Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A to Z Challenge-Letter J

Mid week and we are now at the letter J. Head on over to the A to Z and find what everyone else is writing about.


DIRECTOR: Stanley Kramer
STARS: Spencer Tracy, Marlene Dietrich, Maximillian Schell, Richard Widmark, Montgomery Clift, Judy Garland, Burt Lancaster, Werner Klemperer
OSCAR NOMS: Best Picture,Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor (Clift), Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Cinematography (Black & White), Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design (B & W), Best Editing.
OSCAR WINS: Best Supporting Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay
PLOT: Bringing Nazi War Criminals to Justice (Based on fact)
LOVE: The scene between Tracy and Lancaster in Lancaster's cell. Tracy's words are eloquent
TRIVIA: Marlene Dietrich had a hard time saying some of her lines (Germans didn't know) as she found them abhorrent. Werner Klemperer is a German-Jew who would only play a Nazi if they were evil or a total buffoon (Hogan's Heroes). When Judy Garland came on set she was beyond nervous since she was amongst big names. After she did her scene she received a standing ovation. William Shatner (Capt. Kirk) is the last main actor to be alive from this film.

JEAN LOUIS-October 5, 1907-April 20, 1997

OCCUPATION: Fashion Designer
OSCAR NOMS: Thoroughly Modern Millie, Gambit, Ship of Fools, Judgement at Nuremberg, Backstreet, Bell, Book & Candle, Pal Joey, Queen Bee, It Should Happen To You, A Star is Born, From Here To Eternity,Affair in Trinidad, Born Yesterday
OSCAR WINS: Solid Gold Cadillac
ANECDOTE: He designed  all the outfits for Marlene for the film above but also for her "see-through" gowns for her Cabaret shows. Marilyn Monroe saw these gowns and was so impressed she had him design her one-it's the one she wore when she sang Happy Birthday to JFK. He designed all the gowns for Loretta Young for her 1950's TV Show and much, much later, married her.


Marilyn with Jean Louis...

Rita Hayworth in her famous striptease gown from Gilda...

Loretta Young..


  1. Hi, Birgit!

    I remember this film and all the buzz surrounding it and I watched it during the 60s or 70s. What an all-star cast! I always liked Richard Widmark. It is hard for me to believe that Judy Garland, herself a major star, got nervous working around other big names. I imagine her medical problems might have been a factor. Interesting trivia about Werner Klemperer. In my mind he will always be the buffoon Colonel Klink. Just a reminder to watch Greg Kinnear in the movie Auto Focus based on the book The Murder of Bob Crane. It is also an interesting tidbit that Shatner is the last surviving actor from the main cast of this 1960 film.

    Have a super day, dear friend BB!

    1. Judy was intimidated by Tracy, Dietrich and Clift because she thought she was just a song and dance girl...she misjudged. I have to look for that film about Bob Crane.

  2. Birgit, sounds like an excellent film with an all-star cast. I'm going to see if it's on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Marlene's see-through gown is Va-Va-Voom, sexy! Marilyn looks pretty fabulous in her Jean Louis design gown, too. The women of yesteryear had real sex appeal unlike today's so-called sexy actresses, don't you think? Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it a lot! Please JUMP over to look at today's edition of Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Letter "J" whenever you can and have a good day!

  3. I really need to re-watch Judgement and Nuremberg. It's been too long.

  4. This film is such a classic. When I went to Nuremberg and saw the museum there, I thought of all that had happened. It is hard not to cry at some of these places that hold such terrifying history. And Jean Louis. I remember eagerly awaiting the start of each Loretta Young show to see what gorgeous outfit she was wearing. Ah, my youth.

    1. When I get a chance and visit one of these places when in Europe, I always have tears. Loretta Young was so image conscious that she made sure her show would not be reshownin repeats since the fashions had changed

  5. I think you've mentioned Judgment at Nuremberg months ago when I reviewed a movie dealing with the same subject and I still haven't seen it. I'll watch it as soon as possible, I promise :)

  6. Hi Birgit,
    I have never seen Judgement at Nuremberg but it's going on my To Be Seen list. Sean Spicer should put it on his list too! Idiot.
    (Sorry, I'm just listening to the news right now about another one of his blunders, with this latest one being a doozy!)

    Anyway, love that you featured designer Jean Louis: his creations are stunning, especially Rita and Marlene's gowns. Wow!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  7. He sure hit the claim to fame with the gowns. Haven't seen this one at my sea.

  8. I need to see this movie. That time period fascinates me.


  9. Now that was an excellent movie. I particularly liked Spencer Tracy and Burt Lancaster.

  10. So what you're saying is Jean Louis had his hands all over more Hollywood Starlets than Clark Gable, Desi Arnez, Warren Beatty and JFK combined? ;-)

    Also, Judgment at Nuremburg reminds me of a post I'm working on right now that's coming up in a couple of days...

  11. I've never seen this film apart from snippets in documentaries, though I know it's important. I haven't seen too many films from this latter part of the classic era.

  12. More great factoids. Love seeing the designer gowns.
    Have a great one, Birgit. Hope you are feeling well.

  13. Klemperer also played Nazi Adolf Eichmann in 1961's Operation Eichmann. One of the actors in the film was John Banner, later teamed with Klemperer as Sgt. Schultz in Hogan's Heroes..

  14. That was an excellent film! Interesting trivia about Werner Klemperer; I didn't know he was Jewish. I'm not surprised Marlene had difficulty saying her lines. She pledged her allegiance to the United States early on and did a lot of humanitarian work during WWII.

  15. I love these facts that you're sharing, they're so interesting. And I love those dresses. :-)

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  16. I don't think I've ever seen this, or if I did it was a long time ago and I don't remember it. Another "Hogan's Heroes" alumnus, Howard Caine (Gestapo Major Hochstetter) was in the movie as a defense attorney.

    Re "Hogan's Heroes," Klemperer, John Banner, and Leon Askin were all German Jews who escaped before the Nazis got to them and all were sergeants in the US Army during World War II. Howard Caine, who's also Jewish but from Tennessee, was in the Navy. All great men.

  17. Rita Hayworth was such a boss.

    Apparently Shatner was in a lot more stuff than I thought.

  18. A straight fashion designer? Get outta here

  19. I've never seen the film, but the trivia notes were very interesting, Birgit. :)

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  20. I've seen "Judgement at Nuremberg" several times and always find it riveting.

  21. Thanks for sharing the info about Jean Louis. I wasn't familiar with him specifically, and really like his fashion. Edith Head has always been a favorite of mine.

  22. I don't know if I'll ever see this one. It might be okay. I can't stomach Holocaust movies (any of them, they make me physically ill), and I think this one fits that bill. Maybe not.

    1. No, it shows some explicit footage so it would not be for you

  23. I always learn so much from you, Birgit. I never knew William Shatner did a movie regarding the Holocaust. I admit that I'm too weak to watch Judgement at Nurenberg, but it would be fascinating.
    Happy Easter, friend!

    1. It is hard hitting and I would think not a good film to hurtful

  24. Definitely a wonderful film. There was a television remake of it a few years ago with Alec Baldwin in the Spencer Tracey role. I just love old Hollywood fashions. One of these years I am going to go vintage for a formal event. Visiting from
    If I Only Had A Time Machine

  25. I really need to see Judgement
    at Nuremberg again. I've forgotten too much.

  26. I saw this on TCM awhile back. I am always fascinated by anything WWII and the Holocaust. I wish we had a Holocaust Museum here. I'd volunteer in any way I could.

  27. I am so behind.....I think this is an important film but a difficult one to see. I lightened it up with the Jean Louis gowns which I think are beautiful

  28. It's been decades since I saw Nuremberg. Actually I was probably still a kid and likely didn't understand some of it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out: It's About Time
