Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Which Song Won The Oscar-1988


1988 was the best of times…and the worst of times. My dad’s brain cancer took hold and the last 6 weeks, he was in the hospital with my mom taking the morning to be with him, I took the afternoon and my brother, the evening. Often, my mom was there in the evening and the last week, she slept at the hospital. He died on April 30th at noon and the next few days were a blur. Funny, the day he died, that morning, it was rainy and miserable, but, right after he died, the sun came out and so did the warmth of the sun. My 24th birthday was cold and rainy but the sun came out after that day and we had one of the hottest summers on record. My friend, came back from Greece, she was living there and enjoying it. My other friend, who now lives in Vancouver, was living in Toronto and the 3 of us had the best time that whole summer. That’s when you can drink like a fish, wake up spinning and feeling oogy but regain our energy and have fun at a waterpark, at a park or anywhere we could create some chaos. The Oscars were ll about RainMan. The songs…only 3 were nominated instead of the usual 5 which is sad because there could have been 5..oh well. Let’s see if you can figure out who won the Oscar, which one was nominated and which one got nadda! I will join up with the Monday Music Moves Me which is free time.


This is a great song, I have to admit, it worked well with this movie too, also great. The music and lyrics are by Carly Simon as well. The film is an empowering women’s film but it is funny too. I’m not a Melanie Griffith fan but she pulls it off here. Sadly she said she was pretty high on coke throughout the making of this movie.


This is a quirky film about a German woman left alone at this dumpy place called The Bagdad Cafe run by Whoopi Goldberg and Jack Palance is an old bugger who lives in a trailer very near the cafe and takes a shine to the woman. This song, written by Bob Telson and just fit this movie. I need to see this again.


This became a hit for the Beach Boys well after their heyday of the 60s and it’s a fun song. I have not seen the movie because it stars Tom Cruise when he thought he was hot stuff. This film, Cocktail, is about 2 bartenders and how they can make drinks…yeah…zzzzz. Anyway, love the song.

So, which won, which got nominated and which one was forgotten.


  1. Love the beach boys..not seen the film not a Tom cruise fan either….hope you are doing well we have wonderful sunny hot weather this week xxxx

  2. I wasn't familiar with the second song or movie - must check it out! I think the song from Working Girl won, and maybe Kokomo was nominated? Not sure, but I enjoyed both films. Not a fan of Tom Cruise the person, but I think he's a talented actor, regardless. He did well in his role as a young bartender, and the mixing skills he displayed were very cool. His costar, Bryan Brown, was also good.

  3. P.S. That must have been such a traumatic year for you, Birgit! Glad you had friends to ease the grief. ((HUGS))

  4. I feel like Carly Simon won, but all I hear in my head now is Kokomo. lol

  5. Hi Birgit,

    I'm sure the Carly Simon song won and I'm guessing the second got a nom since it's pretty niche for you to pick it otherwise. So that would mean that stupid Beach Boys song (I like the Beach Boys just not this song from them) from that moronic Cocktail movie ended up with zip.

  6. BIRGIT ~
    I haven't see any of these three movies. And the only song I knew was 'Kokomo', which I have always liked. It's not one of my very favorite Beach Boys songs - who are one of my very favorite musical groups - but it certainly does have a spunky island vibe to it, which I can appreciate. (It's another one of those 'Daiquiris on Catalina Island' songs to me.)

    ~ D-FensDogG

  7. Whoa does Tom Cruise ever look young there! I never saw that movie either but the song is wonderful.

  8. Sending you a virtual hug for that sad time from 1988. As usual, I have no idea. I only knew one of the songs (Kokomo) but instantly fell in love with it. So Kokomo the winner, Let the River Run runner up and the song I didn't like didn't place. I'm probably wrong, as usual.

  9. That sounds like a rough time. I'm so sorry.

    Why do I think the Carly Simon song won? I vaguely recall this year. I did see Working Girl and Cocktail. (You didn't miss anything by not seeing Cocktail. It was okay, but not terribly memorable.)

  10. Have you seen the documentary/film about the Beach Boys? I think it is on Disney+, but it was very eye opening for me. I'm guessing Carly Simon won, but it's just a guess.
