Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Star For September


BIRTH: September 12, 1888

DEATH: January 1, 1972

AGED: 83 years

DIED FROM: kidney and liver failure as a result from a failed suicide attempt.

MARRIED: Twice- Yvonne Vallee and Nita Raya

AFFAIRS: Frehel, Mistinguett( volatile but was the love of her life), Arletty, Marlene Dietrich( big surprise), Lise Bourdin, Kay Francis, Miriam Hopkins, Merle Oberon, Toby Wing, Genevieve Tobin and just a out every chorus gal etc... 


OSCAR NOMINATIONS: THE Big Pond, The Love Parade

TALENT: Acrobat, Singer, Cabaret Star, painter

KNOWN FOR: aside from bedding tons of women...he was known for his miser like ways. His trademark Boater hat and tux. His ego but also his morose manner.

Maurice Chevalier is known for his French accent and lover and love for life man that is often imitated. So much so that, today, most people have no idea that the French guy is from Chevalier. What's funny( sad funny) is that he suffered from depression, and was a bit of a cranky dude. His dad was an abusive alcoholic who left the family and his eldest brother got married and, also, left. Their mom did everything she could to keep the 2 boys fed ending up in the hospital due to stress. Maurice went out to earn money, becoming an acrobat but, when he fell and was badly injured, he went on to other jobs..many others until he decided to sing. This did not go well but his brother and mom told him not to give up and he didn't. Before he could whistle French, he was becoming known. Soon, the biggest name in French entertainment, Frehel, took him on, in more ways than one. The problem...she had a major alcohol and cocaine addiction and he got hooked on cocaine. Well, once he could move on..he did and became an item, off and on with a big star, Mistinguett. 

World War 1 came on and he had to serve but was captured, in 1914, and was sent to a POW camp where he kicked his cocaine habit and learned Englush. Due to Mistinguett's knowledge of key people, she was able to free him in a prisoner exchange. How did Maurice thank her? He left her on to another gal, Arletty, and another and another. 

He hit the very big time when he came to Hollywood as a big star from France and he let everyone know this. He thought he was God's gift to women as well and tried to bag as many as he could, which he did. One who did not like his advances was Jeanette MacDonald who starred with him in 4 of his early pictures. He would deride her after because she rebuked him. They, actually, made a great team  which helped the musical regain its  footing. 

He decided he liked the stage more and moved back to France where he married for a 2nd time, to a Jewish lady. When Hitler took over France, they headed to the South which was more removed from the horrors of war. Unfortunately, The Nazis wanted him to sing and he would politely decline until they gave him an ultimatum..come with us or your wife and her family will be killed. He agreed to go with them and sing but on condition that they free 19 French POW'S. Despite him singing for the Resistance before being taken by the Nazis and singing for the POWs, he was initially charged as a collaborator and was almost hung but people came forward and he was vindicated. Not so much the U. S of A who placed him as a Communist because he signed the Stokholm Appeal to prevent nuclear arms being made.  In 1946, he divorced his wife and continued on performing, in more ways than one. Finally, when he was much older, he became the man we know more for than his earlier work. He was the happy-go- lucky Bon Vivant who loved love, life and champagne. He was in quite a few Disney films, the last years of his life but most he worked with, felt he was the exact opposite..cantankerous, moody and not very happy. He probably suffered from depression but went undiagnosed..mostly. He tried suicide more than once and the last time, taking barbituates, he hurt his kidneys and liver which led to his death. He is buried beside his adored mom whom he loved more than anyone.



2. THE BIG POND-1929





7. GIGI-1958

8. CAN-CAN-1960



I haven't seen any of his early films which I want to rectify one day. I love Gigi, Can-Can and Love In The Afternoon as well as the Castaways one. 


  1. Hi, Birgit!

    I'm back to execute a "triple play" this week at the BBC, dear friend!

    Yessum, I certainly remember French entertainer Maurice Chevalier. He used to be jokingly referred to as "Maurice Chevrolet." It boggles my mind to be reminded that Chevalier was born in the 1800s as were hundreds of famous singers, actors and comedians I came know know as a child. Indeed, the last person born in the 19th century (1899) reportedly died more than 7 years ago at the age of 117. Sadly, no one's left from that era! For years, Maurice Chevalier and I had a friendly rivalry going to see who could bed the most women. :) I well remember "I Remember It Well" (See what I did there?) I also remember "Thank Heaven For Little Girls." Both songs were introduced in the 1958 film Gigi, and "Thank Heaven..." made the list of 100 most notable tunes of American cinema. I was astonished to read details about Chevalier's perilous early life and brushes with death, and the fact that the jovial gent was known behind the scenes as a grump, with chronic depression believed to be the cause. Thanks for filing this report on one of the biggest stars of the 20th century, Maurice Chevalier.

    Hope you, Harley and Lexi are well and in good spirits. I am returning to blogging this Thursday with a new post of my own and invite you to join the fun at Shady's Place. I will drop in again tamale and Thursday to see and hear what you have an store. Have a wonderful day, dear friend BB!

  2. Interesting to learn Chevalier was a cad in real life, and suffered from depression. Kind of sad, actually. He was a great entertainer, regardless.

  3. Listening to Maurice reminds me of Luminaire from The Little Mermaid. This Frenchman surely had colorful history with the women. I don't think I would've been too happy to have been one of those poor women who fell for him. That's sad to read he had such a dark mental state. On screen he appeared to be quite the character. Who would've guessed he had problems with depression?

  4. Despite him being a cad, I do feel quite sad for him, what with all the trials and tribulations he underwent through his life. Perhaps that made him bitter, which contributed to his poor treatment of women and his miserly attitude. His artistic achievements are nothing to be scoffed at, though!

  5. I have attempted a passable impression of Mr.Chevalier, which Mary tells me sounds like Pepe Le Pew. Well, Pepe was based on Chevalier...

    His last movie was "Monkeys, Go Home!", a Disney stinker from 1967.

  6. 'placed as a Communist because he signed the Stokholm Appeal to prevent nuclear arms being made.' How ironic is that?
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  7. I had no idea he had such a dark history. I do love Gigi, so I know who he was. I have seen one of his early films with Jeanette MacDonald. I don't remember which one, now. I remember thinking how young he looked.
