Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday Movie Picks- Friendship


Why not talk about somethin nice....friendship.  There are some great stars whonare besties with other stars and have made films together. Here are some best friends who made some good movies...


Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are a famous comedic team and my dad's favourite comedy team. They were also very close friends and when Hardy died, Laurel was so devastated that he was throwing up and could not attend the funeral. This film is funny with the 2 friends wanting to attend their lodge event in Chicago but their wives have other plans so they do their best to deceive. It does not go well.  It's one of the better films but they had many good films which makes them famous even today.


This stars Bette Davis as a imbalanced woman living in a once nice mansion who now seems to be decaying, like the mansion. Her housekeeper seems just as unsteady with the only caring ones being the doctor, played by Joseph Cotton and her cousin, played by Olivia DeHavilland. It's considered a horror movie but it's's more of a thriller. Originally, Joan Crawford was to play the cousin but, thankfully, she left the film and Bette's good friend, Olivia stepped in and I think, she is a much better fit. Yes, despite Davis's notorious reputation for being very difficult, she was always nice to DeHavilland and they became good friends off the set. This is, I believe, their 6th pairing. 


This western stars great friends, James Stewart and Henry Fonda as 2 cowboy friends on the range when Stewart receives a letter saying his brother is dead and Stewart inherited his belongings. They head out to the town and find the home Stewart now owns and it's a home of Ill repute headed by Shirley Jones. Fonda partakes of each morsel but Stewart treats the ladies as...ladies. This is a funny, western movie with a good heart. I think it's a fun film and you can see how easy these 2 interact with each other.

Which stars can you think of that are good friends that made a film together?


  1. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon?

    Victor Buono was in several movies with Bette Davis before he became Batman's nemesis King Tut....

    1. You are right with Damon and Affleck. Poor Victor was King Tut in Batman.

  2. I did not know Bette Davis and Olivia DeHavilland were friends. But I can kind of see it. I haven't seen any of these, but I have seen bits of the second two.

    1. Both were strong women and Olivia finally won the case to get out of her contract without being suspended and years placed on.her already lengthy time at Warners. Bette tried earlier and lost

  3. Hi Birgit!

    An interesting way to go with the theme.

    I'm not the biggest Laurel & Hardy fan. I recognize their talent and the chemistry between the two is right out there front and center but their particular brand of humor isn't one that works for me particularly. I have seen Sons of the Desert and as their films go it is one of the better ones.

    Bette's prickly personality and competitive edge precluded a lot of friendships with other women but when she struck up one she was fiercely loyal. She also became very close with Anne Baxter during the making of "All About Eve" and remained so throughout Anne's life. Bette and Olivia had a common feisty spirit which I think they recognized in the other leading to their bond. While "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte" is a lesser film than Baby Jane it is still quite an entertaining one that gives both women meaty characters to play.

    Jimmy and Hank's friendship had to be one of the longest and most enduring in Hollywood predating their discoveries back to when they were just starting out struggling actors. "Cheyenne Social Club" will never get very high in the ratings of either men's respective filmographies but it's a sweetly pleasant comedy that coasts by on the charisma and camaraderie of the two greats.

    This one is a bit of a challenge but I think I can come up with three.

    The first would be 2003's "Runaway Jury" with one time roommates Gene Hackman & Dustin Hoffman. Not a great movie, an okay one with a great cast.

    Next would be "Becket" 1964 with legendary drinking buddies Richard Burton and Peter O'Toole. An excellent film with tremendous performances by both of them.

    Last would be one "Macao" with a old RKO pals Robert Mitchum and Jane Russell along with Gloria Grahame and William Bendix. It a rather routine studio bound adventure but the cast makes it worth seeing. Jane and Mitchum became close while working at the studio and remained so the remainder of his life.

    1. I know you don't care for Laurel & Hardy. Comedy can be tricky to like all the styles. You are so right about Bette and Anne. I always laugh when Olivia bitch slaps Bette and wonder how many people wanted to do that to Bette. I love Cheyenne Social Club. I know it doesn't get the highest grades but, I don't care.
      I love your picks! I like Runaway JURY more than you, I feel, but it's a good movie not a great film. Oh man, O'Toole and Burton disappeared for 3 days ending up far away. They didn't quite remember how they got there. I think Richard Harris was with them too.
      Yes, Mitchum and Russell were a great team( so was Mitchum and Kerr) and when he died, she was the only person outside the immediate family, who went with his widow to rid of the ashes.

  4. First video shows as unavailable, but I know I haven't seen it. Bette and Olivia were so great and I'm happy to know they were friends in real life. I LOVE the Cheyenne Social Club and have the DVD. It's hilarious! ☺ Affleck and Damon, Newman and Redford come to mind for this category.

    1. I know and I have yet to change the video. I need to do this. I have the video too. Live Jimmy and Fonda together

  5. John had a good one. I'd say Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter.

  6. The Laurel and Hardy pairing is an excellent choice for friends who made films together.

    Recently I saw a 1928 silent film called Noah's Ark and being intrigued by it I did some research about it. One of the things I found out was that John Wayne and Ward Bond (of the TV show Wagon Train) appeared as extras in the film. They were best friends who appeared in many movies after that. Wayne was one of Bond's pallbearers after he died and Bond left Wayne a shotgun in his will. They did some pretty good movies together.


    1. That's a great pairing and they were part of John Ford's inner circle of friends. Maureen O'Hara was the lone female accepted by the boys. Wayne was devastated when Bond died. Yes, Noah's Ark is infamous for the flood scene when people died as well as animals.

  7. I love hearing that Laurel and Hardy were great buds. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a lovely theme! I just wish I'd seen some of these films. lol
    When I think of friendship, the films that come to mind are Now & Then, Standby Me and Kings of Summer.

    1. I still have to see these but know about them. Great choices

  9. The Christopher Guest crew must like each other quite a bit to make so many delightful films together: This Is Spinal Tap, Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman, A Mighty Wind...

    1. I love these movies! Yes, I quite agree that they must all get along especially Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy

  10. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO MY FRIEND How are you doing? Great I hope. Well, yesterday I went shopping with my daughter & we bought Turkey dinner, and this year she wants to learn how to cook mama's dinner. She's my oldest daughter and my right arm. Love her to pieces. We're like sisters. Anyway, we had tons of fun & she's comin' back Wednesday! Can't wait. I remember when I did the same with my gramma. She was the cook for holidays. I wish you the best holiday ever and God bless you my friend. HAPPY THANKSGIVING and I'm thankful for friends like you! :)

    1. Tha k you so much! Enjoy every moment with your daughter. I miss my mom very much. Happy Thanksgiving

  11. Laurel and Hardy were great. The first of their movies I saw was "The March of the Wooden Soldiers." It was a Thanksgiving staple in my house!

  12. Yes, I've seen the Laurel & Hardy film. I've seen a few but this one always comes into my mind. Stewart and Fonda almost came to blows way, way back and realized their friendship was worth more than their politics so they never talked politics after that.
    I have to see the Lee Marvin film. I just watched The Professionals with both of these actors in it. I haven't seen Birdy either but just love Blazing Saddles! ( where are the white women at?). Did you know that Brooks asked John Wayne to play the Cisco Kid? It's a crime that this could not be done today. There is a new censorship in place now which the young people hold power to because they are looking to are looking to be offended

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