Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Childhood Favourites or Back To School


I hated school…not just disliked, but hated. There were some good moments but, overall, hated it. Being mercilessly bullied, spat upon, told daily I'm ugly, wishing I would kill myself because everyone would be better off, my life being threatened and going for X-rays every year on my hands because they tried to break my fingers, did not make high school fun. I thought grade school was bad but this was worse and I started my years of hell when I turned 14 in 1978. By the time I was 16, I was terrified and believed what the bullies said. Around this time, I met this girl, from another high school, named Tracy, who was a force and didn’t think twice about being my friend. She told me to loosen up when I danced and taught me to feel the music and just go with it. Well, you couldn’t hold me or us back when it came to dancing and having tons of fun. We ended up going to this Disco called Charlie Chan’s that was in the basement of this plaza ( Fire code anyone) which we could go to on Sundays when it was open for people under age. No alcohol was served but we could get pop and enjoy dancing. Monday Music Moves Me has school on their mind for the theme and I went for music that was fun when I was a teen. These are 3 songs we often danced to. 


I loved the whole album, "Bat Our Of Hell" by Meatloaf and, I think, this is a great album.  I was so naive that I didn't get the meaning but it didn't matter as I just danced. At the time I didn't know that Meatloaf looked like a meatloaf or that the excellent female singer, Ellen Foley, looked like a skunk  all I knew was that this was a great song  fun anecdote that, I know, my brother knows...the announcer on this song is spoken by New York Yankees shortstop, Phil Rizzuto  who became a famous announcer.


This band is one strange, weird band that I enjoy listening to. This song could be long but I wentbwith the shorter version. How we danced like crazy loons only to slowly fall down, down, down finally ending up on our backs kicking our feet and arms up in the air behaving like dead flies. Everyone on the dance floor knew this is what had to ve done, damn the dirty floor only to jump up and start flaying about once again. Today, I would be staying on the floor and crawling off.


Now, how Disco can one go than with this song that we often hear in movies or stations centering on 70s music. Actually, the 70s had all kinds of music from Disco Sucks music to great Rock bands like Pink Floyd to ABBA.  I think I did "The Robot" dance to this song. 

What school songs do you remember fondly? 

Our Lexi was spayed last Wednesday and has to wear this onesie for 2 weeks and she can't be her nutty self for another week still but she is healing well. 


  1. They kept trying to break your fingers?! Oh, Birgit, I'm so sorry you had to suffer such horrible bullying! Tracy sounds like a wonderful friend.
    I remember these songs and still have the Bat Out Of Hell album. Meatloaf was one of a kind! And, I'm one of those 'disco sucks' people but still had fun dancing the nights away. ☺ I finished high school in 1972, so that was a different set of songs entirely. My favourite of all time, 'Nights In White Satin', was re-released that year.

    1. P.S. Lexi is so adorable! ♥ I hope all goes well with her recovery.

    2. It’s Birgit…yeah, I’m not huge into Disco but some of these songs bring fond memories. Yes, they tried and threatened to cut my throat from ear to ear. That was just once though. Thankfully, due to my Ehlers-Danlos, it’s hard for me to break a bone but my hand would swell up for a while.

  2. For too many years, bullying was accepted as a fact of life, but so many lives were ruined. Three cheers for Tracy and her offer of friendship, which was literally a lifesaver. I enjoyed your alternate playlist. All great songs. Believe it or not (I'm just about Debbie's age) I never went to a disco but when my 7th grade English teacher told us he went, he became the coolest teacher in my junior high.

    1. This is Birgit…I hate when I hear the old saying, “Kids will be kids.” That’s no excuse. Thankfully, I did make a couple of fr8end s and Tracy was one who helped me out of my shell. I was not much into Disco but some songs make me smile now.

  3. The song that says “school disco” to me is Band of Gold by Freda Payne. Possibly 1972 or 3, I can even remember what I wore.

    Speaking of wearing, Lexi looks very cute in her onesie.

    I’m so sorry to hear you had to endure such awful bullying at school.

    1. Yes, it was bad and you don’t forget but I got stronger. I have to listen to that song you mentioned. Lexi is a cutie but she loves to jump etc… which she is not supposed to do.

  4. I'm so sorry you were bullied. People suck.

    1. People do suck but I hope, it’s being looked at more than just a kids thing nowadays.

  5. You poor, poor thing! That's just awful. All it takes is one person to start something like this and soon you have a gang of biting dogs on you all the time. Kids can be cruel. I wonder what these individual grew into as adults, did they remain mean hearted or became kinder? It's so sad to read of your experiences. I'm happy you found a good friend in Lexi to make those difficult years manageable. Le Freak is a fabulous song to dance to and it makes you feel good. I liked Disco more back in the day than I do now, but it's fun to hear some of my favorite tunes from that era. Have a boogietastic week, Birgit! xo

    1. Lexi is a good friend but she my pussy cat…lol Tracy was the good friend who helped me come out of my shell. I am not a huge disco fan but some songs make me smile. Bullying is horrible and, I think, few kids grow up regretting their actions. These kids grow up and are the bullies in the office workplace. I think they are also lost souls because their best time was high school and they can’t relive that time. They are sad, sad cases.

  6. I am so very sorry you had to endure this. Huge hugs,

    1. Hi Sandra…this is Birgit. It was very tough but, I got stronger with the help of some people, like Tracy.
