Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Which Won The Oscar 1947


The year is 1947 and, not controversial at the time, today 2 of these songs would not ever make it on the soundtrack. It’s sad because I actually like both but I am not known to be politically correct so let’s see if you can guess who won the Oscar, which was nominated and which came up nil. I’m joining Monday Music Moves Me over at Cathy’s blog, Curious As A Cathy.


This song was written by Allie Wrubel with lyrics by Ray Gilbert for the film, “Song Of The South” and was a big Disney hit that you heard on the TV Show and in all the theme parks because it’s supposed to be a happy song but now it is very controversial. It’s considered racist and an Uncle Tom feel. I guess this man, who sang this song, is happy even though he was a former slave. You know, I still have not seen this film but plan to. Sadly, James Baskett died after making this film at only age 44. He suffered from diabetes and heart problems. Young Johnny is played by Bobby Driscoll who ended up hooked on drugs and died from a drug overdose at 31. He was buried in a paper's grave. 


This song is from the film, " Good News" about kids in school( I danced like this, didn't we all?). The song was written by Ralph Blane, Hugh Martin and Roger Edens and sung and danced by the inimitable Joan McCracken and dance troupe. I'm certain kids today would be incensed by the Indian musical references which is how the white folks thought the Indians sounded. Anyhoo, it's a lot of fun and a rare time to see this actress who died of diabetes at age 44. She was the wife of Bob Fosse who helped him in his career and she helped Shirley MacLaine too. 


We must have heard this song in many commercials for bananas but it actually wad in the film, "This Time For Keeps". Lina Rimay sang the song but it became more famous when Carmen Miranda sings it. I always liked this song.

So...which one won the Oscar, which was nominated and which came up zilch?

I can't resist....


  1. Hi Birgit!

    I'm sure Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah won, I've heard it referred to as an Oscar winner innumerable times. I'm pretty sure Pass the Peace Pipe was nominated (a great whirligig of a song and the production number is mind bogglingly ambitious and beautifully turned out!) I read a bio of Joan McCracken, interesting woman with terrible health problems and a dancer of amazing ability. So I guess that means Carmen Miranda's song got zilch but it's a fun choice for a ringer.

    1. It’s sad that the Zippy song is not played anymore because of the dated many films will they never show because of the offensive thoughts. They need to stop this censorship which does not help. This song is actually quite positive and happy plus it’s the final film from the actor who died shortly after this film was done. I bet he is sad that he is not even remembered because his most famous role is no longer shown.
      Joan was quite the wild one wasn’t she? She did beat to her own drummer. She was quite the influence on Fosse but was sadly mistreated by him as were all of his loves.
      I do love the Chiquita Banana song that is justifiably famous.

  2. I would guess Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. I remember having to sing that in a musical program in elementary school, and no one had any idea what movie it was from since it was banned lol. It wasn't even that good of a song.

    1. Yeah, I agree with your thoughts but it’s a happy song and it’s sad that censorship has taken hold. They should never ban these films or take parts out because one must learn from history including how people thought at that time.

  3. I saw "Good News" at my freshman orientation at Northwestern, so my favorite here is "Pass The Peace Pipe," but I'm pretty sure "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" won the Oscar and "Chiquita Banana" didn't get nominated.

  4. Ah, how times have changed... I went to a funeral where "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" was sung. It was at the request of the deceased.

    1. It’s a happy song! I hate censorship

  5. I don’t think I’ve seen the film but I remember Zip-a-dee-doo-dah being played on the radio a lot. I didn’t realise what it was about.

    1. It’s a happy song and he’s not singing that he’s happy about slavery or his abuse but he’s happy about life despite what has happened.

  6. I'm guessing ZipADeeDoDah won and Pass the Peace Pipe was nominated. It's too bad because Carmen Miranda's cover of Chiquita Banana was a favorite of mine in childhood. I never knew it came from a movie (and that Miranda started with one of the later verses). I hope the Chiquita Banana song at least was nominated but I don't think it would have competed with that Peace Pipe dance number. Incidentally, Song of the South has never been released on DVD in the United States. I've wondered from time to time if it exists on You Tube. I should look.

    1. It so sad that films are censored..I hate this because how are we to learn? We must understand that many didn’t think they were making something racist, sad but true…it is the times. The actor playing the lead died shortly after making this film so it was his final role. You are correct with the winner and nominated song.

  7. I'm not politically correct, so don't worry about it. That's just a lot of fluff for fragile emotional individuals. Politicians use race, gender, religion, ... as a weapon to create chaos and disharmony. Politicians and likeminded people have ruined the world and have taken the fun out of everything.

    Good theme! I think Zip-a-dee-doo-dah is the winner. What a cheerful tune!

    1. It is cheerful and sweet. I hate censorship because how are we to learn? Fred Astaire wanted to give a tribute to Bill Bojangles Robinson because he was a huge influence in dance. He asked the dancer if he could do a number and Bill agreed. Fred appeared in blackface to honour this great man of tap. I truly hope they never censor it out of the film.
