Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cottage Life


Before I forget, as I almost always do, yesterday’s Oscar, “Who won”  answer is  Elton John’s song from “Rocketman”, won the Oscar, “Into The Unknown” sung by Idina Menzel was nominated and BeyoncĂ© got Nadda. Apparently, it was a huge snub and, maybe it is, but there ya go  with who won who got nominated and who got nuttin, honey.

Since I’m on a nice vacation, relaxing and eating like a queen, I decided to go the summer cottage route and I came up with these 3..


This is a romance film with a twist. It stars Robert Young and Dorothy Maguire, he disfigured from the war and she is just considered..not good looking. Herbert Marshall is the narrator and friend of both and tells his guests about their love story. The ugly girl hides away with an older lady and takes care of a cottage for people who wish to stay there. Enter Robert Young, handsome and engaged to a beautiful woman but he is not put off of Dorothy and they can laugh. Time goes by, he now wants to rent the cottage alone telling his fiance to leave him be as well as his own mom because he is severely disfigured due to the war. The only contact he has is with Dorothy who feels she, herself, is disfigured. The two can talk and enjoy each other’s company and they one day realize that the cottage has made them both “beautiful”. They no longer hide from people and love going out and enjoying life. The cottage and their love has cured their “ugliness”. It is well acted, sensitive and a gentle film. They can’t really show how a veteran from WW1 or 2 would look like without a nose or jaw but it still gets the point across including that Dorothy Maguire is hardly ugly.


Yes, I have spoken about this film more than once but it is just so much fun starring the great James Stewart as the head of a family and his lovely wife is played by the beautiful Maureen O’Hara. They book a summer cottage right on the ocean and have 2 of their kids with them, a young teen daughter embarrassed that she must wear braces and their youngest son who can’t get enough of TV. When they get to this huge cottage by the ocean, it is not move in and relax place. Aside from 10” of dust everywhere, the plumbing is icky as well as the electricity much to their son’s woe. Unbeknownst to Jimmy, his wife decided to invite their other 2 daughters, their husbands and kids which kiboshes Jimmy’s hope of a second honeymoon with his wife( despite the other younger kids with them). On top of everything, his son in law’s future boss and that man’s wife come for a visit  where Jimmy has to go bird watching( hilarious). They take their young daughter to a dance and Jimmy pays the men  to dance with his daughter. The one boy, Fabian, sings with her and has a great time that he gives the $5 back to dad. It’s a funny film and a heartwarming one the first of a few that Jimmy Stewart made in the 60s.


This is not a great film but a fun flick made in the 80s with John Candy and Dan Ackroyd and in laws who decide to have a vacation together with their kids. John Candy and his wife are average middle class people with 2 sons where Ackroyd is married( to Annette Bening in her first film role) and they have twin girls that look like they came from that Hotel in the Shining. You follow their antics which involves water skiing, eating a huge steak and Bart The Bear along with some raccoons who think these people are quite stupid and they are not far off. It’s a fun movie but not one you think through. I love John Candy and will watch anything with him in it and miss this great Canadian to this day. 

What cottage movies can you think of?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Who Won The Oscar Song2020


I'm actually on vacation enjoying our time at his Aunt's home on the Richelieu River. I hope to listen to some of the music over at Monday Music Moves Me but if not now, I will next week. So, the year is 2020 at the height of Covid and, very recent. Who do you think won the Oscar, who was nominated and who got snubbed...let's see if you guess correctly.


Humble, chaste Beyonce sang this song for The Lion King and became another huge hit for this chick who needs a lesson in humbleness and "stop wearing those in your face" glittery outfits. I used to like her but I just want to slap her like Moira Rose does to people.


Here's good ole Elton belting out a song from his own bio called "Rocketman" that starred Taron Eggerton as Elton John. It's actually, a very film. 


I still have to watch Frozen and Frozen 2....Idina Menzel sings this song with much gusto. Sadly, she is often known for Travilta screwing up her name than for what she has accomplished. Poor John...gone are the days when all the huge stars would screw up the names of ...everyone especially when it was Best Foreign Film.

So, which won the Oscar, which was nominated and who got nadda?

Moira Rose slap

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Let’s Talk Sports


I’m late writing this so I will try and make it brief. I wrote about music revolving around sports and I thought, why not do something regarding sports. I thought, rather than sports movies, I’ll talk about sports people who ended up in movies and here we go…


I miss watching the Tarzan movies which used to always be on TV when I was young. This is the 2nd film in the series made before the Hays Office really clamped down on their idiotic censorship. You have the upper crust Englishmen wanting to grab elephant tusks at their grave yard plus try to convince Jane to come back home. Before Jane and Tarzan wore respectable garments, their clothing was much more revealing and they even skinny dipped. Johnny Weissmuller is still the perfect Tarzan, to me. He was an Olympic gold champion in swimming and you can see him swim in this film and all the others. These early films are the best and should be seen.


Sonja Henie…who? She was a gold medalist, I think, 3 times, in figure skating and her influence is still felt to this day like wearing white skates. She was a huge influence in the world of figure skating but she did, rightfully, get some major flack, when she gave the Nazi salute during the Berlin Olympics meeting Hitler. All that aside, Hollywood beckoned and she was quite the novelty playing Norwegian nymphs who figure skate her way into mens’ hearts. In this film, she is supported by John Payne who plays her love interest. I love that the Nicholas Brothers are in this film who are brilliant dancers that defy reality to dance. Her films can go from one to the other but they are a thrill to see. 


This film stars Esther Williams as Annette Kellerman, a famous Olympic swimmer who ended up in early silent films. Esther Williams, an expert swimmer, who would have been in the Olympics if WW2 didn’t mess up those plans. Esther was quite beautiful so she often played some sort of vixen who could do so much in the water. In fact, she is one reason why we have that weird synchronized swimming. I know it takes a lot of strength and control but it’s just a bit weird. She did most of her stunts breaking her neck once and she almost drowned once. She was under water doing these mermaid like swims when lunch was called and people left but forgot she was underwater. The pool was entirely covered by boards with a trap door but everything was painted black so Esther could not find her escape. A film crew member happened to see her and called others over to get her out of the tank! There was only one Esther Williams.

What movies can you think of? Any sports people that ended up in cinema? Please, no OJ….

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sports Songs..Kinda


This week, over at Monday Music Moves Me, it’s all about sports…sports and me….me and sports…..hahahaaaaa. I did think of 3 songs that I have done, in one form or another and here they are…


I do love swimming and enjoy swimming in a pool, the lake or the ocean, as long as there are no sharks. This song, by REM, makes me think when I was a kid and my brother and I were swimming at midnight in our Esther Williams above ground pool. In fact, we would get out of the pool and run around the small sidewalk surrounding the pool, a few times and then jump in. It would feel like bath water and we would  continue to do this for over an hour or more….it was so much fun. 


I love this song and it would always play when I went on this ride called The Blizzard or something like that. This ride had all the cars connected in one big circle and would go forward and backward in a circle, going faster and faster squishing me into the corner. While on this ride, I’d hear this song being played and it was just fun. I have gone sailing, kind of, well, I was on a boat and enjoyed every minute, drinking my OJ and vodka, don’t worry, the driver was completely sober but I was not driving the boat so I could have a drink or 2. 


I’d never buy their records but I do love quite a few of their songs including this famous song. I get a kick that this song was inspired by the movie, “ Young Frankenstein”,  which they went to see and kept laughing at the  scene when Marty Feldman says to Gene Wilder to “Walk this way” and then Wilder walks like Feldman( you have to see it). Steven Tyler realizes that it s the perfect title and lyrics to this riff they created. I love walking, when I can, especially in nature because it is just so calming to me.

So…what sports songs come into you mind?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

What Should Have Won The Oscar


1951 was a pretty good year for the musical because " An American In Paris" was receiving all the accolades and, unlike Joel, I like the film but it should not have won. That is for a different time because I'm actually going to speak about Best Supporting Actor. None of the stars in Paris were up and that's aok because Bogie finally got his Oscar and, I believe, he deserved it. He won best actor for "The African Queen." The actor I'm choosing is for a film that wasn't up for anything and that's a crime! So here are 3 actors from 1951, one won, one was nominated and my fav got nuttin' honey! 


Karl Malden played the friend of brute, Marlon Brando who is not happy that his wife’s sister is living with them. The sister, played brilliantly, by Vivien Leigh, talks up a storm portraying herself as a genteel southern lady and Karl is smitten with her. When it comes out that she is not quite the lady she portrays, Malden feels like a real chump and turns, cruelly, on her. His portrayal of a sweet man who turns into a real jerk is shocking. He got the Oscar for best supporting actor and he was good in this role but he is no match for the one I would have chosen…


No one really knows who Robert Walker is today but back in the 1940s, he was known as the handsome boy next door. He played all innocent and dreamy with big names like Judy Garland and Ava Gardner and many women swooned over his boyish good looks and sweetness. It took Alfred Hitchcock to bring out the much darker side of this very damaged soul. He played amiable handsome men but he was struggling with his mental health and was a full blown alcoholic. In this brilliant film, Farley Granger, plays Guy Haines, a tennis pro, on a train when he accidentally foot bumps Robert Walker who plays Bruno. Bruno ingratiates himself with Guy and over lunch Bruno decides that they should swap murders. He will bump off Guy’s wife leaving him free to marry the senator’s daughter( played so well by the beautiful Ruth Roman) and Guy will off Bruno’s dad whom Bruno can’t stand because the dad thinks Bruno should get a job. When Bruno does do in Guy’s slutty wife, he expects Guy to reciprocate but Guy now realizes how much of a sociopathic nut job Bruno truly is. You do meet Bruno’s mother, played so well by Marion Lorne, who should have been up for an Oscar herself for her part in this. We know Marion as the sweet, daffy Aunt Clara from “Bewitched” and here she is the the daffy and quite odd mother of Bruno. This is one of Hitchcock’s best films ever made….in my humble opinion.


Peter Ustinov did steal the show as wacky Nero in this film about the Romans wanting to do in the Christians in the arena. We see Nero singing, having fun watching Christians meet their fate to the lions and just being a total tyrant. It’s somewhat over the top but Ustinov knows when to play it ipso facto nutso and when to rein it in…somewhat. I always found Peter Ustinov engaging as an actor and as a guest on many talk shows. This film was also up for best picture but the 50s were the times for all the religious epics that had major stars and major special effects…no CGI. Leo Genn was also up for the same award so they may have cancelled each other out.

The other 2 up for the award were Kevin McCarthy from “Death of a Salesman” and Gig Young for “Come Fill the Cup”.

What do you think? Have you seen any films from 1951 and would you choose one of these or someone completely different? 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024



My newest addition is part sweetie and part demon. Right now, she is resting on me while I write this, not sure if she will sleep or attack but she seems to be sleeping. I do love her….the other animals are not too sure of her.

Ok, in 2 weeks we will be on a vacation to my hubby’s aunt’s place on the Richeleau river. A friend, actually, my ex, will house sit which is great. I have to make sure to cook something for him. I was thinking vacations and I thought of my trip to Panama way back in 2006. It was a bittersweet vacation because my friend and I were to with my other good friend and her husband but something horrific happened. Their beautiful son of 9 months died from SIDS. I was ready to cancel but they wanted me to go so, I went. I found, once there, that tequila was the drink for me and had quite a few. Anyhoo, These 3 songs came into my head right away, when I think back to this time. I’m joining the Monday Music Moves Me over at Curious As A Cathy


The first full day we were in Panama, we decided to have margaritas and other drinks with tequila. Should I have been drinking? Probably not, but I did, in a very big way and, thank God my dear friend, VJ, was with me because he made sure I stayed upright. I decided to dance the chicken dance and threw up on his flip flops…his feet were still in the flip flops. I was all class but he took care of me, by dropping me in our room, on my bed leaving me there with the door wide open while he left to find some man candy. I woke up not knowing where I was before realizing I was in Panama. I was hungry so, I took a shower and went to dinner wondering why so many people were staring at me. To this day, I have no idea what else I did but I am not too enthusiastic about tequila any more or the margarita.


Did I learn? Nope! It was another day, another day of debauchery trying to forget and we drank and drank some more around the pool and at the pool bar. I vaguely recall falling in the shallow end and using my left hand to stop myself. The next morning, we woke up bleary eyed but my left hand was more than double its size! I really sprained the crap out of it.  We went to the health guy on the hotel grounds who wrapped my hand up. I really wiped out but, as per norm, no broken bones but, to this day, I can’t open my hand up like I used to.


On the Thursday, one week and a day after little Shane’s death, we took a trip up to the mountains to go zip lining. I am terrified of heights and my knees were truly knocking together. The guys running this were hesitant in my going but I told them I had to go in honour of Shane’s spirit. We were 180’ up but there was a lot of tree cover so you couldn’t see the bottom. We would zip line from one tree to another. The last zip was …amazing! I looked to my right and saw these green mountains and to my left, I saw a waterfall. Suddenly, I saw a butterfly which was a magical moment. It is one of my highlights of all my trips and the butterfly, in native teaching, means joy in life. I felt like I was flying until I stopped a few feet from the end and had to turn around and pull myself in with my very sore hand. I didn’t drink too much after that and enjoyed the trip despite the sadness.

What songs make you think of a vacation you had?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Rendezvous Movies


Yesterday, I wrote about songs with a Rendezvous as the theme and it made me think about movies with this as a big part of the plot. So here are my 3 films that came, right away, into my head when I thought of that word…rendezvous…


This is the first film that popped into my head and it is a brilliant film that does not age. It does not involve 20 something, beautiful kids but middle aged, real people in real situations. Celia Johnson is in a happy marriage but she feels a bit stifled, like she’s missing something. At the train station, she gets something in her eye and a kindly doctor, played by Trevor Howard, helps get that speck of dirt out of her eye. They talk and, instantly, they feel a strong attraction. Over time, they continue to meet at the train station and fall in love. They decide to consummate their love but her guilt takes control. It’s brilliantly acted, the storyline is perfect because it happens today. She’s in a good marriage, married to a kind man but we can’t control emotions. It’s a must see film.


This film, arguably, won the Best Picture Oscar and it’s a worthy contender even if I don’t think it should have won. This film musical is famous for the 20 minute ballet set to Gershwin music with impressionist paintings as backdrops. It’s original and inventive even for today. Gene Kelly is an American trying to make it as a painter, in Gay Paris, along with his piano composer friend, Oscar Levant ( he always brings great sarcasm to the screen). At a nearby Cafe, they meet up with their famous cabaret friend who talks about his love for a girl who is perfect in every way. At a party, Gene meets a girl, Leslie Caron, and wants to know her even more. After some misunderstandings, they meet under the bridge along the Seine and have a loving rendezvous. He soon learns that she is his friend’s girlfriend and is devastated. The climatic ballet is one you can watch all on its own and it is brilliant, but I always loved this simple scene of the 2 who meet and dance under the bridge,


I’m finally talking about this film which is a remake of  the Cary Grant/Deborah Kerr film, “an Affair To Remember” which is a remake of “Love Affair” that starred Gene Arthur and Charles Boyer. This is a sweet film that stars Tom Hanks as a bereaved widower who is still dealing with the loss of his wife. He has a precocious son who feels his dad needs to find a new woman to fall in love with. The boy calls onto a radio show and Tom ends up on the radio talking about his wife whom he loves. Now, every woman wants to meet this man including news woman, Meg Ryan. As she looks into this story she becomes more enamoured with Tom Hanks. The kid believes they need to meet on top of the Empire State Building like in the Grant/Kerr film and makes sure this will happen. It’s a wonderful romance comedy which was a big theme in the 1990s and often did star Meg Ryan. This is one of her better films.

So what films makes you think of rendezvous?

Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Lexi, aka the little tyrant, wants to be friends with Kaspar and, here, our Harley and it works …at first until the the brat attacks their tails or smacks them with her paw…she’s crazy but she just makes my day…just like my Harley. Over at Curious As A Cathy, she has the Monday Music Moves Me, with this week’s theme being about Rendezvous and I decided on 3 songs that have Rendezvous in the title. Here they are…


I knew Maurice Chevalier had to have sung a song about meeting up with some gal. This song was written by Chevalier and Fred Freed. It’s just…so Chevalier.


This is a song written by Rogers and Hammerstein when the illicit lovers Tuptim and this Lun Tha fall in love and meet in the garden to sing “We Kiss In a Shadow”. Tuptim is betrothed to The King of Siam to be his 24th or whatever wife, she doesn’t want to be with him at all but this is not a choice. It’s a sad subplot to the famous musical and one  that sticks with you.


I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin. I’m not sure who coined this joke but this song seems to fit considering how well she sings this. It was written by Sammy Cahn and it works well for good ole Doris.

What Rendezvous songs can you think of?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Star of The Month-Donald Sutherland



BORN: July 17, 1935

DIED: June 20, 2024

AGED: 88 years old

DIED FROM: a long illness

MARRIED: 3 times- the first to a teacher, Lois Hardwick 1959-1966,; 2nd to an actress, Shirley Douglas 1966-1970 and, lastly, to Francine Racette-1972- his death

AFFAIRS: had a few when first married including with his soon to be 2nd wife who gave birth to twins not quite 9 months later. Jame Fonda..a 2 yr love affair.

CHILDREN: 5 children most in some form of film business with Kiefer Sutherland being the most famous.


TAKENT: sculpture and art

KNOWN FOR: his unique voice, tall, lanky frame and his love of the Montreal Expos

This Canadian icon just died, sadly and, even though he was 88, he just seemed to keep going and so it was, therefore, a shock. He was born and grew up in New Brunswick, Canada loving all things Canadian, especially, of course, Hockey. He was a life long Montreal Expos fan and delayed a film shoot so he could attend their games since they were close to the play offs( they finished 3rd). He actually suffered rheumatic fever, hepatitis and polio when he was a kid and, thankfully, didn’t suffer any side effects from these horrible diseases. Later on, when filming “Kelly’s Heroes” he contracted spinal meningitis and, almost died. In fact, the doctor said his heart did stop and he was not surprised as he claimed he had an out of body experience. 

He appeared in some early flicks like “Die, Die, My Darling”  and a Roger Corman film but he also appeared in an “Avengers” episode and 2 episodes of  “The Saint”. He asked Roger Moore, start of The Saint, if he could take a piece from this episode he was in for  a role he was hoping to get and he did get the “The Dirty Dozen”. In his early days, he seemed to play a lot of “simpletons”  due to his look and height of 6’4”. Sorry if this is a politically incorrect word but, I just don’t know what else to say and, frankly, don’t care right now.:). Ok, he became quite well respected because he could play comedy, heroes and really despicable villains plus he was known as quite amiable and loved a good joke. Despite many good roles he was never nominated for an Oscar and only received the honourary Oscar in 2017.

He was also known for his strong anti Vietnam leanings which he shared with Jane, “Hanoi Jane”, Fonda( the idiot) making 2 anti Vietnam films with her. I’m certain he was on Nixon’s list of bad people, which, like Gregory Peck, I would take as an honour. He was at the opening Olympic Games in Vancouver, in 2010,  doing the voice over narration describing Canadian history as well as being a flag bearer. In 2019, he received the companion of the Order of Canada which he loved to receive.

A unique individual with a great voice and talent, he will be sorely missed.


1.  Start The Revolution Without Me-1970

2.  MASH-1970

3. The Dirty Dozen-1967

4. Kelly’s Heroes-1970

5.  The Great Train Robbery-1978

6.  Murder By Decree-1979

7. Eye Of The Needle-1981

8. Space Cowboys-2000

9. Bear Island-1979

10. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers-1978

I still need to see 

1. Don’t Look Now-1973

2. Day Of The Locust-1975

3. Ordinary People-1980

4. The Hunger Games Series-2012 etc..

There’s more! Some I have seen and some I haven’t but that’s what I can recall. 

By the way, last week Oscars…Working Girl won, Bagdad Cafe was nominated and Kokomo got nadda. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Film Picks- J-Lo Weddings


Poor J-Lo…filthy rich, procedures on her face galore, an attitude that makes you want to slap her upside the head. Many boyfriends, a couple of engagements, married to a spider monkey and now married, on the rebound from A-Rod, to Ben Affleck (not Afflack as he is not a Duck). Their marriage won’t last, as we all know, but she knows how to make romantic comedies about weddings. I decided to have some brainless fun and Lopez seemed perfect. She’s not a bad actress nor a bad singer but her poses on any red carpet needs to reminds me of Zoolander. Ok, here are my picks…


Jenn plays a type A gal who plans weddings that, personally, I would hate to be in. She’s an expert but her life is lonely except for her dad who wants her to marry some guy from the home country. One day, she gets her shoe stuck in a grate and tries to retrieve it even though she sees a large garbage bin coming straight for her. At the last minute, bongo drum Matthew McConaughey saves her and she feels a spark as he lays on top of her. Little does she know he’s engaged to a typical blond who has hired Jenny from the block to be her wedding planner. It’s a nice rom-com that you like to watch and quickly forget. There were a ton of these films made around this time, not all starring Jenny, that seemed to be a thing to watch back then. 


In this movie, which I do find quite funny, JJ , a dog groomer, meets handsome Doctor, Michael Vartan and they soon move in together and get engaged. All is happy until she meets his mother, played so well by Jane Fonda. Fonda is like a filthy rich Barbara Walters type who needed to go to a “home” for some much needed rest. She loves her son and does not approve of JJ. Both match wits as one tries to destroy the other in hilarious ways. It was very funny when Fonda passes out in some fish bowl and equally funny when JJ is given nuts in gravy. Her lips blow up to Botox size…the supporting cast is equally funny with Wanda Sykes, as Fonda’s personal assistant, shining in her role. This is not an Oscar movie by any means, but it’s funny.

3. MARRY ME-2019

She’s a famous singer engaged to Zamboni( truly, I can’t remember this guy’s name but…close enough) and they decide to marry in front of thousands when, just before the nuptials, she is shown images of her intended, aka Zamboni, getting it on with another gal. She goes on stage, sees Owen Wilson holding a “Marry Me” sign and tells him yes. What is Owen to do but go along for the ride and now starts the romantic saga. He’s a math teacher and blah blah blah… it all ends the way you know it will. It’s mindless but it’s nice. Nothing to write home about but it’s an ok romp. 

I know a few people who were married on June 30th…all divorced now which is what will happen with poor J-Lo…see my tear fall from my cheek? Lol

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Which Song Won The Oscar-1988


1988 was the best of times…and the worst of times. My dad’s brain cancer took hold and the last 6 weeks, he was in the hospital with my mom taking the morning to be with him, I took the afternoon and my brother, the evening. Often, my mom was there in the evening and the last week, she slept at the hospital. He died on April 30th at noon and the next few days were a blur. Funny, the day he died, that morning, it was rainy and miserable, but, right after he died, the sun came out and so did the warmth of the sun. My 24th birthday was cold and rainy but the sun came out after that day and we had one of the hottest summers on record. My friend, came back from Greece, she was living there and enjoying it. My other friend, who now lives in Vancouver, was living in Toronto and the 3 of us had the best time that whole summer. That’s when you can drink like a fish, wake up spinning and feeling oogy but regain our energy and have fun at a waterpark, at a park or anywhere we could create some chaos. The Oscars were ll about RainMan. The songs…only 3 were nominated instead of the usual 5 which is sad because there could have been 5..oh well. Let’s see if you can figure out who won the Oscar, which one was nominated and which one got nadda! I will join up with the Monday Music Moves Me which is free time.


This is a great song, I have to admit, it worked well with this movie too, also great. The music and lyrics are by Carly Simon as well. The film is an empowering women’s film but it is funny too. I’m not a Melanie Griffith fan but she pulls it off here. Sadly she said she was pretty high on coke throughout the making of this movie.


This is a quirky film about a German woman left alone at this dumpy place called The Bagdad Cafe run by Whoopi Goldberg and Jack Palance is an old bugger who lives in a trailer very near the cafe and takes a shine to the woman. This song, written by Bob Telson and just fit this movie. I need to see this again.


This became a hit for the Beach Boys well after their heyday of the 60s and it’s a fun song. I have not seen the movie because it stars Tom Cruise when he thought he was hot stuff. This film, Cocktail, is about 2 bartenders and how they can make drinks…yeah…zzzzz. Anyway, love the song.

So, which won, which got nominated and which one was forgotten.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Film Picks- Films about Daddy


I’m writing this late which is par for the course…lol. Since this past Sunday was Father’s Day, I thought, why not carry this to films….


William Powell plays the dad who believes he is the one in charge…hahahaaaa. Actually, it’s his wife, of course, played by the ever elegant Irene Dunne, who handles the house and all their kids 2 of which are played by Jeanne Crain and Elizabeth Taylor. When it is found out that dad was never baptized, you’d think Hell is knocking on their door. The wife is not happy and will do all she can to get her husband baptized so he can enter the gates of heaven. It’s actually based on a true story….just like my next film choice…


I love Clifton Webb who plays the patriarch to 12 children and husband to Myrna Loy, while he tries to maintain order and control in a very hectic household. I love Steve Martin and he is funny but I love Clifton who always added an acerbic charm to his roles. This is based on another true story but the father died of a heart attack when only in his early 50s with his wife living another 40+ years. It’s in this film..oops, spoiler alert but knowing this doesn’t diminish the charm.


This is a sweet picture with James Stewart as an over anxious father who has sent his daughter to Paris. Funnily, no matter where he goes, people think he looks like this tall, lanky actor where they can’t recall the ctor’s name. It’s a running gag that made me laugh along when he ends up on a Parisian tourist boat here he starts losing his clothes..I can’t remember why but it’s funny. This film was done when Stewart played a typical dad in a few 60s films and this is a fun movie even if it is not the best but nothing is truly bad when Jimmy is in it ( well, maybe the FBI story..ughh). 

Which film makes you think about dad? 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

For Daddy


I used this picture of my dad recently but it still works and he looks so handsome. He was  just 28 years old and saw so much already like so many men…and women did during that time. This is for my daddy who’s been gone for 36 years but I feel him near every day. I am joint the Monday Music Moves Me over at Curious As A Cathy. 


This song was THE song for the servicemen coming home. My dad, who was wounded in the Reischwald forest near the end of the war, recuperated in a Belgian hospital, didn’t return until 1946 but, I’m certain, this song was still on top. It was written Les Brown and Ben Homer with lyrics by Bud Green and was a huge hit.


My dad loved Guy Lombardo and his all Canadian Band and saw them in concert plus he’d watch them on TV.  I remember watching the New Year’s Eve specials with daddy who was always insistent on watching this Big Band orchestra on the CBC ( the Canadian TV channel). When Guy died, I remember my dad being very upset by this. This song resonates with me since I recently turned 60. This was written by Carl Sigman with lyrics by Herb Magidson.


I’ve had this on my blog before but I just love this short from the National Film Board of Canada. My dad was in the logging and sawmill business, off and on, for most of his life. One of the happiest times is when he met my mom and they knew they were meant to be together. He was working at the Atlas Steeles and hated it, and bitched about it constantly until my mom finally told him to do something about it. This is when they found a very run down sawmill and  a home surrounded by weeds, with no stairs to the basement but a door that opened to the downstairs ( I was 1 yr old and my brother was 4). Oh, and it was infested with mice and flies. My dad found his dream home and my mom didn’t want to tell anyone where she lived. Those 2 worked tirelessly and made a beautiful place where my brother and I grew up and, to this day, have fond memories. 

What song makes you think of your dad?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

What Should Have Won The Oscar 1965


I am actually choosing what should have won for best song and it is for a song that was not even nominated. So here are 3 songs and even though I like the won that won, I think my choice should have won yet it wasn’t even nominated.


This is the song, I think, should have won the Oscar but it wasn’t even nominated which is a crime. Tom Jones sang this so well that, in fact, he almost fainted when he hit the final note. 


This song, from the film, “The Sandpiper”, won the Oscar and I do like it but I don’t think it should have won. Actually I would have chosen “The Legend of Cat Ballou” over this because it s a great song that was nominated, 


I hope I got the song…Catherine Deneuve  stars in this film but did not sing it. Danielle LeCart was the actual singer for this famous song. You may not have seen this French film but, I bet, you know the song.

One last song that was also nominated that year and, sung by Tom Jones

Why did I include this last song? Well, meet our newest member of the family…

Meet Lexi...she is 8 weeks old and we found her from my best friend's collegue. His family have a cat that they were going to take in to get spayed but missed the time line resulting in pussy cat getting pregnant and having 6 kittens. We got a cute little girl and named her after their 11 yr old daughter who cared for the kittens. She is a handful but she is so cute.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wedding Music - Let’s Dance


We went to a wedding last Friday at a winery and it was a lot of fun. My best friend’s son got married and I remembered when he ran around the house naked as a jaybird, laughing away. Now he’s a married man and a really good son to his mom. I remember being at weddings dancing away looking at the older people wondering what kind of music they were listening to. Now, I’m that older person wondering what the hell kind of music they were playing which was a lot of rap crap. They did play some good music, to be honest and, I even danced to some of that rap crap. Last week was about Wedding songs at Monday Music Moves Me and I thought I’d continue on. That theme and the wedding I attended, made me think of the music I played at my wedding and here are 3 of them…


I love this song sung by Billy Idol which is not the original version but, I think, the best version. I danced to this so many times when in University, on campus and off and, in fact, Billy was at our university back in 1983 with me dancing a few feet from him. I’m surprised he was at our school. In 1997, when I got married, I had this at my dance and my former boss danced up a storm because it was his favourite. That’s a great memory


I love this song and danced and danced so, when it came time for my wedding, I was determined to have this play but do you think I could find an original version at that time? Nooope! They had talking through it or the hockey theme with it. I finally found the version I wanted..the original…who knew it would be so difficult to find.


I love ZZ Top and this is another song that had to be in my wedding. This record which included “Legs” and others was a huge record that placed this great band on top where they even appeared on a dream episode of the TV show, “St. Elsewhere”. 

I had many other fun songs but these 3 are what came into my head at first. What songs did you dance to at your wedding or at a fun wedding you attended?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday Film Picks: Weddings


It’s Wedding month and I spoke about songs at weddings yesterday and, tomorrow, I will be at a wedding. My best friend’s son is getting married…wow. I remember when she changed his diapers. On that lovely note, I’m choosing 3 movies that are all about the wedding..kind of…


I spoke about this brilliant film before and I have to go to it again because it’s a great comedy about a family getting ready to marry off their daughter, played by the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor, who was going down the aisle herself, for the first of many times( little did she know she was marrying an alcoholic, abusive jerk- Nicky Hilton). Spencer Tracy plays her reluctant dad having to give away his one and only daughter. Joan Bennett plays the very happy mom who is all about making the wedding perfect. It’s very funny, better than the remake, well acted and we can relate to all of it. 

2. A WEDDING-1978

This is a film I so want to see again since it has been decades since I saw this. It’s directed by Robert Altman with his signature style and has an all star cast from Lillian Gish, Mia Farrow, Desi Arnaz Jr. to Carol Burnett and Victoria Gassman. 2 wealthy families are meeting for the wedding day but the family from New York freak out because they believe the Chicago family has mob ties. The end result, no one but the immediate family from New York show up. Oh and the scion of the New York clan, played so well by Miss Gish, dies and no one notices as they keep entering her bedroom. Everyone talks over the other, a typical Altman trait with a finesse that made me laugh. 


This became a sleeper hit back in 2002 and stars Nia Vandelos, who also wrote the script, as the poor gal of a Greek family who feels she will never find a man like her sister who is not only married but have multiple kids in tow. Her parents own a Greek restaurant where everyone helps out. In comes John Corbett, a teacher, who, along with his friend, check out this place and he notices Nia. Over time, they meet again, fall in love and a wedding is planned. This is sweet, hilarious and you never think of windex the same way again. Nia took her memories, growing up in Canada with her Greek parents, helping them run their Greek restaurant. 

I haven’t been to a wedding in eons so this should be nice especially since it’s held at a winery.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wedding Songs


I'm not sure these 2 will be headed for wedded bliss but, they can put up with one another. Wedded bliss does happen to quite a few but, others, not as much. I'm divorced, my brother as well, my best friend and my sister. It's how it can go in life but the wedding day can still hold fond memories. Over at Monday Music Moves Me, the theme are Wedding songs. I chose 2 that were at my brother’s first wedding and the last, was mine. 


I have had this song on my blog before but I love it and it was my first dance with my, now ex but great friend, new husband. I love this song so much which was written by Ray Thomas for the album, “Seventh Sojourn”. 


When my brother got married back in 1984, they decided to have this song played in the church while they signed all the documents that they just got hitched. It was performed on the church organ so, not quite the same thing but I always loved this song. I think my parents were a bit baffled by this selection:)


This was the first dance my brother had with his first wife and….I don’t remember it but this sounds so much like my brother that it just works. I love the uniqueness. 

Which music pieces did you first dance to?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Star Of The Month- Paulette Goddard



BIRTH: June 3, 1910

DEATH: April 23, 1990

AGED: 79 years 

DIED FROM: Emphysema  and heart issues

REAL NAME: Marion Levy

NICKNAME: The Girl On The Crescent Moon, from the Ziegfeld Follies…she was just 13.

MARRIED: 4 times- Edgar James, a rich lumberman. Charlie Chaplin, Burgess Meredith( Jack Lemmon’s dad in “ Grumpy Old Men”) and Erich Maria Remarque( German novelist of “All Quiet On The Western Front”)

AFFAIRS: George Gershwin, Diego Rivera, Clark Gable, Andy Warhol plus others

: never had any. Miscarried a boy when married to Meredith which greatly saddened her, a rare event.

OSCAR NOMINATIONS: “ So Proudly We Hail”

TALENT: Aside from marrying wealthy men, she was very business savvy and grew her wealth. Her charm, making any party or social function better.

KNOWN FOR: her famous jewelry collection. Her fierce independence, intelligence and shrewd business dealings. She was to be The Scarlet O’ Hara in “Gone With The Wind” until Vivien Leigh appeared so that, along with her “leftist leanings”, she lost the part.

This is another actress who was very close to her mom to the point where they were grifters, when Paulette was a teen, getting a hold of money from unsuspecting rich men and pilfering their wallets. Ahh, what sweetness and delight. When her mom and dad separated, it seems that the mom took her daughter all around the States and even into Canada for a while. Years later, it came out that her mother absconded with her daughter so the father would have no ability to see his daughter. After Paulette became a film star, she went on record that she didn’t know her dad and he sued and won the case receiving $35 per week from his daughter. Paulette and her parents would make a great case study wouldn’t they. 

Paulette became a Ziegfeld girl after her influential uncle invited her to meet Florenz Ziegfeld and, from there, she met many older, and rich, men. Paulette married a very wealthy man when she was 17 and divorced soon after with a nice settlement in tow. She got into films and met Charlie Chaplin whom she fell for and starred in 2 of his great films, “Modern Times” and “ The Great Dictator”. He was the one who told her to revert back to her brunette hair rather than the popular platinum hair she had which was all the rage back then. I have read that they never married, merely lived together, but also read they married in Mexico, China and on a ship…who knows, but she was a big influence on Chaplin as well and remained good friends with his 2 sons even after Chaplin and her parted company. 

She met her 3rd husband Burgess Meredith on the set of “Second Chorus”with Fred Astaire, a film Astaire considered his worst. She did actually hold her own in the dance numbers but it’s not a great movie, neither is “Pot O’ Gold” with Jimmy Stewart. In fact, this is one of the few actresses that Jimmy Stewart did not care for and the feeling was mutual. She was too brash for him and too much needing to be noticed. She thought he was not a great actor…what does she know. 

In the later 50s, she married the German novelist, Erich Maria Remarque but they seemed to live in separate rooms and residences. Well, when he died, she inherited his fortune but she knew how to add to it with shrewd business deals. Later she enjoyed being a socialite known for her intelligence, humour and effervescence. She had to deal with breast cancer in the 1970s and recuperated but, due to her cigarette habit, she got emphysema and died of a heart attack. 

She was complicated, independent, fun, talented and so much more than just a gold digger, which, I believe, she was, but she knew how to make money on her own and, when she died, she gave 20 million to the New York University to fund an institute devoted to European studies named in Remarque’s honour.  Her art collection, partly inherited when Erich died, and her jewelry collection also went on the auction block although I don’t know where the money went to. She was an interesting woman whom I always enjoyed watching on the big screen.


1. Modern Times-1936

2. The Women-1939

3. The Cat And The Canary-1939

4. The Ghostbreakers-1940

5. The Great Dictator-1940

6. Northwest Mounted Police-1940

7. Hold Back The Dawn-1941

8. Reap The Wild Wind-1942

9. Kitty-1945

10. Diary Of A Chambermaid-1946

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Film Picks-Man’s Best Friend


Oops...I mistakenly had it to post in June...

Let’s face it, most people love animals…thank God! God spelled backwards is dog and they can be from heaven…as long as they are with the right owner. I love animals and dogs especially because they just love so much. Our Harley is a big goof who loves to be cuddled, is jealous of the cat, and is very…very food motivated. He will grab the toast out of the toaster..yup, he is that big. He will grab bags, bones anything he finds outside and, once in his jaws, good luck in prying his jaws open. Could my Harley work in the movies? Hahaaaaaa…nope but there are some famous dogs who have with Lassie being at the top along with Rin, Tin Tin, Marley, Benji and so many others. The most recent is that cute border collie from, “Anatomy of a Fall” who stole the film, in my humble opinion. I thought of the dogs who stole the film from the actors and actresses and have become famous in their own right. Here are my 3..

1. THE THIN MAN-1934

The film stars William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles in the first of many films where they play these characters as Nick, a private eye, marries an heiress and both drink happily while figuring out who the murderer is. Their faithful companion, Asta, is played by Skippy, who knows what to do, when and how to do it….whatever it is. Off camera this wire fox terrier bit Myrna Loy so he could be a bit of a snot. The dog appeared in 2 more Thin Man films plus others and the audiences loved seeing him. This dog lived for 20 years…pretty damn good.


This iconic film made Judy Garland a star and has become a perennial favourite. We know the story about Dorothy being whisked away in a tornado to land in the land of Oz and he travels to get back home. Along with her is Toto, played by Terry, who is always by her side and her one connection to home. Toto was injured on the set when one of those purple guards accidentally stepped on her paw and broke it. Terry stayed with Judy Garland who nursed the cute cairn terrier and tried to buy the dog from the owner but to no avail. Terry was in other films but this is her most famous role, she passed away at 11 years old in 1945.

3. THE ARTIST-2011

I need to watch this film again because I love it! I know there is a dislike for the film now but, I think,  the acting is excellent and truly showcases the terror and heartbreak that many film stars from the silent era were facing when sound came in. Careers were done and some even did commit suicide. This shows how one, Douglas Fairbanks style actor, must deal with the coming of sound. His dog, a Jack Russell, is always by his side and comes to his rescue when he most needs it. The dog had no name in the film but Uggie became famous. How can one not love this dog? Uggie lived until 2015 a bit shy of turning 14. 



The classic Warner Bros. Cartoons are priceless and there are a few cartoons with these 2 characters and I just love them. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Latin One More Time


Harley can pout like most people can and here he is trying to win an Oscar. I thought Harley needed another blog look because he has not been here for a bit. He has nothing to do with Latin music but I don't care. I'm joining in the free style, this week, Monday Music Moves Me. 


This is from his CD, "Nouveau Flamenco" which I bought as soon as I heard this song. This guy is a German who loves the Spanish sound and is now a monk. Strange but gifted.


This man is an award winning Canadian who is an expert with the guitar like Ottmar and others but he is just superlative.


Ricky Martin wowed the Grammy awards when he sang there and he wowed me to. Strange, as this was one of the very few times I watched this show. He was from the boy group, Menudo, and i knew him when he was on my soap, "General Hospital". This song became the official Fifa World Cup song when it was held in France. 

What other Latin or Flamenco type songs can you think of?

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday Film Picks-Bad Moms


So we all went goo goo and ga ga over wonderful mothers and that’s great but there are mothers that never should have had children because they were awful. I could have chosen “Mommie Dearest” THE film for bad moms. Let’s face it, Joan Crawford was not a great mother and, actually, not a great person, with many issues, so this flick is an easy go to, but I decided to choose 3 other mothers that define horrible and here they are…

1. NOW, VOYAGER- 1942

Bette Davis shines in this great film about a mousy, scared of her shadow, woman beaten down by her over-bearing, nasty, manipulative bitch of a mother, played to the hilt by Gladys Cooper who was nominated for an Oscar. Bette ends up in a sanitarium and with the help of a gentle psychiatrist, played by Claude Rains( Bette’s favourite co-star) gains confidence and beams as the new Charlotte. She goes on a cruise where she meets Paul Henreid and they have an affair hinted at by him lighting 2 cigarettes and handing her one. This sexy move followed Henreid for the rest of his life, much to his chagrin. They also shared a sleeping bag and could look at the stars. When she returns, she could hold her own against her mother. It is well acted, romantic and empowering.


This film was banned for decades ( so I have read in many books but this seems to be incorrect) and only came back in the 1990s, I believe. It was considered too volatile on the political manipulations that occur in this film. Lawrence Harvey plays a troubled war hero who is trying to rebuild his life with a Wonderful girl but has nightmares. Frank Sinatra was also part of a group of soldiers, in Korea, who is also having nightmares and Harvey was part of this team who, apparently, saved everyone but, in fact, these soldiers were brain washed by the communists and Harvey is the key component in their plan to take over the U.S. government. You find out his mother is all part of this plan. She has so much ambition that she will have her son tortured and brainwashed just so she can get ahead. Actually, considering how Putin has his fingers in the U.S. government and Trumpy is his puppet…this is not far off. This is a dour but brilliant film and worth seeing.

3. SYBIL-1976

This is a TV movie starring Sally Field as the multiple personality, Sybil. Her performance drew rave reviews and showed the film industry that she had real talent. In this 2 part TV movie you find out that Sybil has many personalities and is under the care of a psychiatrist, played by Joanne Woodward. You slowly see Sybil implode  before she starts to get better and get to the root of her mental disorder. Can you take a guess? Yup, her mom is one of the worst mothers ever! When I watched this I thought her mother belonged in a horror film because she was beyond disgusting and that green kitchen is the worst place to be since mom sexually abused her daughter with utensils. It's abhorrent but brilliantly acted by the whole cast. The mother, played by Martine Bartlett, drew accolades for her disgusting portrayal. It's a must see for TV movies.

What horrible moms come to your mind?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

For Mom


My mom, I miss her so much. Just about every person who met her thought she was just great. When my mom lived adjacent to a convenient store, she would talk to the kids who worked there and one kid was thinking of not going on in his education but, later, a woman knocked on my mom’s door and she thanked my mom because her son decided to stay in school because of what my mom said. I could talk to her about anything and she was there for me and rarely judged. Now, mind you, she was no saint, she did favour my brother, without her really knowing this. When I was a kid, a school trip went to Marineland and I bought this little bobblehead seal and was so happy that she had it always on her desk because she almost always kept what my brother made or bought her. When my mom got dementia she was wanting to give everything to my brother and I kept reminding her what she told me when her mind was sound. She told me the seal would go to Baron and I asked why. She said because Baron bought that for her but when I told her it was I who bought it, she looked at it and said, “ oh, well, you can throw it out then”. I just looked at her, shaking my head. Now, don’t get me wrong, she bought me a beautiful dress for my birthday( just don’t tell your brother that she spent so much on me), she often told me how proud she was of me and that she was so very thankful that I was with her.

 She loved her classical music with Beethoven being her favourite ( the 7th Symphony, her favourite of his) but she loved folk music and she loved to dance! In fact she once won a dance contest when she still lived in Germany ( she said it was for a dance similar to the one you see in “The Sound Of Music”). She loved to sing and was in the choir when she was a kid. She was told she could have a career in singing but the war and, later, her smoking, killed that chance. Still, she sang up until the day she died. Many young people loved that she would dance to many rock songs. She couldn’t listen to it, as her shoulders would shudder in discontent ( she could be such a ham) but the last wedding she went to, she was quite famous because she danced to AC/DC with many of the bride and groom’s friends asking who she was and that they thought she was cool. I guess she was and she was my mom. I am adding this to the mom special over at Monday Music Moves Me


Many, many years later, she asked me why she loves the music from the 50s now and  I told her that was her fun time when she was in her 20s and felt the most free despite her many responsibilities. She really loved this song and found it enchanting. In fact, the day she died, January 15, 2018, a month shy of her 90th birthday, the nurses and PSW’s told me she was singing this song in the dining room at lunch. After lunch, she went to go for a sleep and never woke up. What a nice way to go actually.


My mom, and I, love the zither and Anton Karas made it world renown after he became famous with The Third Man Theme. I am certain this probably comes from the 1950s or 60s and the Landler ( there should be 2 dots over the “a”) is a typical song(s) stemming from as far back as the 1600s. She knew many of these songs and loved them.


This is from a Frank Lehar opera about a soldier who stands beside the banks of the Volga and became famous for soldiers in WW2 on the German and Russian side. My mom, a survivor of WW2 and the Russian takeover, suffered from PTSD but never got treatment for it. She could talk to my dad, a veteran of WW2 who fought with the Canadian army and was part of the liberation of Holland. They met many years later, in 1959, and they could talk about what they experienced. My mom was a huge believer in the veterans no matter what side. She felt a strong kinship to the allied veterans and did lose 2 brothers during the war, one was 1 year old and the other, 19. She was part of the resistance movement thinking it great fun placing the TNT under the bridges to prevent the German army from advancing. Any song belonging to the veteran, she held close to her heart. 

Have to add this..


This is one of the song my mom danced to at the last wedding she went to. We both danced to this and she was the rock star because most people her age were not dancing to this…only her and loving every moment. She couldn’t listen to the song but dance? Yup!

What songs did your mom love?

Monday, May 20, 2024

Enjoyed My Day


Christmas Card Throwdown- Scandinavian 

Dream Valley- For a Man or Boy

Crafty Animals- Anything Goes 

I took a stencil and, using a stencil brush, brushed in red colour from a dye ink pad onto white cardstock. I repeated the design on the bottom and then, stamped the reindeer in red and heat embossed it in red sparkle. I added the crystals and, voila!

Fab N' Funky- For A baby, child or teen
Sparkles Christmas- use Ribbon or Twine

I have a bunch of wooden designs and took the snowman and sprayed it with distress blue spray. I had this leftover card stock cut out like a frame. I placed silver dye ink on the Embossing folder and embossed this through my cuddlebug. I put blue pearl Embossing powder down and heat embossed it to get a nice Sheen. I glued a sparkle paper under the framed blue cardstock and added the snowman after I placed the orange twine around its neck as a scarf. I used black ink pen to make the eyes and mouth. Finally, I stamped the letters for "Merry Christmas" coloured them with my tombow markers, fussy cut them out and put pop up dots on the back to adhere it to the card. I thought of this for my friend’s 2 girls who are teens..well, one of them and I think it works. What do you think?

I hope everyone had a nice weekend  we had our Victoria Day weekend and it was quite nice.