Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday Movie Picks-Workplace


Halloween edition over at Wandering Through the Shelves and this time it’s about the workplace. Sometimes, we’ve been in a workplace that conjures up…say it with me…”The Horror….the horror” but usually, we just go to work, work, gab, check out YouTube, work some more, go to the loo, gab and go back home. 

Before I forget, from yesterday’s post, the song that won the Oscar was “The Way You Look Tonight”,  while, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” was nominated and my favourite song, “Let’s Face the Music and Dance” got nothing! Anyhoo, I thought of 3 films that made me think of horror in the work place and here they are…


This is a film where even Marilyn Monroe felt bad for the creature but it was the 1950s and creatures like this deserve to die at the hand of scientists. Oops…spoiler alert but no big surprise. You have scientists who find a skeleton of a half man/half fish in the Amazon and travel there to investigate more. The one scientist, who is too good looking to be a scientist, brings is hot girlfriend along for the ride because who wouldn’t want to go into the insect nuts, piranha watered, huge snake filled Amazon jungle? Forget Paris, Vienna and Munich..I’m there baby! I want to have something crawl up my anal cavity to lay eggs and…ooops, I’m going off on a tangent here. Anyway, the scientists have their workplace on location not realizing they are being watched by this Aquaman who takes one look at the gal and falls in gill lust for her. It’s actually quite a good movie that has spawned sequels but this is the best one to see.

2. SE7EN-1995

I would say nothing is more horrific than man and, considering what’s going on in the world, I think you will agree. This is the most horrific of the 3 films I chose because it’s too real and sad but it’s an excellent film. Morgan Freeman plays an experienced detective who takes his partner under his wing, played by Brad Pitt. Brad is married to Gwenyth Paltrow( they actually got together while making this film and then he woke up, became sane and ran) and are happy but she sees that Brad has a bad temper and it’s made worse by this diabolical killer who is killing people in the manner of the seven deadly sins. It’s not a film for everyone, there’s no ffreaky zombies or Jason's around, just evil people or person, in this case.


Sorry! I wrote this on my IPad last night and thought it took but it didn't!!!

Willem Dafoe plays Max Schrek( German for Terror) hired by F. W. Murnau( played by John Malkovich)to portray the Vampire, Nosferatu, for his film that was made in 1922. Murtaugh has a lot of stress on the set not the least is Schrek who is a real vampire. The film company is told that Max likes to always be in character so they never suspect that he really wants to suck their blood. Willem deserved an Oscar nod for this role that he made quite comedic especially when Schrek was high on laudanum. I enjoyed this film that took actual people who made that German Expressionist film and created a whole story o the making of. It's all fictional but it's highly entertaining.

Sorry for this screw up and any grammar and spelling errors.


  1. Hmmm. Something missing? My parents took us to the drive-in for Creature Feature. I was young and surely fell asleep.

    1. It screwed up on me. I was writing on my Ipad and it didn't take.

  2. I don't do well with scary movies! I've never seen either one of these. You're missing #3.


    1. Ipad screwed up. Scary movies have always been tough on me

  3. Seen both. Tough to pick a horror workplace movie.

    1. Yes, they are tough. One would have to stretch this one

  4. Haven't seen these, but then I avoid horror whenever possible. As always, great reviews.

    1. Yes, horror films are not my favourite unless it's intelligent and well made or super shocking and campy

  5. OMG, I so hate Seven. HATE! And it's all in that ending. Some movies lose it for me in the ending, and I will hate them forever for it. This is one.

    I haven't seen the other two. Workplace horror...? Hmmm... Nothing comes to mind. (I'm writing this while in a room with 25 14-year-olds, so is that horror enough?)

    1. Yes, you have your own horror workplace. Hahaaa...ok you hate Se7en...the ending is not nice on so many levels.

  6. Hi Birgit,

    While it's not something I return to The Creature from the Black Lagoon is a perfect example of 50's drive-in sci-fi. Somewhat cheesy but enjoyably goofy with the bonus of one of my faves-Julie Adams-as the damsel in distress.

    Se7en is tense, gritty and well-made but so deeply disturbing I've never had any desire to see it after that first time in the theatre.

    I know I thought Shadow of the Vampire was decent when I saw it but it's been a long time and my memory of it is sketchy.

    Since this month's theme's are tough for me I'm taking a very broad idea of what encompasses a workplace with my three.

    The first would be "The Thing from Another World" (1951) since the someone was working at that barren outpost they journeyed to to discover the monster.

    The journeying goes for my next choice as well "Aliens" (1986), or the original "Alien" as well, since the spacecraft is a working station. Like Alien LOVE Aliens!!

    The last might be more psychological thriller than horror but at least it's set in an actual work area. 1993's "The Temp" starring among others Faye Dunaway in one of the many pieces of garbage she made after Mommie Dearest trashed her prestige and starring career.

    1. I almost chose The Thing which works. I have yet to see any alien films because it freaks me out. I think I remember the trailers for The Temp...trashy, from what I recall...just like Faye.
      Yes, Se7en is ugly in many ways, I like Creature and need to see it again. I love Shadow. I bet you are less enamoured with it

  7. Se7en! One of my all time favorite movies. Even with its graphic nature it's one I rewatch often. I also realize I posted last weeks TMP this week, so now I'm off. Guess I'll need to do a Saturday Movie Pick or something.

    1. You are I can only watch Se7en after a few years because it's so ...ugly

  8. First of all, I want to say that Morgan Freeman appearing in the credits is a gigantic sign that I read as "STAY AWAY! SAVE YOUR MONEY, AND SAVE YOUR TIME FOR BETTER THINGS". (The only exception that I can think of, off the top of my noggin, is 'Bruce Almighty'.)

    It's not that I have anything against Morgan Freeman personally, but I think he just chooses a lot of crap to appear in. He's overrated as an actor, and *extremely* overrated as a judge of cinematic material.

    As a little kid, I had a bright orange, plastic figurine of The Creature From The Black Lagoon. I had other plastic monsters too, but The Creature was my favorite, by far!

    I'm not sure if this qualifies as "Workplace", but my favorite Horror movie is 'JACOB'S LADDER', about a postman and his mistress who also happens to work at the post office (and is, it seems, "postal", in more ways that one).

    And how about?...
    'ALTERED STATES' (an archaeologist).
    The original 'WICKER MAN' (a detective).

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. You chose some good films that work with the theme.
      I know what you mean about Morgan although he is good in Shawshank and Driving Miss Daisy. If he plays the President again, I'll go he does seem to do a lot of crap just like Michael Caine and Peter O'Toole.

  9. You had me at "too good looking to be a scientist." But then it only got better with mention of the "anal cavity." Ha. I love ya, Birgit.
    I didn't realize Creature from the Black Lagoon is from the 50s, thought it was more current.

    1. Yup, Marilyn Monroe talks about the creature in her film, The Seven Year Itch, before her skirt flies up. Yes, well, the Amazon would have those types of insects and amoeba like thank you.

  10. I saw Seven in the theater, knowing nothing going in. I remember thinking, while viewing, that it was one of the best movies I'd ever seen - and that I never wanted to watch it again!

    It's so good - the acting, the writing, the cinematography, everything. So deeply good. And yet so disgusting. And no, I've never watched it since. No need.

    1. It is one ugly movie..nothing pretty in that film and very disheartening

  11. Creature of the Black Lagoon has been a favorite of mine since my mother first took me to see in in the theater. I've got the box set. The Creature reappears for two more interesting takes on the character.

    My wife and I rewatched Se7en somewhat recently. I agree with your sentiments on that one.

    A horror film could easily be filmed where I formerly worked since we sold costumes, masks, make-up and the like. I used to think up scary stories for the place all the time.


    1. You could think up stories where you worked. Ever see the film with Joan Crawford whete she owns a circus? It's called, "Berzerk"...campy but fun.

  12. I haven't seen Seven in a long time but it is very good.
    TV and movies make being a detective cool since they're solving mysteries and crimes...but they often see the worse of humanity.
