1. What is your favourite time of day?
I had to think about this one but I think the afternoon. I am not a morning person and I am too sore so it takes awhile and then night-I am already yawning(ughh middle age) but I seem to get groovin by about 1 to 6:)
2. Do you and your significant other send sexy texts?
hahahahahaha-I am lucky i know how to turn on a computer! I have a basic pay as you go phone and my hubby hates cell phones so he doesn't have one. Now put into the mix these cell phones with all the buttons and bows and you are just asking for way too much for our brains to handle:) We do write ourselves lovey dovey notes the old fashioned way. Notes and texts are one thing-I love actuality:) Ok too much information!
3. If you got your dream job anywhere in the U.S. where would you choose to move to?
I am limited to the U.S.??? Can i choose Europe:) Austria:) Vienna??? Bummers..OK so the U.S.....hmmmmmm..... I know I am being such a pissant. OK Well I love film but that is in California which is ready to be dumped into the ocean. New York is also just way too crowded. The South is too dang hot and they may thump me with one of their bibles..or rifles so hmmmm. OK I am being a real snot. I would say Montana or Colorado but also the New England states are so beautiful too. OK I know I am being a wise ass Canuck:) Don't hate me:))
4. What are you wearing?
I am wearing my purple platform shoes, with orange leggings and hot pink sequined bra top and a big hat in bright blue with feathers....Ha get that image out of your head-huggy bear eat your heart out. I would be ready to go on What Not To Wear! OK I am wearing nothing..Oops sorry that is for my text message to my sweetie. OK I am wearing light pants, green turtle neck and a burgundy corderoy blazer:) OK bad spelling in some spots:)
5. If you had a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
Ahh to escape life for a day.... I would have a massage then I would go to an art museum (maybe the AGO-Art Gallery of Toronto), I would have an afternoon wine or 2 and go see a good movie like True Grit or The King's Speech
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sisterly love


Sunday, January 23, 2011
Cheating! Michael made this for moi

I am cheating because I did NOT make this card. My wonderful hubby made this for me:) This was my Christmas card from him to me and , I was the perfect girl...I cried with joy. He found this card with the angel and thought of a story as if she is changing the flowers into snow. He then used a cardboard for a backdrop and he found various ribbons and he used my glitter in blues, silver and red. I might be cheating but I entered it in Flutter by Wednesday. I am bragging about my man. My heart is all aflutter..OK you can gag now:) Finally a card, even though it is not mine, on my blog. I think I can now get back into card making.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Monday Minute
I Know...where are my cards?? I promise I shall soon start but with all the craziness I have not had a chance to do any fun stuff and I need it! Well at least I can do the Monday Minute:)
1. When you were a child how many kids did you say you would have as a grown up?
Easy-none! Even as a kid I never really was enamoured with kids. I would see their sticky faces when they ate cake and ...yuck! I always wanted to get a wash cloth and clean them up. I still do to this day. I never find it cute when the child digs into the cake when they turn one. I am not a kid person. Whenever I would say that to other women they always judged me and looked at me like i was ready to eat their kids and I thought...why should every woman on the face of the planet immediately go goo gaa over kids. I also never understood smelling a baby's head. I can just buy the powder and get the same effect without having to clean them up. I am also proud to say that i have yet to change a diaper. I am not kidding! Now that being said I think my niece is beautiful (nope never did change her diaper-I don't need to see her poop to be closer to her) although she is now 15. My friends children are also just beautiful and i love them very much. I am just happy to see them and hold them and then i can go home when they start to cry:)
2. Do you wish you would have had more siblings?
That is a toughy for me. At times I did. I just had one brother growing up and wished at times I had another sister so we could laugh and play and do things together. On the other hand I also though I would have to share my clothers and toys with and that did not appeal to me. When i was 15 (I think 15), I found out I actually had a half sister! Yup before my dad met my mom (he was 15 yrs older than my mom), he had a relationship with this gal and it produced a baby girl (Anne was born in 1947). The girl was brought up by her grandmother-her mother's mother. her mother said she had to go to nursing and could not take care of the child. My dad would visit constantly and make sure she had plenty of toys and food and such. One day my dad went to visit his daughter and the old lady was on her stoop saying "they took her". My dad asked what happened and unbeknownst to both of them her biological mother adopted her out. Back in those days the father had no rights. My dad tried to find her but he could not and so he always wondered what happened. he never told my mom because he thought she would leave him since he got a girl pregnant without marriage. One evening he came home and when my mom asked where the hell he was, he said he went to visit his daughter. I was watching the movie Airport on TV and I thought ...What does he mean, I'm here". My mom yelled "What!?" and then he started to tell her the story. Anne wanted to find out her mother and she found her. Her birth mother, well, never really showed warmth to her and so Anne thought, in passing, to find out her dad and she found my dad. So I got a sister later in life and she is the sweetest person and I love her so very much. I also considered some of my dearest friends my brothers and sisters. When push comes to shove your true friends are often family.
3. Name 2 things you consider yourself to be good at?
Budgeting. For the lost part I have always been good with money. The other would be listening and not judging. Well we all judge but you know what I mean:) people and friends have always said they feel better after speaking with me and that warms my heart. When people are going through a very tough time and one wonders why and the reason escapes everyone, I like to say It is better to walk with an angel through hell than with the devil through paradise. I am not religious at all but the spirit behind that saying I believe to be powerful.
4. What's your favourite thing to eat for breakfest?
Always-Toast with honey and orange juice with soda water. That is a nice drink without the sugar
5. What TV Show do you mot miss every week?
I could easily get hooked on so many since I am a TV addict and my ass can proove it but I will say Dancing With The Stars. I find it fun and I love dance and music. The other is The Amazing Race-I love to see all the different countried and dream if I was on and then laugh because I would be voted off in the first hour:)
1. When you were a child how many kids did you say you would have as a grown up?
Easy-none! Even as a kid I never really was enamoured with kids. I would see their sticky faces when they ate cake and ...yuck! I always wanted to get a wash cloth and clean them up. I still do to this day. I never find it cute when the child digs into the cake when they turn one. I am not a kid person. Whenever I would say that to other women they always judged me and looked at me like i was ready to eat their kids and I thought...why should every woman on the face of the planet immediately go goo gaa over kids. I also never understood smelling a baby's head. I can just buy the powder and get the same effect without having to clean them up. I am also proud to say that i have yet to change a diaper. I am not kidding! Now that being said I think my niece is beautiful (nope never did change her diaper-I don't need to see her poop to be closer to her) although she is now 15. My friends children are also just beautiful and i love them very much. I am just happy to see them and hold them and then i can go home when they start to cry:)
2. Do you wish you would have had more siblings?
That is a toughy for me. At times I did. I just had one brother growing up and wished at times I had another sister so we could laugh and play and do things together. On the other hand I also though I would have to share my clothers and toys with and that did not appeal to me. When i was 15 (I think 15), I found out I actually had a half sister! Yup before my dad met my mom (he was 15 yrs older than my mom), he had a relationship with this gal and it produced a baby girl (Anne was born in 1947). The girl was brought up by her grandmother-her mother's mother. her mother said she had to go to nursing and could not take care of the child. My dad would visit constantly and make sure she had plenty of toys and food and such. One day my dad went to visit his daughter and the old lady was on her stoop saying "they took her". My dad asked what happened and unbeknownst to both of them her biological mother adopted her out. Back in those days the father had no rights. My dad tried to find her but he could not and so he always wondered what happened. he never told my mom because he thought she would leave him since he got a girl pregnant without marriage. One evening he came home and when my mom asked where the hell he was, he said he went to visit his daughter. I was watching the movie Airport on TV and I thought ...What does he mean, I'm here". My mom yelled "What!?" and then he started to tell her the story. Anne wanted to find out her mother and she found her. Her birth mother, well, never really showed warmth to her and so Anne thought, in passing, to find out her dad and she found my dad. So I got a sister later in life and she is the sweetest person and I love her so very much. I also considered some of my dearest friends my brothers and sisters. When push comes to shove your true friends are often family.
3. Name 2 things you consider yourself to be good at?
Budgeting. For the lost part I have always been good with money. The other would be listening and not judging. Well we all judge but you know what I mean:) people and friends have always said they feel better after speaking with me and that warms my heart. When people are going through a very tough time and one wonders why and the reason escapes everyone, I like to say It is better to walk with an angel through hell than with the devil through paradise. I am not religious at all but the spirit behind that saying I believe to be powerful.
4. What's your favourite thing to eat for breakfest?
Always-Toast with honey and orange juice with soda water. That is a nice drink without the sugar
5. What TV Show do you mot miss every week?
I could easily get hooked on so many since I am a TV addict and my ass can proove it but I will say Dancing With The Stars. I find it fun and I love dance and music. The other is The Amazing Race-I love to see all the different countried and dream if I was on and then laugh because I would be voted off in the first hour:)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday Minute
Hi Everyone-I hope you had a great Christmas and New year. I am a bit under the weather and I think it is mainly stress related so i am trying to finally get back into the swing of things. 2010 has been really good and really bad and I think the samw will be said for 2011. I am looking so forward to Michael going to school to finish his PSW(Personal Support Worker) and he will be working after all this effort he put into school. No small feat for an ADHD 53 yr old man who has not been in school since he was 16. I am so proud of him. The downside is my mom who has vascular dementia and it has been a huge challenge to cope with someone with dementia. I am not alone, by a long shot, with people who have a loved one who has this disease and it is hard to care for her. This year has been a challenge so far with her. I have to deal with her accusations and paranoia and depression and forgetting and fixating that it is wearing (spelling??) me out frankly. I also know that I need to have her name on the list for long term care and I hope she does not think I am stabbing her in the back-ahh feelings people go through eh? Anyway I wanted to do the Monday Minute and maybe later shgow a beautiful card my Michael made for me:) I have to download the picture later today.. So here is my Monday Minute:
1. What is your favourite TV Show of all time?
This is too hard to pick just one..in fact I can not. I love I Love Lucy-Even though it was made 60 yrs ago it is hilarious. I live Bewitched-Oh how I wish i had those powers and Darrin is a bit of an oaf for trying to stifle them..I'm with Endora:) I love the Craol Burnett Show-I still giggle over the Gone With The Wind episode-brilliant. The last but not least is MASH. This is great TV and so thought provoking and funny to boot.
2. What is the worst job you've ever had?
A one day job cleanign washrooms at Marineland and hearing what I would need to clean and then having to pay for my own uniform. Oh and the best piece-being looked down on by the girl who sells candy floss because her job was so much better-she told me so! I thought screw this!
3. Name one toy that, according to your parents, you loved as a child.
Apparantly there was this clownI had whose nose you could wind up and it would play a tune. I was told I giggled with delight and would constantly turn the nose and be so happy. I only have a very vague memory of this as I was 3 or something.
4. Burt or Ernie?
Ernie for sure! You know where Burt and Ernie come from? Nope not the sock drawer but from the film "It's A Wonderful Life". Burt the Cop and Ernie the Car Driver-True!
5. If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be?
My father. I lost him when I was 23 and I am 46 now (he would be 97 if alive). I would love to hear his stories from the war(he was part of the liberation of Holland) and maybe he could help me with mom and give me guidance or at least some comfort.
1. What is your favourite TV Show of all time?
This is too hard to pick just one..in fact I can not. I love I Love Lucy-Even though it was made 60 yrs ago it is hilarious. I live Bewitched-Oh how I wish i had those powers and Darrin is a bit of an oaf for trying to stifle them..I'm with Endora:) I love the Craol Burnett Show-I still giggle over the Gone With The Wind episode-brilliant. The last but not least is MASH. This is great TV and so thought provoking and funny to boot.
2. What is the worst job you've ever had?
A one day job cleanign washrooms at Marineland and hearing what I would need to clean and then having to pay for my own uniform. Oh and the best piece-being looked down on by the girl who sells candy floss because her job was so much better-she told me so! I thought screw this!
3. Name one toy that, according to your parents, you loved as a child.
Apparantly there was this clownI had whose nose you could wind up and it would play a tune. I was told I giggled with delight and would constantly turn the nose and be so happy. I only have a very vague memory of this as I was 3 or something.
4. Burt or Ernie?
Ernie for sure! You know where Burt and Ernie come from? Nope not the sock drawer but from the film "It's A Wonderful Life". Burt the Cop and Ernie the Car Driver-True!
5. If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be?
My father. I lost him when I was 23 and I am 46 now (he would be 97 if alive). I would love to hear his stories from the war(he was part of the liberation of Holland) and maybe he could help me with mom and give me guidance or at least some comfort.
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