Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday Film Picks- Summer …Almost Over…School Begins


This week, even after all these years, makes me break out in a cold sweat because I hear all those Back to School ads. I never liked school and couldn’t wait until I was finally over with it. It made me think of my last week before school, my fun time at Crystal Beach, a great old amusement park and the bullies…ughh. You know, I bet, if I spoke to the kids today, not much has changed. Funny, the CNE, the Canadian National Exhibition, has been on for 2 weeks and ends on Labour Day, is an institution for over 100 years. So here are my 3 film picks…


To say this is an iconic film detailing the last night of high school grads before they embark on a new life outside of High School, is an understatement. It is an ensemble cast with Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfus, Paul LeMat and Charles Martin Smith as 4 grads who have different events happen to them during this fun night before they go off to school. Good ole Ronnie tells his steady girlfriend, played by Cindy Williams, that it should be ok to see other people while away at college. Another falls for a Blonde in a neat ole car..well, ole for us. We have a great drag race and all other forms of shenanigans including a young Harrison Ford. This film is considered one of the best films of the 70s and, simply, one of the best films. It’s well acted, directed and love the look of it.


I saw this in the theatre and loved it because I could relate to it so well. This kid is bullied on a regular basis and decides to hire a bodyguard…the meanest, loner kid of the school. Over time, the 2 develop a real friendship while learning about life from the kid’s grandmother, played to wonderful delight by Ruth Gordon. She is one of my favourite character actresses who knows more than anyone realizes. I love this film which touched my heart, not just because of the bullying but about love and friendship.


This is a fun vampire film starring Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Jamie Gertz, and Diane Wiest as the mom to 2 boys who brings her boys to her hometown after her divorce. They go live with her dad and, it’s summer time so where does one hang out? The local fair grounds is the centre of fun…and the centre of vampires. The oldest falls for this Gypsy type girl but she belongs to a young Kiefer Sutherland. Well, Kiefer and his band of 80’s hairstyle misfits invite Jason to have some fun like hanging off the train trestle bridge and seeing how long they can hold on while the train goes by. The next morning, a young Jim… Jason Patric is all moody and now, can’t stand the sun. The vampires have been bad boys…what can one do. This is a fun cult movie that is quite hilarious at times and I love the old coot who plays Diane Wiest’s dad. There are some cool sets like the old hotel and special effects which are also really quite good. 

What movies make you think of school, your summer vacation or the last week before school started?


  1. Lost Boys is a good choice. We watched it again earlier this year - campy but fun.

    1. I love this movie..very campy but full of fun

  2. I immediately thought of Grease. There's a lot of films in this genre but no others come immediately to mind. I was mostly indifferent about school then as well as now. I think it's important in giving kids something to occupy their time while growing up.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I hated school so I agree with you and I think the educational depth. forget who teens are. Grease is a great choice.

  3. Funny you should mention the CNE! We're going there later this afternoon. ☺ I enjoyed your first and third selections, but haven't seen 'My Bodyguard'. Ruth Gordon was a favourite, though. Loved her in 'Harold and Maude'.

    1. How did you like the CNE? I want to get there one day. You would love My Bodyguard if you can find it.

    2. It was incredibly crowded and expensive! Still, we always enjoy going and usually find some cool stuff in the marketplace. This year, we got a new wind spinner (we have several) and a motor to make them all turn without wind. ☺ I'll look for 'My Bodyguard'.

  4. A Summer Place was the first movie to pop into my head.

  5. That's a fun mix of films Birgit!

    I like but don't love American Graffiti. The film nearly drips with nostalgia, doubly so now that watching it fills you with reverie for the time portrayed and for the time it was released in theaters. Everybody is SO young!!!

    I was completely disarmed by My Bodyguard when I saw it the first time. I was expecting some routine mean guys against wimp flick, but the film’s message was so sweet and pure. Ruth Gordon added nice touches to her role, but it was really the connection between Chris Makepeace and Adam Baldwin (so sad that he has become a Trumper whack job ☹) that made the film work.

    I didn’t have quite the same reaction to Lost Boys, but I was pleasantly surprised how clever it was considering it read on the surface as “Young Vampires” and little more. Loved seeing Dianne Weist as the mom.

    The first three that occurred to me were:
    “Grease” of course with its collection of pushing 30 “high school students”!! Still a tremendous amount of fun with a wonderful supporting cast of veteran performers like Eve Arden and Joan Blondell and naturally Frankie Avalon!

    “Mean Girls” (2004)-Back before Lindsay Lohan imploded.
    “She’s All That” (1999)-Again we have “teenagers” who are well past that life period in this Pygmalion reworking, but the film is a pleasant view with a ridiculously complex dance number plopped right in the middle of prom!!

    1. Aagghh! Why are some of these stars following Trump stump? I just don't get it. I'm glad you like My Bodyguard and will forget that he is a Trumplodyte. I love America Grafitti and they ate so very young. For once they are truly teens. Glad you like The Lost Boys because I was expecting the opposite.
      Grease is fun and I'm always there when I see Eve Arden. I just hate the ending..I mean hate! She gives up who she is as a person for that idiot. She becomes a slut. I have not seen the other 2 but would love to see Mean Girls. Lindsey is still a train wreck.

  6. We're already in the third week of school, but if you're talking summer and school, there's Summer School with Mark Harmon. (This movie ruined my SAT score, but that's more my fault than the movie's.)

    1. I've seen that movie and it was nice, not fantastic but fun. I like both Mark Harmon and Kirstie Alley.

  7. BIRGIT ~
    I've not seen 'The Lost Boys', but I LOVE (and own on DVD) 'American Graffiti' and 'My Bodyguard'!!

    I literally grew up body-surfing the waves at Santa Monica Beach - Summer vacation after Summer vacation - so the classic surfing movie 'ENDLESS SUMMER' (1964) always reminds me of my Summers from 1970 into the early 1980s.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. I know you love Grafitti which is a great movie and the kids are not 30+. I'm glad you also like My Bodyguard.
      You were a surfer dude! Any beach blanket bingo in your surfing days? I have not seen this film but on my large list.

  8. I would like to see My Bodyguard. That sounds good. Hope your weekend is fab:) Hugs

    1. You will like My's very well done and more than the typical kid being bullied movie.

  9. I loved "American Graffiti!" Even bought the soundtrack.

  10. You know, I've yet to see American Graffiti. It's just one of those movies I've postponed watching for no particular reason. I've always loved "The Lost Boys," there's a certain vibe to it that makes it alluring on more than one level. And, you're right, the guy who plays the grandfather does a terrific job, especially when he delivers one particular line of dialogue at the end of the film. When I think of other high school-themed movies, several come to mind. Particularly noteworthy are Breakfast Club, The River's Edge, Heathers, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and Up the Down Staircase.

  11. I've got movies that I should see but never really had the oomph to see it. Glad you like the Lost Boys like me
    Of all the movies, I've only seen the Breakfast Club which was ok. I hated the bad boy idiot..he got on my nerves. I also was sad when the goofy girl is made into this sweet thing dressed in white. Where did they get that dress by the way? I have to see Heather's for sure.
