Thursday, February 13, 2025

Who Should Have Won The Oscar for Best Score-1955


The Oscar season is heating up with films that I have, mostly, not seen…lol. I hope to remedy that but, right now, with Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I thought I would pick a score that should not have won, even though I like it. I chose the year, 1955 because of the big romantic winner but, I don’t think they should have won. The one, I believe, should have won is the first one I mention here…


This soundtrack was nominated but failed to win despite the great Jazz that is throughout the film and helps make this film even more popular despite the dismal plot. It is very well acted starring Frank Sinatra as a small time hood who gets back into drugs and under the thumb of his former, sleazy dealers. He has a wife, paralyzed from a car accident with Sinatra behind the wheel and a young woman who actually believes in him played by Kim Novak. I love the poster art of this film, the acting and that stellar soundtrack that I hope I can find one day.


This is a great soundtrack that was not even nominated! It really gives you that longing to travel to Venice and has that romantic feel of the film. It stars Katherine Hepburn as a spinster teacher on her once in a lifetime visit to Venice, something she only dreamed about. She does not expect a romance but romance is what she gets in the beefcake of the 50s, Rossano Brazzi. He notices her legs, at first, but soon he locks eyes with Kate who quickly looks away and begins to be all nervous. Soon enough, he is wooing her and she is willing to be enchanted by him. Throughout you have this music that just adds to the romance. I really love this David Lean film which is thoroughly enchanting.


No, not Alfred E. Newman from Mad Magazine fame but the esteemed composer Alfred Newman who wrote many great scores including this one although Sammy Fain and Paul Francis Webster wrote  the song. Alfred developed the score to the magnitude to fit the film. I watched this movie a long time ago and found it boring as dirt. You had the boring Jennifer Jones as a Chinese doctor who falls in love with the American reporter, William Holden. She is widowed and he is separated from his wife, they meet and fall in love much to the displeasure of her family and his friends…you know, racism. Today, you would never have a white gal play an Eurasian but this was the nifty 50s who never thought of hiring an actual Asian actress besides, due to actual racist feelings, you could not have Holden kiss an actual Asian woman. This music is throughout the film and the song became a huge hit that has been sung by many people since then. This score won the Oscar and I do like it very much but it’s just not up to par with the Bernstein score. Funny, that, offscreen, Holden and Jones couldn’t stand each other. She was quite snotty to the staff, hated her makeup because she felt it made her look old and she didn’t want to act with Holden who was known to be a womanizer. She even ate raw garlic before their love scenes to make it difficult for Holden. At one point, Holden bought white roses as a peace offering but she threw them back in his face…lovely. 

So, do you agree with me? Which do you prefer or would you have chosen another score? 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Be My Valentine


Valentine’s Day is on Friday so this week one has the option to find a song with Valentine’s Day or the colour Red. I’m going towards Valentine’s Day with Love as the emphasis. You have to check out Curious As a Cathy who always showcases the weekly music series on Mondays..but I always post on Wednesday. We are supposed to be receiving a bad storm Wednesday afternoon into the night and Thursday with rain, freezing rain and snow…who know what we will receive, probably all 3. Thankfully, my hubby will be picking me up from work tomorrow night. Without further adieu, here are my 3 musical picks…


These 2 were the singing sweethearts and were a huge hit from 1935 to 1942. Their stardom, together, was brief but very memorable, at least to film buffs. This film, “Maytime” is considered their best and it was the first one I watched as a kid and I was hooked. This was my mushy romance that I could not get enough of. This song, written by Sigmund Romberg with lyrics by Rida Johnson Young became very famous and seem to exemplify love. Funny, when I was young, I read that the 2 stars did not get along but now, it seemed they had a huge love affair that the studio ( MGM) did not like and did their best ( successfully) to keep them apart. Truthfully, that makes no sense as it would make them even more famous if the 2 were in love. I bet MGM would have made even more money and that was their bottom line.


This song, written by Irving Berlin, was supposed to be the big winner of the film, not the little Christmas ditty, “White Christmas”, but, boy, were they wrong. Bing owns an Inn and decides to make it into a restaurant and entertainment place but only open on the holidays. This is set for Valentine’s Day where Bing serenades Marjorie Reynolds who is looking lovingly at him until Fred Astaire swoops in and takes her for a twirl. It seems she thinks, “Bing who?” This is a beautifully danced number and Marjorie can hold her own with the great Astaire.


This is a famous song written by Richard Rogers and Lorenz Heart and introduced by Mitzi Green in the musical, "Babes in Arms". Many famous people sang this with Frank Sinatra being one of the most famous but I thought it would be cool to hear the original singer. She was a child actress and was quite popular before she went to Broadway. Sadly, she died of cancer in 1968 at 48. 

One more...


I came across this while looking for songs and I thought they do great justice for Valentine’s. There is more than one song on this which is great. Hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Love in a Different Realm


It’s the month of love, lust, a love of lust or a lustful love. I’m going to try to have a full month about Love  in one form or another. The 3 films I chose today are a theme within a theme and all 3 made my heart pitter patter. I hope I see Joel here..miss your great comments Joel and love everyone’s comments even though I am lax in replying…my bad but I read them…please know this.


I saw this film when I was a kid and got so spooked by the beginning of the film and the end that I did not want to go downstairs to my bedroom. I remember crying and screaming no! Ok, maybe not screaming but crying out no much to my dad’s annoyance. I found this film to be one of my favourite versions of this classic novel even though it is only one part of the book. A man, lost in a storm, takes refuge in a once grand home. He is given a room to stay and hears a girl ask for Heathcliffe. When he opens the window, looking into the wintry night he feels a col hand and cries out. An older man comes into the room and asks the man what he saw and felt. The old man leaves and the guest goes down the stairs and is told, by the housekeeper, the tragic love story of Heathcliffe and Cathy. Heathcliffe is an orphan brought home by a kindly older man and becomes friends with the man’s young daughter. The son of the man is a jealous snot who kicks Heathcliffe out of the home when the dad dies. Cathy and Heathcliffe grow up and fall in love and are as one until they climb a tree, one evening to look into the beautiful home of a neighbour who is having a party.  Cathy falls from the tree and is cornered by the dogs. Heathcliffe brings her in and he quickly sees how enamoured Cathy is with this genteel life. Soon, their love turns to hate( well, not really) and makes Heathcliffe mean and vindictive. Cathy ends up marrying the young man, Linton and, Heathcliffe decides to marry Linton’s younger sister. Decades pass and Cathy becomes ill… stars Laurence Olivier as Heathcliffe, Merle Oberon as Cathy, David Niven as Lord Linton and Geraldine Fitzgerald as Linton’s sister. Laurence was pissed off because the execs would not allow his big love, Vivien Leigh, to play Cathy but she was a bit tied up in that small movie called, “Gone With The Wind.” I thought Niven and Fitzgerald were wonderful for their thankless roles. The ghost story is a very small part but an important one.


This is one of my all time favourite films( I am finally using this film, again, Stephen) that starts off with no music, you just hear the waves crash against the rocks and see Mrs. Muir going to see this house at the edge of this cliff. She will reside there with her young daughter, played by the sweet Natalie Wood and her faithful maid. Soon you realize they are not alone and poof! In comes the ghost of the captain, played by Rex Harrison, who is not happy that Mrs. Muir, played by the beautiful Gene Tierney, has entered his domain. When she realizes she might lose the place she loves, the Captain decides to help her by writing a book about his exploits. This is an ethereal comedy with a beautiful theme of love interwoven in a ghost story. It’s funny, sad, sweet and made me long to have a love story like this.


I’m not a huge fan of Jennifer Jones but she plays this character really well as a little girl who meets up with a struggling artist played by Joseph Cotton who is enchanted by the young girl. The next time he meets her, she is older and he decides to paint her portrait only to realize that each time he meets her, she is older but time is not her friend as she seems to get closer to what she is most scared of. Cotton is falling in love with her knowing that nothing makes sense since she has aged in a few weeks which takes a few decades. I love the cinematography of this film that shows many scene openings as if it is painted on a canvas. I’m very happy to have this film in my list of many films I own. It is worth a look.

Any ghostly love stories you love? I’m certain many of you will think of “Ghost” which is a great movie.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

I Am A Proud Canadian!


This has been a tough week when our country is being bullied by one person who seems to hold so much sway to so many. I doubt you would not be happy if a country claimed you are the 20 province, county, state or whatever and be belittled. This happens right after many of our firefighters came to the aid of California's wildfires. Did you know that we have your banks here and never prevented them from being here. We are the ones tgat get more guns and fentynol from the U. S. Than the other way around. Just look it up. Anyways, I am not one to boo any anthem even though we are not the ones who started this big fight. We must remember that many don't want Canada to be part of the States...thank you! I hate it when things get ugly so I am going to bring 3 great Canadian songs from 3 great Canadian bands. I'm joining Monday Music Moves Me and here they are...


This is an iconic Canadian song that goes perfectly with our classic Canadian sport. Do I watch hockey?, but it is iconic.


Gordon Lightfoot is a true Canadian and an icon in music. We have many great, Canadian icons from music, Celine Dion, Rush, Joni Mitchell, Barenaked Ladies, yadda yadda yadda...


The music from the East is just wonderful often involving fiddle music and like another band I love, Great Big Sea, this song is fun and catchy. I could listen to the music from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia a lot of the time. 

I feel bad that your anthem was boo'd at and I hope you feel the same when ours was as well. May the people be strong together and weather this storm that never should be. Remember, Reagan loved free trade and believed in our friendship...I do too.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Star Of The Month- Lee Marvin



BIRTH: February 19, 1924

DEATH: August 29, 1987

AGED: 63 yrs old

DIED FROM: Heart Attack, had ill health for a while

REAL NAME: Lamont Marvin Jr.

MARRIED: Twice and lived together with another( big mistake)

AFFAIRS: Ann Bancroft( according to his first wife), Jeanne Moreau, Yvette Vickers

CHILDREN: 4 kids

FRIENDS: Robert Ryan

OSCAR WINS: Cat Ballou- Best Supporting Actor 


TALENT: his singing! He had a hit record with Wandrin’ Star from the musical, Paint Your  Wagon.

KNOWN FOR: his distinctive voice, a descendant of Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee.

Lee Marvin was one tough mother #$&@ who was often in trouble in school and when in the Marines because he got demoted to Private. I always liked him, his face was not pretty but you felt you could trust him..except when he played a psychopathic killer. This guy was a true hero who fought in the 4th Marine Division and was in a couple of key battles before being wounded and taking a year in hospitals to recuperate. He was awarded the Purple Heart, The Presidential Unit Citation, the American Campaign Medal, The Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, World War 2 Victory Medal  and the Combat Action Ribbon. When he came back to the States, he became a plumber and was working in a theatre when an extra didn’t show up so the director got him to stand in and …Voila! He was known to smoke up to 6 packs of cigarettes a day (how the?? 6??) and he could drink almost anyone under the table, except for Oliver Reed who won the bet when Reed was still standing while Lee passed out after a gizillion drinks. He also married his high school sweetheart after meeting up with her again and they stayed married until he died. He is also very famous for the groundbreaking trial between him and Michelle Triolla whom he shacked up with for 6 years. The relationship ended badly (that’s an understatement) where she sued him for over 3 million( or was it 6) because she gave up her singing career for him. Mud was slung on both sides and she won but much, much less and that was rescinded when she could not produce an actual contract. It became fodder on Saturday Night Live and Johnny Carson. I have to look this up. Anyways, he was from the old school of acting who played many thugs but was known to be a big advocate for Gay Rights and was a Democrat through and through. 


1. The Dirty Dozen-1967

2. Cat Ballou-1965

3. The Professionals- 1966

4.  Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday-1976

5. Ship Of Fools-1965

6. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance-1962

7. The Big Heat

8. Avalanche Express-1979

9. The Big Heat-1953

10. Paint Your Wagon-1969

Thursday, January 30, 2025



It’s been a few cold days, not as cold as out in Alberta, but cold enough although I quite enjoy it…for now. Ask me in March and I will have a different answer. Where I live, in The Niagara Region, we have not received that much snow, sadly, but that might change as we enter February. It made me think of the many movies I have watched that take place in snow or at least, partly, in snow. Let’s get on with it…


The wondrous, magical Shangri-La is warm, beautiful, lush, green but surrounded by the very snowy Himalayas. A small group of English and American people get the last flight out of China during a rebellion. Unbeknownst to them, their plane has been hijacked and end up crash landing in the very snowy Himalayas mountains. Except for the pilot, the rest are alive and are soon met by a group of people who lead them through a very treacherous path to the magical Shangri-La. The lead is played by, be still my heart, Ronald Colman with a group that has a conman, a hypochondriac, a terminally ill, cynical woman and Colman’s bratty brother. When they find themselves in this wondrous place, they are dubious except for Colman who finds it mesmerizing including the young lady played by Jane Wyatt. It is a superb film that I can always watch. The snow scenes before and after Shangri-La give a true feel of the cold and the treacherous journey these people had to deal with. It is very well acted and the art direction and cinematography is excellent.


This is not a typical western because it is more about the true life mountain man, Jeremiah Johnson who wanted to be left alone but, when his Native American wife and son are killed, he goes on a rampage killing many Crow since some Crow were responsible  for the death of his family. Robert Redford starts the film as a naive man who has no clue what nature can do to a man. He meets an old codger, played by Will Greer, who teaches him how to survive and Redford does just that. Redford carries the picture and does it with great aplomb. The film takes place during all seasons but the winter scenes stay with me. I think it is quite underrated and should be known more than it is.

3. WIND RIVER-2017

This is another underrated film that stars Jeremy Renner as a game tracker who comes across the frozen body of a Native American girl. He contacts the FBI who send out a young FBI operative to find the killer. The 2 team up to get to the bottom of this murder. You find out there is more than what meets the eye, of course, in this film. It really makes you think and you love the barren look with the snow taking centre stage. It is a truly good thriller that one should see, at least, once.

What films can you think of that take place in the winter time?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

It’s Cold Out There!


For Monday Music Moves Me, it’s all about music, songs or composers that make you think of the cold. Of course, the first song that came into my head was , “Cold As Ice” by Foreigner but everyone thought the same thing and was very popular this week.  I went the next few songs that came into my head and, here they are..


This  song was written by Frank Loesser and he and his wife performed it at Hollywood parties  when it was time for the guests to leave. When Loesser sold the rights to have it played in the film, “Neptune’s Daughter”, Loesser’s wife was livid because she didn’t get any say or money in the matter. Since then, this song has been played many, many times by different people ending up as a Christmas song even though, it has nothing to do with Christmas. Sadly, the young, dumbasses made this song sound like it was date rape. So, they are thinking with the mind of today and the date rape drugs etc.. not that it was written by Loesser with an assist from his wife over 70 years ago. You know, I’ve been in that scenario, don’t go, stay. I would say I have to go but secretly, I wanted to stay. Of course, the man, not so reluctantly, got me to stay. I had another drink or 2 and enjoyed the night. I wasn’t cold at all.


This is more of a Christmas song, but I love it because I think of  snow, cold and joy. I love Enya and I own this CD. It’s a great song.


I am hoping this scene shows my favourite part when the fairies change the leaves to fall and finally, to frost and ice. Fantasia was a flop when it came out but I consider it one of Disney’s most brilliant works. I miss how animated films used to be made. This took such great artistry and with the great Leopold Stokowski at the helm, this film is truly special.

What music makes you think of the cold?

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Death as a Character


I have no idea why death has been on my mind but, it has been and what better way to celebrate this disturbing thought than in film. One can take death in many variations but, I thought, it’s fun to showcase films where death is actual entity that roams with us. So here are my 3 films I chose that represent Death in a unique way.


It might feel a bit stagey, but, I love this film! It has an ethereal film and seems to capture an otherworldly feel thanks to, not just Death, but to Evelyn Venable. She is the actress playing the daughter of a count who seems to float through the film who belongs to another time and place. Death comes in the form of the dashing Frederic March who revels who he is to her dad and wishes to take the form of a human so can feel what humans feel. While on a holiday, no one dies and Death is enjoying himself but, when he meets Evelyn, he falls deep in love and can not bear the idea of being without her. It’s a very different film that  had a great feel for the other world this film inspires to be. I need to see this again.


Talk about parody! Many of you may not have seen this great Swedish classic but the image of Death play8ng chess for the soul of the knight has been parodied in many movies and TV shows. Bengt Ekert  plays Death to perfection who is after the soul of the Crusader, played by the great Max Von Sydow, who refuses to go with Death. Along the way we meet various people from a young couple who are actors to a court jester. It is set during the Middle Ages when the bubonic plague was everywhere. It is a philosophical film which brings up the meaning of life, religion, death and more. I find it one of the most intelligent films I’ve ever seen.


I saw this film when it came out and loved it. It is one wild ride based on the German exploits of this Baron in German folklore. This man ends up with a young girl, played by Sarah Polly and together they go through many adventures while he tries to find his original troop. He ends up on a planet with a Horned up king played with much gusto, by Robin Williams. From there, they end up inside a whale, inside a volcano with Hades and his wife, Venus.its the age of Reason but nothing seems to make sense. Baron Munchausen reverts to youth but, when things don’t go his way, he ends up old with death, ragged and looking sort of like a bird, tries to capture his soul. It is scary and you wish for the Baron to win. It is a film by Terry Gilliam so you know it is different. It did bomb at the box office because of the gossip of all the production delays plus it is just very different but it’s worth checking out.

What other films can you think of where Death  is represented as an actual character?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Who Won The Oscar-1950


It’s freebie week over at Monday Music Moves Me and, it is which song won the Oscar, which was nominated and which came up nadda. We’ll, let’s see if you choose correctly…


This song come from the musical, “The Toast of New Orleans,” starring Kathryn Grayson, David Niven and Mario Lanza which made Lanza a star. This was written by Sammy Cahn( lyrics) and Nicholas Brodszky ( music). Lanza sang this song with Kathryn Grayson in the musical but it became a huge hit for just Lanza’s voice alone that it was his first million seller. 


Ilene Woods portrayed Cinderella in the animated musical of Cinderella. It was written by Mack David, Al Hoffman, and Jerry Livingston and became a hit for Disney and you can hear this song in Disney films and is reprised in the 2015  live version of Cinderella starring Lily James. This song is inspired by Frank Liszt’s, “Transcendental Etude #9”.


I always thought Nat King Cole was the originator of this song but, he was not! This song come from a the film, “Captain Carey” and it was sung by Sergio whom I never knew about since I have not seen this film. This song was written by Ray Evans and Sam Livingston and didn’t make it really big until Nat King Cole  sang it. 

So…you know the drill, which won the Oscar, which was nominated and which came up empty-handed?

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Life After Death


My mom died 7 years ago, yesterday, and I miss her so much but, I bet, I am not alone in people missing their moms or dads. It had me think about how many conversations my mom and I had about life after death. We could talk for a long time about this topic and my mom was hopeful that this actually existed. There are a few films about this very topic and I chose 3 that my mom really liked and here they are..


I love this film about a group of people piled into a cab ready to get to the wharf and board a ship to the States when they get hit by a bomb. 2 others, a husband and wife, completely separate from this group decide to end their lives together by turning on the gas in their apartment. They wake up on a ship and realize they are dead but the group in the cab, have no idea. We meet the whole group from the loud mouthed reporter to a gossipy rich bitch and her sweet husband to a sailor coming home to be with his wife and small baby. While on board, the group slowly learn what really happened to them. It makes one think about what happens when one dies. It’s a great film about characters and the afterlife. One of my personal favourites and one my mom saw one night and very much enjoyed it. This was Erich Korngold’s favourite musical piece he created for film.


This is an excellent remake of the 1941 film, “ Here Comes Mr. Jordan”  and, I think, it’s just as good as the original. My mom and I went to see it in the movie theatre and we both liked it for the light comedy but mixed with sadness that still can bring a tear to my eye. Warren Beatty play a football star who dies but is placed into the body of a rich man because the angel got too eager and took Joe’s soul before he actually died. His body was cremated so now he is in a real dilemma because he should never have died, the head angel, played so well by the great James Mason,  decide to place him int9 the murdered body of a filthy rich man. You find out the guys not too happy widow and his attorney are having an affair and killed the real rich dude.  The love interest, played by the. Real-life love interest, Julie Christie, realizes that the cold-hearted rich dude has changed somehow and now wants to help her and the charity she is passionate about. You also have his couch, played so well by Jack Warden, who realizes that the rich bloke is his friend Joe. I always felt most sad for the character played by Jack. This is a real gem.


This is another film both my mom and I went to see and we both loved it. Robin Williams gives an excellent portal of a loving father and husband who dies and is in his own personal heaven heavily reliant on paintings he loves. In Fact, this film was one of the first for a great contribution to a new way of visual effects and art direction. The main character, played by the great, Robin Williams, loves art so when he is in heaven, everything looks and feels like a painting. There he meets an angel played by Cuba Gooding Jnr who tells him his wife has committed suicide and is in purgatory. Robin decides that he must save her and he travels through a Dantesque landscape which feels very heavy and foreboding. It really makes you think about the hereafter and how heaven may look. It is visually stunning, well acted, heroic and a real love story that defies the ages. Funny, this film’s original print was destroyed in the Universal fire in 2008 and they found a copy in Europe just like some very old films you hear about. 

Which films can you think of about the afterlife that you like?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025



Motivation…..what the hell is that? LOL I do plan to walk more and create more and do my best to laugh more and enjoy the moments. I do this anyway but, we all can have bad days, which is ok, but I love to concentrate on the good rather than all the crap that surrounds us. This proud Canadian will enjoy this year despite all that one sees, endures and hears…it’s all in the attitude. Curious as a Cathy has a great theme this week about a “New Start or what motivates you” so here are my 3 picks…


This is a staple of Canadian songs and was a big hit for this Canadian band. Apparently, it is a song often played in hockey games..what do I I just always loved this song


I love dancing to this song which is just so upbeat and fun. I may not walk 500 miles, but I do plan to walk more, when I can.


I know this version of this old song the best and for good reason, it’s excellent! The harmonies of this group is superb. I had no idea it was written back in 1931 and sung by Ozzie Nelson..yes the dad from the Ozzie and Harriet Show. This song speaks to my daydreaming ways which I do often and makes me want to get my ass upstairs and create some cards. I hope this will happen this weekend..we shall see.

What songs motivate you?

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Who Should Have Won the Oscar 2020


2020 seemed to be filled with Oscar snubs and the Beat Actor had a few from Adam Sandler to Leo DiCaprio. I was pissed off this year because I hated who won the Best Actor and this is which I am speaking about. 


I was looking forward to this movie and Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of this iconic villain but I ended up being really irritated by his acting and hated this movie. I found he was acting it way too much and his own issues with sanity was coming forward because, let’s face it, Joaquin is quite an odd person. I didn’t like this film because of the writing too. They show this insane person kill and he, at the end, is eulogized by the people, which is gross. There were so many others that were better than him because you couldn’t see them act. Joaquin kept throwing it in my face at how well he is acting and feels he is better than Heath Ledger…which he is not. Just think how Heath would have been in this film. 


This is a great story about 2 people, successful, but their marriage is faltering. We see the demise of their love as we see their work flourish. He is a successful theatre director and his wife acts in his plays but she has now been given the ability to act in TV.  We see them fight for their child and lawyers get involved who are the only winners. This is a well acted film and you feel for the characters. Adam is excellent in this film and you feel for both. He was nominated but didn’t win and I would have been happy if he did.


Taron nailed it as Elton John and you believed him to be Elton. I had no idea how brilliant Elton was when he was so young and this actor showed this man’s complexity so well. You believe the actor and I feel he should have won the Oscar because you believe in him and do not question anything he does. He deserved to win but he wasn’t even nominated. I just don’t understand why.

So do you agree with me or would you choose another actor?

I have to say one thing….i am a proud Canadian and I will fight to remain Canadian. No person would like to be bullied, cajoled and threatened when we have always have been an Ally. I bet Americans would not like being bullied and threatened if the shoe was on the other foot. So Resident Rump can go to the place that never cools. I Am CANADIAN!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Music From the Hubby


My hubby loves Harley and me so…hence the picture. Harley is such a sweet guy, except when he goes after food. He is the bees knees and I just love my hubby and he loves me so I asked him what classic style music popped into his head that he loves and he chose the 3 I have here. I am signing up for Monday Music Moves Me which is a freebie week.


I remember when this came out and I don’t mind it even though there is some rap to it but it also has hints of blues and rock. 


I love Carlos Santana and so does my hubby and this is a classic song, one of many this legend has created.


I mean, what can one say about Pink Floyd? They are legendary and this song is legendary to repeat that word again. This is one of so many that are just great. 

So, what songs do your spouses’ love?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Star of the Month-Dana Andrews



BIRTH: January 1, 1909

DEATH: December 17, 1992

AGED: 83 yrs

DIED FROM: pneumonia and heart failure. Suffered from Alzheimers as well.

REAL NAME: Carver Dana Andrews

MARRIED: twice, the first wife died from pneumonia in less than 2 yrs of marriage. 2nd marriage last until his death.

CHILDREN: 4 kids; 1 from the first wife.


AFFAIRS: Carmen Miranda, apparently. I would need to read more to confirm this.

TALENT: singing, operatic voice

KNOWN FOR: talking about his alcoholism including ads about this. Great advocate when few stars spoke about their issues. He also worked for womens' rights in the acting field. He also made tons of money in Real Estate.

This man should be better known  and right along side the A players like James Stewart, Clark Gable, Gary Cooper and Spencer Tracy but, unfortunately, he is not known unless  you love film history and old movies. He was never nominated for an Oscar which is a crime and he was never given more musicals because he had a trained, singing operatic voice. The one musical he made, his voice was dubbed because the higher ups didn’t know Dana could sing. Dana didn’t correct them because he felt that the person dubbing him needed the job. 

He came from a family with 13 kids ( parents must really love each other, again and again and again). He really wanted to be an actor so he hitch-hiked to California to make it big. After working in basic jobs, he finally got into films and married. He was a happy camper with a wife and son but, in less than 29 years his wife died from pneumonia. He was now a widow with a young son but he steadily climbed up the ladder and remarried. The 1940s was his peak but he was also an alcoholic who had more than one DUI. He and his wife separated for a time which might be when he had a brief affair with Carmen Miranda..maybe. The good news is he finally sought help, became sober and became one of the first famous advocates for the National Council on  Alcoholics and Drug Dependence. He and his wife reunited and they had 3 children but, sadly, his first son, from his first marriage, died from a cerebral hemorrhage when only in his 20s. Dana was also one of the first vocal advocates for women who were sexually manipulated in the industry. He was a steadfast and true gentleman, I think.

One fun point is the film, “Zero Hour” was the basis for the comedic film, “Airplane” and I need to see that movie since I love that comedy.

This man suffered some sad losses but he straightened out and was an early vocal advocate for AA and women's issues in the industry. He could play a romantic lead, a tough guy, and even comedy albeit hecwas more the straight man. He should have been nominated and won for his role in The Best Years of our Lives but he never was noticed  which is so very sad. You should check some of his films out. Here are films that I ranked from my favourite to lesser but also films I have yet to see.


1  The Best Years of Our Lives- 1946

2. The Ox-Bow Incident- 1942

3. Laura- 1944

4. State Fair-1945

5. A Walk In The Sun- 1948

6. Ball of Fire- 1941

7. Up In Arms-1944

8. Elephant Walk- 1954

9. The Purple Heart-1944-need to see!

10. Fallen Angel- 1945

11. Boomerang- 1947

12. Zero Hour- 1957- Airplane based their movie on this film.  

Thursday, January 2, 2025



I’m back! It’s a new year and many start new resolutions only to go with the wind in a couple of weeks:)). The Golden Globes will be this Sunday which is the start of all the awards shows culminating with the Oscars. There are quite a few films that have new beginnings in whichever way you wish to think. Here are my 3…

1.  THE QUIET MAN-1952

I love this film and spoke bout it before but felt it fit this week’s theme because it is about a man who  wishes to forget his past by going back to his ancestral home of his mom-Ireland. There, he meets the wilful Maureen O’Hara whose brother refuses to give her dowry when he, John Wayne and Maureen marry. Wayne refuses to fight her brother and his actions make everyone believe, including his wife, that he is a coward. Only the priest is aware of the real reason. Wayne wants a new beginning but can he shake  his fears and can he truly win his love’s faith. It’s romantic, funny and full on fun especially when Wayne decides enough is enough. I love the whole movie but, especially,  how Wayne takes his wife on a journey to meet up with her brother. 


I came across this little known film and watched it more than once and really enjoyed it. I had no idea it was based on a true story about a woman sent away by her family for disgracing them. She ends up in a wild town and decides to start fresh….as a man. She befriends the wild men matching them shot for shot with no one the wiser. It’s quite an interesting film and a very good one. I really love her new found ways.


I love this film! I took in every part of this film and the beautiful locations that Diane Lane placed herself in to rebuild her life. She is a very successful author who ends up in a bad way after her divorce. She ends up on a tour of Tuscany and, seeing a home for sale, stops the bus, gets off and persuades the owner to sell it to her after a birds shits on her. You see her struggle renovating the home with many issues but also meeting a new romance. The true romance is this place she now calls home and the people she meets in the town and the 3 men she hires to fix her home. The home, like her, is battered, a bit older but has style and needs to be renewed to find their true self. 

So, what films make you think of renewal? Did you have a nice New Year’s? We watch the tv show, “Poldark” and feeling very happy at home and not with throngs of strangers. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Music of the Christmas Blues and Happy New Year!


Somehow, Kaspar  has the right look…all suspect to the new year…what will it bring? Let us hope, with caution, we all have a good year. I skipped last week because I was just done in. I think we all were by Christmas. I spent Christmas Day in and out of sleep. I did too much, typical me,  and paid the price. Boxing Day was better and now the decorations are coming down but the Blues have not come in, thankfully. I am still partaking of the Monday Music Moves  Me which is about Christmas Blues.


I love this Christmas song which is a bit sad since it’s, actually, about the commercialism that seems to overtake the meaning of Christmas. I choose  to ignore it and enjoy the ending of this song which is really quite lovely. 


This is a great song that I just came across. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


I did think this was done by Mel Blanc who did so many of the voices from these classic cartoons. It was actually done by Denny Brownlee who is a comedian. This sounds like it was done in someone’s living room with guests laughing. It always makes me laugh.

Hope your Christmas after wasn’t too blue and Happy New Year!