Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Star Of The Month- Lee Marvin



BIRTH: February 19, 1924

DEATH: August 29, 1987

AGED: 63 yrs old

DIED FROM: Heart Attack, had ill health for a while

REAL NAME: Lamont Marvin Jr.

MARRIED: Twice and lived together with another( big mistake)

AFFAIRS: Ann Bancroft( according to his first wife), Jeanne Moreau, Yvette Vickers

CHILDREN: 4 kids

FRIENDS: Robert Ryan

OSCAR WINS: Cat Ballou- Best Supporting Actor 


TALENT: his singing! He had a hit record with Wandrin’ Star from the musical, Paint Your  Wagon.

KNOWN FOR: his distinctive voice, a descendant of Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee.

Lee Marvin was one tough mother #$&@ who was often in trouble in school and when in the Marines because he got demoted to Private. I always liked him, his face was not pretty but you felt you could trust him..except when he played a psychopathic killer. This guy was a true hero who fought in the 4th Marine Division and was in a couple of key battles before being wounded and taking a year in hospitals to recuperate. He was awarded the Purple Heart, The Presidential Unit Citation, the American Campaign Medal, The Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, World War 2 Victory Medal  and the Combat Action Ribbon. When he came back to the States, he became a plumber and was working in a theatre when an extra didn’t show up so the director got him to stand in and …Voila! He was known to smoke up to 6 packs of cigarettes a day (how the?? 6??) and he could drink almost anyone under the table, except for Oliver Reed who won the bet when Reed was still standing while Lee passed out after a gizillion drinks. He also married his high school sweetheart after meeting up with her again and they stayed married until he died. He is also very famous for the groundbreaking trial between him and Michelle Triolla whom he shacked up with for 6 years. The relationship ended badly (that’s an understatement) where she sued him for over 3 million( or was it 6) because she gave up her singing career for him. Mud was slung on both sides and she won but much, much less and that was rescinded when she could not produce an actual contract. It became fodder on Saturday Night Live and Johnny Carson. I have to look this up. Anyways, he was from the old school of acting who played many thugs but was known to be a big advocate for Gay Rights and was a Democrat through and through. 


1. The Dirty Dozen-1967

2. Cat Ballou-1965

3. The Professionals- 1966

4.  Great Scout and Cathouse Thursday-1976

5. Ship Of Fools-1965

6. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance-1962

7. The Big Heat

8. Avalanche Express-1979

9. The Big Heat-1953

10. Paint Your Wagon-1969


  1. What a great actor he was….love to watch his films

    1. His films are really good and so are the TV shows he appeared in.

  2. I don't think I've seen many things that he was in. But I have, of course, heard of him. (Not the scandal, though. That's new to me.)

    1. It was a huge scandal that was even on the evening news which was strange back then. He has made some great movies. I forgot to mention one of my favs, “Hell in the Pacific” with Toshiro Mifune.

  3. I'm not familiar with him, but at least there's more titles for me to consider for my next Blind Spot list!

    1. You have a large amount to choose from

  4. Hi Birgit - he certainly was iconic in his time ... thanks for all the info - cheers Hilary
