This show is so well written, acted and intelligent with hilarious moments ("You dirty girl." "You Bad Boy") ...I watch this show any time I come across it. The character of Frasier started on another classic sitcom that would fit this theme, Cheers. Kelsey Grammar made the character so lovable and popular that he got his own show. Frasier, a psychiatrist,  takes a job at a Seattle radio talk show where he listens to the trials and tribulations of people who call in about their various problems. His producer is Roz a sexy and independent woman with a very healthy sex drive. Frasier takes in his grumpy dad who is a no nonsense ex cop with a leg injury so he needs a live in physiotherapist, Daphne Moon. Frasier also has a brother, Niles, who is just as uptight,and snooty as his brother. Niles is married to Maris, whom no one ever sees, but has the unrequited hots for Daphne. A great show that I still wish was on the air with new episodes.

I love Cheers, Are You Being Served and Fawlty Towers to add a few more. What would be your picks?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thursday Movie Picks- Origin Movies

Happy Thanksgiving to my American blogger friends. May you find much blessings with family and friends. I hope you don’t go out on Friday when all the good wishes fly out the window as mothers beat each other up for the new Playstation or those pleather leggings that the size 24 gals must have. I had no idea what Origin movies meant and had to look it up. Check out Wandering Through The Shelves to see what the others have chosen. Here are my 3...


This was the first film to show Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers as a married couple and was their last film at RKO. I love Dancing With The Stars despite all the liberties that are taken with the ballroom and Latin dances. I always wanted to learn ballroom dancing and took classes once. It is much harder than one thinks. Vernon and Irene Castle were an actual married couple who redeveloped ballroom dancing as we know it today. The foxtrot became more defined as a ballroom dance because of this couple.  Fred Astaire wanted to keep the original dance the way the Castles danced it. I think it is a lovely film that tanked at the box office but is the sweetest of their films since it shows how they met, struggled and became famous.


I could have chosen the 1940 version with Carole Landis but, come on, this is the one with Raquel Welch in her fur bikini. It is the beginning of man who seem to co-exist with dinosaurs which is fun to watch. The dark haired people seem even more primitive than the golden haired vixens. Of course a dark haired man falls for Welch and we get to see him fend off dinosaurs, watch women fight for a man and a Pterodactyl pick up Welch, as an appetizer, for her little birdies. Every teen boy’s wet dream movie.


I went with a new movie! This is all about a Han Solo type of dude who was taken off earth when he was a kid by some space pirates and now jet sets across the Galaxy. He steals an orb, not realizing its power, fights a green vixen, a nutty raccoon and a tree who are all after the orb. They end up in a prison where they meet Drax who tries to kill the green vixen. They find out what the orb does and they band together to save the galaxy. Vin Diesel delivers his best acting in his role as Groot (the tree). It is a fun, thrill ride, witty flick with great effects and music.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday Movie Picks- Movies With Strong Strong Female Characters

This was my choice and who knew it would come at a time when all this crap has hit the news from Weinstein to Spacey. What is happening, especially in Hollywood, is not  new because this has been going on since the movies began. You better believe that Darryl F. Zanuck and Jack Warner make Weinstein and Spacey look like freshman in the sexual abuse arena. Marilyn Monroe was famous for saying, when she finally hit it big, “thank God, this is the last cock I’ll ever have to suck.” Sorry for the brutal language but it shows what women...and men, had to endure and still do. Anyway, I know there are many films that one can choose that features strong women and I chose women who are strong but not insane. Check out Wandering Through The Shelves to see what everyone else has chosen. Here are my 3....


How can I not choose this film! It stars Cary Grant as a newspaper editor who was married to his star reporter played beautifully by Rosalind Russell. They are now divorced and she is ready to marry a nice, boring insurance agent played by Ralph Bellamy (many jokes about poor Ralph in the film. He is also known as one of the old brothers from Trading Places) but not if Cary has anything to say about it. Hildy (Rosalind Russell) finds herself in the middle of a great news story and her true  love for the business overrides any want to be a housewife. Sharp direction by Howard Hawks with quick talking often over each other makes this a fast paced, funny film with a great cast and a woman in a position often held only by men.

2. ADAM`S RIB-1949

How can I not have a Katherine Hepburn film in this week`s theme. This is one of the best films of Tracy and Hepburn and, once again, a woman in a typically male dominated career. They play married lawyers who have a wonderful marriage until she takes the case of defending a woman who tried to kill her horrible excuse for a husband. The lawyer prosecuting the  the woman is Spencer Tracy-the  film husband of Hepburn. We see the antics in the court room and how Hepburn`s character, Amanda, plays every trick in the book to win the case even at the expense of her husband. Well written by Garson Kanin and Ruth Gordon who were good friends of Tracy and Hepburn and knew how to bring out the best in each actor. It is also the Hollywood debut of the great Judy Holliday who died too young from cancer.


This is a great film that could be considered a horror film, thriller or a fairy tale but no matter what one may call it, it is an excellent film that was unappreciated in its day to the point that the director, film star Charles Laughton, never directed another film. The Coen brothers, Spike Lee and many others have sited how they were influenced by this film which starts Robert Mitchum as an evil preacher after money he knew was hidden somewhere in a house with a widow and 2 small children. he cons the town and the widow whom he marries and murders trying to find the money. The 2 small children run for their lives as he tries to capture them. The children come to a small home with an elderly lady who stands up to this evil man and defends the children seeing right through the so-called preacher. Such great acting from Robert Mitchum who has LOVE tattooed on one hand and HATE on the other (Have you ever seen people with this on their fingers-it comes from this film) to Lillian Gish, she started in films almost when movies began and is considered one of the best actresses.



I had to go with a modern film and I chose this one because I felt Julia Roberts nailed it as the brassy,, in your face real woman-Erin Brockovich. She is hired as a legal assistant whom most in the office, can`t stand and she starts to investigate why a number of people are becoming very ill with cancer, tumours and other medical issues in the small town. When she brings the information to her boss, he sees the big problem and becomes a lawyer to the townsfolk. Through the unrelenting support and hound dog investigation of Erin, the lawyer brings the corruption and poisoning of the water supply of  the big company to the foreground. Everyone soon realizes not to mess with Ms. Brockovich. Julia won an Oscar for her role and she delivers a great performance in a well acted film.

Which films would you chooseÉ

Monday, November 13, 2017

Remakes Blogfest-Movies, Books, Music

I'm a bit late but here we go....I decided to join in on the fun and, of course, I went the movie way.This one was tough for me but I finally found my pick. Head over to the Great Alex J Cavanaugh's blog to check out the rest.


Our computers at work suck! I can't seem to be able to download the film trailers here and I have no time this eve to even try on the computer at home so the movie posters will have to do. This was a big film for the day since it starred the Ratpack led by Frank Sinatra. These men whooped it up in Las Vegas and had many women in tow including Angie Dickinson. They play World War 2 vets who decide to steal from the top 4 casinos (back then). They are the essence of cool who  work out a unique way to steal millions. I always knew about this film but never had a chance to see it until this past year. I was a bit disappointed with it because the writing seemed to go more for the  "I am cool" vibe than having this film play out  the way it should have. You have a lot of  these men just play off one another except you notice they never want to piss off Frankie. I do think Sammy Davis Stole the show.


I have to admit I really enjoyed this film much better than the original. They are cool, classy and humble so the script is tight, works well by developing the characters, and the cast do not think they are too cool for their own good. The main man, played by George Clooney is let out of prison and soon brings his old troop together to rob the big Casino of millions. I just found this remake to be better acted, and much more fun. They are not trying too hard like the original.

What do you think?

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday Movie Picks-An Adaptation You Want To See (of a book, Comic, Game etc... That hasn't been adapted yet)

Now that was a long title not the run off blecchh that happened to me last week.

November! I can't believe it but here we are, and soon it will be Christmas and the end of another year. At present, I am enjoying the beautiful leaves on the trees since we had a late fall. I know many of my blogger friends are excellent writers who have had books published. They would be tickled if their books would be converted into a film and I would go and see their films. This week it is all about adaptations of  anything you would love to see be made into a movie so here are my picks. I have to admit I had a tough time this week but let's see what the other film people chose, so head on over to Wandering Through The Shelves  to check out their picks.

1. MY PARENTS, FRANK (1913-1988) AND RUTH(1928-)

OK...shoot me because there is no book (yet) about my parents and to be honest, I feel overwhelmed at how to even begin. As some of you know, my mom was born in Wittenberg, Germany in 1928 and she grew up under the Hitler Regime. She has fond memories of Christmas, her forest across the road and school but she was also taken out of her home and forced into the Hitler Youth. She suffered the bombings of Hamburg, Dresden, met Hitler, lost 2 brothers in the war, worked with the resistance to stop the Germans by blowing up bridges (she placed the TNT under the bridges), suffered starvation, gang rape by 7 Russians, escaped to the West, brought food to her mom and got her dad out when he was let out of the Gulag and so much more. My dad was born in 1913 near Algonquin Park in Northern Ontario and was so poor he often had no food or proper clothing. Suffered the loss of his mother when he was 6 and endured beatings by his step mother. He worked in lumber camps when he was 14, endured the Great depression, met up with wolves , moose and bears and hopped trains to find work. He fought in the Canadian Army and was wounded near the end of the war. In the 50's they both traveled-he out west and back, my mom, finally, to Canada. They met in 1959 and wanted to marry but my mom's first husband would not grant a divorce. It took 3 years to try to get rid of this jerk and there is a whole other book just about their love. They started living together when it was not the right thing to do back then and my dad was a religious man but he loved my mom so much. I wish to honour them here especially since Saturday is November 11th which is our Remembrance Day for all the soldiers and civilians who dealt with war. I wear my poppy with pride!


If you find a book written by this man, read it! I find him an excellent writer and his biographies on Louise Brooks and Garbo entertaining. If you don't know this woman, read up! She was a rebel from day 1 and didn't give a F*&;^% about what she should or shouldn't do. She was a hedonist so she loved parties, men and women and took off to Germany to make 2 of the best films ever made (in my humble opinion even if they are silents). She had affairs with Charlie Chaplin, Hearst's niece (so she was often at the Hearst mansion) and a one night stand with Garbo. She was highly intelligent and never sugar coated Hollywood. Due to her F. U. nature, she hurt her own career and ended up selling perfume in some retail store until she was rediscovered. What a life and I think Rooney Mara would be a good choice to play this woman.


This is such a haunting song that I fell in love with when I was in High School. It would be a fairy tale and a sad one but I would love to see this on the big screen. They would need a girl with beautiful eyes and ethereal....too bad Audrey Hepburn isn't around any more.


OK..I have to put this down...


I love...I mean LOVE this album and consider it a classic in rock but also in classical music because the whole thing seems like an opera without the operatic vocals but of these men who comprise this great band. I think of it as days of the week from Tuesday Afternoon to Knights in White Satin. It would be so cool to see an artistic film with these songs and lyrics in mind but how would the plot go? Would there be a big love story? Would we see them when they are young until they are old with  "Another Day's useless energy spent?" Who would star in this. I like to see Hugh Jackman in it since I think he is the bee's knees.

OK so these are my picks. What would be yours?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday Movie Picks-Stranger who bully many of the farmers. . We soon learn that Shane is very good with a gun which frightens his friends but the young also know that they need him. A quiet film with some major violence interspersed in this film. The cinematography is excellent and the story touching especially the unrequited love that develops between Shane and the farmer’s wife. . A classic with a kill( sorry) performance by Jack Palance.

Halloween brought out the strange people from a mother and daughter who decided to argue in my office to a woman who came on her scooter wearing her helmet, a coat and her pajama bottoms with pussy cats...she also had her little princess...she’s in her 40’s. Oops, today is not about strange people but people who are strangers. I almost picked Clint Eastwood in any of his Spaghetti Westerns but I chose one he directed instead. Head on over to Wandering Through The Shelves to find out what other strangers in films fellow bloggers have chosen. Here are my 3...


This is an excellent film directed by Orson Welles which doesn’t get much viewing but it should because it is a gem. It is a quaint town in Connecticut where a teacher is married  to Loretta Young( talk about nuts!), the daughter of the Supreme Court Justice. The teacher (Welles) loves clocks is fixing a large clock in the tower that has not worked in a long time. All seems great until Edward G Robinson comes to town, who knows a lot more about this teacher than anyone else does including the teacher’s wife. You see, Robinson is an FBI agent who knows that the teacher is actually a Nazi who masterminded the holocaust. An intense film with the Welles' filming style he is famous for and it is the first movie to show actual footage from the concentration camps.

2. SHANE-1953

“Shane! Come back! Come back...Shane!” Yes we know the stranger’s name soon into the movie who comes to a homesteader’s place and requests to have some water. They are a welcoming and humble family who let him stay. Shane is weary and enjoying this peaceful life, enjoying the family style as well as the life of a farmer. All is not well, since the farmers are up against the cattle ranchers and the ranchers are bullies who seem to be winning especially when they bring in the meanest gun fighter played to the hilt by Jack Palance. Shane would rather forget his past but he is compelled to help the settlers. An excellent film with beautiful cinematography and excellent acting by all with Jean Arthur in her last big screen performance.


This is a Clint Eastwood film which he directed and stars in a film that is a western but could also qualify for a Halloween film as well. I won't tell you more about that aspect but it left me speechless at the end. He plays a stranger who comes to this town which looks decrepit and ugly. He is goaded by a man whom he shoots dead and then takes a girl into the barn for a good time...which she loves despite her feeble protests. The people in this town are fearful, greedy untrustworthy jerks except for a couple of people, one being a little person who becomes the stranger's right hand man. The townspeople all have a secret but so does the stranger. There are 3 outlaws coming to the town so the people hire the stranger to deal with them but they must abide by the stranger's requests. I love this movie which does not sugar coat the west at all.

What would be your 3?