Well..I don't classify myself as a writer in any degree but I have a love of the written word even if I tend to write run-on sentences and make up words because that is how my neurotic, fun crazy mind works:) I have been looking at the blogs for this support group and have felt insecure to put it perfectly, to even join in as I do not consider myself a writer. I have written poems and, when I am at home (yup I am at work so shhhh) I will place my Christmas poem on this blog...when I get the chance. Christmas is always special to me, always has been. I don't get sucked into the commercialism of it all as I decide to tune that part out. I can't change the mass mindless extecutroids to put Christmas music on before Halloween has even been and gone, so I choose to not listen to it. I wonder how many versions of "Santa Baby" can really be out there. The new Taylor Swift version sounds like Minni Mouse carooning to Goofy behind Mickey's back, I think Minni always was a slut actually. oh so back to Christmas... Christmas reminds me of warm times of yesteryear. My mom, who is German and Germans LOVE Christmas, really instilled the spirit and warmth of Christmas and what it truly means. This year has been a rather difficult time with my spouse not able to work due to his arthritis and I am carrying the financial load plus my mom, who was living with us, slowly fading like a shadow from my sight due to her dementia. It has been a difficult year. Only 3 weeks ago we had to place her in long term care and that was just another death in her long chapter of life. Thankfully she seems to be doing well there and I am happy about this. With all this I also was thinking of the top 10 christmas movies I would consider as the top. So without further adieu I give my top 10 starting with my favourite and the best even if one sees it every year...
1. It's A Wonderful Life-Perfect film and despite all that one goes through, the message is true.
2. Scrooge (1951)-the version with Alistair Sim-Black and White of course-THE best version
3. Miracle On 34th Street-Edmund Gwynn IS the perfect Santa
4. Christmas Story-"You'll shoot your eye out!-Who wasn't dressed by their mom's for winter
5. White Christmas-Love the musical but wowzer's is Vera-Ellen way too thin
6. Going My Way-Barry Fitzgerald stole the film and Rise Stevens is the perfect Carmen
7. The Bishop's Wife-Even though it stars Loretta Young I still love the movie
8. Holiday Inn-Great Dancing just have to get past the Abraham number(ick)
9. Christmas Vacation-Who doesn't love to see a cat get scorched(Don't kill me I have 4)
10. Muppet Christmas Carol-Who doesn't love the muppets-great movie
Others that are great are Bad Santa-Just horribly funny in every way. Nightmare Before Christmas-Unique is the word(sorry went "Grease" all of a sudden) Love Actually-excellent ensemble cast, The Santa Clause and Elf-more typical flicks but still fun to watch. Let me know your favs...