Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A Summer Rainbow Day

Christmas Cards all Year Round

I finally was able to start on the Christmas Cards All Year Round. This Month the theme was Red or Pink. I chose mainly red. I also decided to just use one stamp but create different styles with it. The first one I used creatix paints in metallic pink and I added some forever red perfect pearls to tone down the pink. The stamped image looks a little flaky but I could work with it. I cut it out with a decorative scissor and then layered it on black shimmer paper and pink between and Red shimmer. I finished it off with stickers in silver. The next one I made it sparkle in red emboss sparkle and layered in papers. The following 2 I used Perfect pearls-Forever Red, Raspberry Red, and dreamsicle. The first one is on white paper and the second on black to create a different look. I also had some red tissue and I just blotted on silver ink and embossed. The other one again is just paper layering but to tone down the bright gold stickers I used dye ink in black to sponge it on. The last one is embossed in Egyption Gold and placed on this great red shimmer paper and highlighted in stickers. Stickles is also a favourite of mine which is used on a couple of cards too. Have a great day!
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Monday Minute
She is a total freak...laughing all the way to the bank! She thrives on being so in your face different that you have to wonder but she is one smart cookie and I do love her songs and even her videos although she must truly not be getting any because it is so full of sex...and death. Did I say she is just a little weird??
2. If you had to write these questions every week, what questions would you write the participants?
Well I did send off a few questions to Christy and she used a couple! Thanks! I would write some about film and probably noone would answer because The new kids on the block have no idea what it was like to have a regular dial phone or a typewriter. I am in love with old film and the true film greats like JohnWayne, Jimmy Stewart, Katherine Hepburn, Jean Arthur but I would also write about art, travel the unknown, war stuff, ancestry and maybe just plain weird like do you think Ke$sha ever brushes her teeth or washes or combs her hair:)
3. What animal/insect has always scared the heck out of you?
Spiders! I see one crawling and I go into a raving lunatic and freak out and then I stomp on it so much that it is vaporized. Once I was driving and a tiny little spider started to drop down from my review mirror. I freaked out so badly that I was screaming and swerving the car and that little spider was taking a huge ride. He was just flying around like he was on the swings. My ex was in the car and told me to cut it out since I was, well, driving. Spiders are supposed to represent creativity and the mother in native teachings. In fact this one artist made a huge spider (actually 6) and the are in front of museums around the world. One is at the National Art Museum in Ottawa. If you google it up you can see it. She created this image in honour of her mother...um...yeah. I wonder if her mom is speaking to her.
4. Do you wash your hands after you use the restroom every time? Be honest!
You know when I was much younger I used to not to all the time and then I saw this story about cleanliness. It was more about handling meat and stuff and then, after seeing a woman put her groceries away, including the meat and giving her kid a cookie. The experts (who put stuff on the meat so it would show up on infrared lighting), turned off the lights and you saw how much was contaminated-The freezer, counter, everywhere including the kids mouth because the mom gave her kid the cookie! Alos you know those mints in pastel colours that would often be offered on your way out from a restaurant. Well the experts looked into them and they were covered in urine...GAK! due to men not washing their hands after peeing. Now, for years I wash my hands and I sing the Happy Birthday song before rinsing. The trick is trying to turn off the taps without touching them and the door handles. I also carry that gel and I spritz the salt and pepper shakers in restaurants before I use them and the grocery cart. Yup I have done a complete 360. I also put a little bleach in my sink after washing the dishes and then I take my rag and wash the counters and handles and all ever since seeing that show or I use the antibacterial wipes. I promise I will not turn into Howard Hughes:)
5. Do you buy brand name purses or replicas?
Who gives a rats ass about burberry crap and fendi and who the hell does that purse with that certain design and all the women go nuts over and I think it is just plain ugly. I can't recall. I love buying a purse that I found on sale. The last time I thought I was buying 2 purses for $11 and they were on sale again for $5! To me that is great. There is more things to waste money on than purses...like stamps:) Oops I guess I am pretty strong in the ways of thinking but at leats ya know where I stand..at least when it comes to purses:)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Monday Minute
I love most cakes but the icing often is too dang sweet! I often would chip a tooth on some of that hard icing stuff. I might be biased too but german cakes are so delicious and they create so many different ones I can not limit to just one cake. OK I LOVE cakes! Now I do make cakes but I cheat now because of time constraints etc... I buy the betty crocker kind and then I make my own icing. I buy the larger whipping cream. For chocolate icing, I use a little over 1/2 cup of icing sugar and 6 large tablesppons of cocoa. I mix the sugar and cocoa together and then i put it into the whipping cream and whip it until stiff peaks form. I often add coffee grounds for a mocha taste. You can also buy chocolate pudding but it must be the kind you have to heat on the stove..the others seem too sweet to me. you put in a little less mile and as it cools you stir it (Follow directions first though to have it boil) so no skin forms. you can then fold it into the whipping cream mixture as well. if you use the pudding mix then you use alot less icing sugar-just a fraction cos there is enough suagr in the pudding. If you want lemon icing, no chocolate and you use the lemon pudding mix often used for lemon meringue pie. Whip the cream, and then fold in the lemon mix into the whipping cream. it is really good.
2. Do you like getting massages?
Do you know my first massage was last year! My hubby bought a spa package for me. he will give me massages too and it feels really lovely. I bought one for my hubby and he can'r wait to use it. He loves to be pampered...just like a cat
3. Would you consider yourself Neat Nelly or Messy Bessy?
being a Gemini (and no I don't go by that new astrology shit um I mean crap) I am a messy neat nelly Bessy:) I can be neat and then papers start to form in little piles and a book lays down in one area and my craft room seems to throw up paper and stamps and such after i am in there for 5 minutes. I then clean and am proud of my little self before the whole thing starts over again. Drives my little organized compulsive obsessive hubby nuts.
4. Are you shy about going to the restroom in public places?
NOPE! I used to be but when my stomch does an about face and I have no time to even think and sweat beads form and I have to run like a nerd to the nearest place or die of utter embarrassment because I didn't make it (yup too much information), I just go and find the bathroom and take no prisoners. I pray noone comes in but my luck is the opposite of my wishes. Maybe that is why I constantly dream about going to the bathroom and everyone can see me. Yuck!! I will say this though if the bathroom is disgusting I will do my utmost to walk funny to a better place:)
5. Did you have your dream wdding or would you redo it if you had the chance?
I did have my dream wedding. It was outside and I created my own dress and had a midieval touch to it. We had everyone pitch in and make something. My mom made the cake and the egg for the top of the wedding cake. It was a rhea egg that opened up in 4 petals and inside was a fairy holding a quail egg with 2 bluebirds holding 2 rings. She even had real feathers on the bluebirds! I would not change a thing even though our female minister flashed my brother(yup she did-more to that story). I had great pics too of the old rusty bus(got married at the in laws) and had a couple of pink flamingoes. Our first fast dance was Billy Idol's white wedding and then it was rockin! Great wedding...not so great marriage as we are divocred now but we are great friends and my current hubby-not married yet-and my ex get along which i am happy about. Strange how life can be...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday Minute
Only on my face...and arms...and chest. OK OK Yes I once belonged to the circus I was Hairy faced girl:) OKOK My name is really Barney...OKOK Nope I just use water on my legs but I will try the conditioner. I heard about that before and I should remember when I am actually in the shower:)
2. Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at?
Only 2? I mean really? I could have a great list! Let's see-Computers! I have to use them at work and yes I have a blog and an e-mail and can google things up but unless it is all set up for me I suck at it. I asked a friend to show me how to put pics on the blog when I first joined but she never got around to it so my niece came to the rescue! I also had no idea until today that I had that stupid word verification on. It took me a sweaty half hour to locate it and that only after giving up and looking at Marlene's blog and giggling that I tried again. Did I ever tell you that, back in the 80's I shut the whole MAC lab down at the University? We had to write our essays on there and I had no idea what I was doing. Noone helped and I finally got so mad I put my fists down on the keyboards and then all of a sudden I heard this sound..kinda like a bomb coming down and my computer and then the whole line I was using all went off! I quietly picked up my bags and got the hell out od there. About 3 weeks later a friend who was heavy into computers was talkjing about the mac lab and that they were down for close to 3 weeks and had to bring someone in from Texas! Now the other thing...Singing! If you want dogs from all of niagara to come and bark and howl then you would wnat me to sing.
3. What's your favourite song?
"To Dream The Impossible Dream" The best is sung by Richard Kiley who originated the role of Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha. I also Love the Queen song "We are the Champions". I think because I was badly bullied in school and to keep going those 2 songs would inspire me. There are so many songs out there though that I love.
4. If somebody asked you to sum yourself up in three words, what would they be?
Forceful, sensitive (sometimes too much), Blond moments (On another blog, the lady was commemorating birthdays of Entertainment greats and she mentioned she put in her favourite Monkey. Well I looked and saw Clark Gable, and so many others for February including Peter Tork from the Monkeys and of course in my brilliant manner I asked where the monkey is. I thought she meant Cheetah). OKOK those 3 can be considered negative so I will also say, compassionate, artistic, intelligent(Yup even with those blond moments...really)
5. Out of the following three, which do you hate most: pineapple, canteloupe, or strawberries?
Canteloupe. I love strawberries! I love pineapple and I am OK with Canteloupe. I will always eat just about all fruit but I will only have 2 or 3 pieces of the orange stuff. The smell is not that great either and I would not go as far as moldy ass:) but it does have that certain ick smell.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Love Is In The Air

Love's Philosophy (for the one above)
The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean;
The winds of heaven mis forever,
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle:-
Why not I with thine?
See! the mountains kiss heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea;--
What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
OK I love Shelley and this poem. I used perfect pearls to try to evoke the sea and sun and all. I used black dye ink for the image and coloured them with tombow markers. Now it all turned out pretty good except I wanted just a hint of lip and what do I do? I make them look like horney toads who must have been kissing for 3 hrs! Oh well:)

Butterflies be Free