Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Film Picks-Man’s Best Friend


Oops...I mistakenly had it to post in June...

Let’s face it, most people love animals…thank God! God spelled backwards is dog and they can be from heaven…as long as they are with the right owner. I love animals and dogs especially because they just love so much. Our Harley is a big goof who loves to be cuddled, is jealous of the cat, and is very…very food motivated. He will grab the toast out of the toaster..yup, he is that big. He will grab bags, bones anything he finds outside and, once in his jaws, good luck in prying his jaws open. Could my Harley work in the movies? Hahaaaaaa…nope but there are some famous dogs who have with Lassie being at the top along with Rin, Tin Tin, Marley, Benji and so many others. The most recent is that cute border collie from, “Anatomy of a Fall” who stole the film, in my humble opinion. I thought of the dogs who stole the film from the actors and actresses and have become famous in their own right. Here are my 3..

1. THE THIN MAN-1934

The film stars William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles in the first of many films where they play these characters as Nick, a private eye, marries an heiress and both drink happily while figuring out who the murderer is. Their faithful companion, Asta, is played by Skippy, who knows what to do, when and how to do it….whatever it is. Off camera this wire fox terrier bit Myrna Loy so he could be a bit of a snot. The dog appeared in 2 more Thin Man films plus others and the audiences loved seeing him. This dog lived for 20 years…pretty damn good.


This iconic film made Judy Garland a star and has become a perennial favourite. We know the story about Dorothy being whisked away in a tornado to land in the land of Oz and he travels to get back home. Along with her is Toto, played by Terry, who is always by her side and her one connection to home. Toto was injured on the set when one of those purple guards accidentally stepped on her paw and broke it. Terry stayed with Judy Garland who nursed the cute cairn terrier and tried to buy the dog from the owner but to no avail. Terry was in other films but this is her most famous role, she passed away at 11 years old in 1945.

3. THE ARTIST-2011

I need to watch this film again because I love it! I know there is a dislike for the film now but, I think,  the acting is excellent and truly showcases the terror and heartbreak that many film stars from the silent era were facing when sound came in. Careers were done and some even did commit suicide. This shows how one, Douglas Fairbanks style actor, must deal with the coming of sound. His dog, a Jack Russell, is always by his side and comes to his rescue when he most needs it. The dog had no name in the film but Uggie became famous. How can one not love this dog? Uggie lived until 2015 a bit shy of turning 14. 



The classic Warner Bros. Cartoons are priceless and there are a few cartoons with these 2 characters and I just love them. 


  1. I have not seen The Artist, but I have seen the other two. Asta definitely stole The Thin Man.

    Funnily enough, I was just mentioning a dog movie in a comment on another blog today. Oh, Heavenly Dog. Benji as a detective voiced by Chevy Chase. (It was the '70s. I was a kid. I loved this movie.)

    Okay, now I'm trying to come up with 3. There was a movie with a robot dog (same era as OHD). CHOMPS. I am rather afraid to look this one up or rewatch. I doubt it held up well. And I'm blank on a third. I'm sure as soon as I hit "publish" I'll think of one.

    1. I really like Oh Heavenly Dog but, apparently, Chevy Chase hates it.

  2. Toto/Terry was definitely the star of the show in Wizard of Oz:)

  3. Hi, Birgit!

    I got up early this morning to wait in the balcony for your movies to begin. At 6 am, your usual post time, your post didn't appear. Hour after hour I waited, and finally stopped looking on my reading list, thinking you were not going to post this Thursday feature. I am relieved that you found it and got it published and relieved that I didn't miss it.

    I see that my buddy Harley's belly is open for business. I hope you gave it a good scratching right after you snapped that picture.

    I haven't watched the Thin Man movie series but, as I mentioned before, I watched the late 50s TV series starring Rat-Packer Peter Lawford and Phillis Kirk. Not that it matters all that much, but the clip you posted is from one of the movie sequels, After The Thin Man (1936). The dog, Asta, sure was cute, and I am happy to know that he lived 20 years. Toto from The Wizard of Oz always reminds me of my Toto, who left us nearly 11 years ago. Even though our puppy was female, Mrs. Shady decided to name her Toto because our toddler granddaughter loved to watch The Wizard movie whenever she came to visit us. Our granddaughter just celebrated her 27th birthday, reminding us how quickly the years pass. Thanks for sharing the tidbits about Terry (Toto). I thought I read somewhere that Judy hated doing closeup scenes with Toto because the pooch had bad breath. Uggie is another cute dog. Those Jack Russell terriers are so intelligent it is no wonder they were put to work in films. The family dog in those cartoons was usually a big, goofy lug like the one in that Looney Tunes short.

    For my contributions to the theme, let me mention Pete the Pup from the Our Gang shorts and Brian Griffin from Family Guy.

    Okay, Birgit, I'm off the see the wizard myself. I'll be back sometime late next month with a new post. It was great reconnecting with you this month. Please take good care of yourself and my buddy Harley until we meet again, dear friend BB!

    1. I'm late here but so glad you visited. Yeah, I thought I had the Thin Man because I can't play the clips when i post. I like your selections and love The Family Guy and that intelligent dog.

  4. Aww Toto! I remember when everyone went mad for the dog in The Artist. I never liked that movie, so I never got on board with it.

    1. I remember you hating g it and I love it. Ugliest was great

  5. That is a funny cartoon.
    I can't think of any dog movies I really liked, but of course, I grew up with the cartoon Scooby-Doo, so I'll go with that.

  6. BIRGIT ~

    This was a terrific topic, and your choices of Toto and Asta were excellent. I absolutely LOVE 'The Thin Man' and I own on DVD all six movies in that series! And, yep, I own 'The Wizard Of Oz', too.

    I'd never even heard of 'The Artist'. I may have to put that on my To See list.

    Going in a slightly different direction, the first movie that popped into my mind was the 1955 Disney animated classic 'Lady & The Tramp'. I adore that movie and I would say that Tramp (and Peg also) clearly stole the show, leaving Jim Dear and Darling (the animated humans) in the dust.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Lucky you! I'd love the Thin Man box set. I love the Artist but it's a silent film

  7. Love your topic this week! ☺ I have seen all the movies you featured and am a huge fan of the Thin Man series. We have the entire set in our movie collection. Asta and Toto were adorable, but I have a special affection for Jack Russells, having had several as clients over the years. Such clever, energetic little dogs! ♥ First movie that came to mind was "K-9" starring JIm Belushi and a German Shepherd named Jerry Lee. It's a fun film. ☺ Of course, I loved EVERY single version of 101 Dalmatians. We had one for almost 17 years. Greatest dog ever! ♥

    1. K9 is good and so is Turner and Hooch. He'll, I love The Littlest Hobo! Glad you saw all these films

  8. The dog scene with all those adorable puppies in "After the Thin Man" is so adorable! The dog that saves the day in "The Artist" reminded me how much I loved canines in movies as a kid. I loved watching the series "Lassie" when I could because he/she was a hero every time. The last clip from the Looney Tunes series is funny. You might recall that I sketched this pair the one year for the A2Z challenge. :) Dogs are man's cleverly smart best friends!

    1. Yrs! I remember the sketch and loved it as they are my fav. Well, one of my favs I loved these and Claude the cat. I love Lassie and love The Littlest Hobo. That dog, from the Artist, made me cry. I can't watch Marley and Me because it makes me cry so.
