Thursday, September 12, 2024

Who Should Have Won the Oscar-1943


Casablanca is, rightfully, one of the best films ever made. It stands the test of time because of all the intrigue and exceptional writing. The writing excels which is why it won the best screenplay Oscar. I don’t understand how it did not win every award but, it didn’t, which is why I chose this year and Best Supporting Actor for 1943


Claude Rains never won an Oscar which is sacrilege especially since he did not win for his role as the unscrupulous Prefect in this film. He has some of the best lines and you know he has a heart, somewhere in his Vichy attire. He plays the Prefect so well, balancing villainy with a rogue heart of a Resistance man. He forms a friendship with Rick  the owner of this dining establishment where everyone goes to play intrigue. A real gem 


I love Charles Coburn who is a classic Hollywood character actor and who lent his voice and that face to many films, whether it be a drama or comedy but I liked him best in comedy. He won the Oscar for his role and, if he wasn't up against Claude Rains, I would say aok but, I feel Claude deserved it more. This film is great especially when it was made during the height of the censorship laws. He plays a millionaire who has come to town to deal with the housing shortage only to be turned away from his hotel because they have no room. He happens upon a place,  rented by Jean Arthur, and he asks if he can rent half the space. She agrees and soon you see a handsome Joel McCrea, soon leaving for war, who needs a place. Coburn sees the 2 are attracted to one another, and decided to rest his half that he rented from Jean. She is none too happy and hijinks ensues. It's quite funny and very charming. 


This is not just a basic Western as one always thinks of a Western but a  gritty look at mob mentality that can be attributed to today’s mobs which has not really changed. Henry Fonda and Harry Morgan( Col. Potter in MASH) are 2 cowboys who come to a town for a meal and a night’s sleep and find out that the town are after men who killed a local rancher. The 2 men join the posse and they come across 3 men having a sleep. Here we meet Dana Andrews as one of the 3 men who bought cattle from the rancher. He tells the mob that the bill of sale will be forwarded later but they don’t believe him and the mob want to hang the 3. Dana Andrews was so good as the young man who knows his fate even though he is innocent. I don’t think he should have won but I do think he should have been nominated. This film is directed by the great William Wellman, who  created a thinking man’s western and a sobering view of a mob mentality.

Have you seen any of these films? You must see these..especially Casablanca.


  1. I have seen it!
    I will need to seek out the third one since it has Harry Morgan in it.

  2. I've seen Casablanca more than once, but not the other two.

  3. I haven't seen the other two, but I have seen Casablanca which is wonderful, so I agree. He should've won lol.

  4. Yes, I’ve seen Casablanca more than once bit not the other two, so can’t judge!

  5. I've seen Casablanca and the Ox Bow Incident (required reading in Junior High). Both were awesome. It's a tragedy that human nature hasn't changed. And, if I may be a cynic, it never will. I pray I'm wrong.

  6. CASABLANCA is a truly great movie. My second favorite Film Noir. (Some people have tried to argue that it's not Noir, but it certainly is. I've never encountered a single argument against it being Film Noir that I haven't been able to counter with ease.)

    And!... Charles Coburn is one of my top 3 favorite character actors of all time. (Right in there with Frank Morgan & John Qualen!)

    However, Birgit, there's one boo-boo above. That film clip you used for 'The More The Merrier' is actually from the terrific movie 'THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES' (another favorite film of mine).

    ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Of course I've seen Casablanca. I think I've seen The More the Merrier. Wasn't it remade in the '60s with Cary Grant? Walk, Don't Run. Took place during the Tokyo Olympics of 1960. Cary Grant played the old guy part. I may be misremembering, and I'm not going to look it up.

  8. Hi Birgit,

    Three tremendous performances in three classic films!

    While it would have been wonderful and much deserved for Claude Rains to take this prize I can't disagree with Charles Coburn's prize. Claude is exemplary in a group of masters at the top of their craft but while both Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea are very able and pleasing in The More the Merrier Coburn owns the film.

    When I think of Casablanca I think of Bogie, Ingrid and the whole ensemble, but when I think of Merrier it's Coburn that I remember and that's the deciding factor.

    Poor Dana Andrews!! So often outstanding and yet zero nominations. He absolutely deserved one for Ox-Bow, don't get me started on Best Years of Our Lives!!! At least he was in good company in that club what with Myrna Loy (another slight from Best Years), Ida Lupino, Edward G. Robinson, Robert Walker, Joseph Cotton and Marilyn Monroe among many others who despite incredibly deserving work never scored a nomination either!

    1. Hi Joel…It’s Birgit. You see, I know that Casablanca can’t be the film without the ensemble of actors but Rain’s is a standout for me som while I agree with you about Coburn, I still would give it to Rains. I do love Coburn who owns that film. Oh….Dana Andrews, he deserved a nomination for this film and should have won in the Best Years. So many won when I wonder ..why?? Oh, for October’s Star of the month, I am speaking about your favourite actress and you can always add to it, I can say you wrote about her.
