Now Look what my hubby made for me for my Birthday! He said he felt bad that he did not have any money for a gift but he made this for me which is priceless! Yup I am bragging big time!!! This is a treasure box that he made from scratch! He did not buy the box or just add things, he took an old oak lumber that looked black with age and being outside and planed it down and cut it to make the box. he stained it and put it all together. We cleaned out my mom's workroom a few weeks back and she had a treasure trove of stuff(plus a lot of crappola) that he used for the exterior and interior. He put all the red and gold trim on and the crystals. he also woodburnt my initials and some filigree for a BB coat of arms. When you open it, the lid shows a monster with stars and lightning but the sun is peeking through(he calls me his sunshine...have I made you puke yet). It is a music box as well and plays a tune from the Nutcracker Suite. The bottom part he burnt in "Happy Birthday Birgit" and it lifts up to show the interior. He used sparkle paper in blues and more beautiful ribbons and crystals and stuff. When I opened it up I found the necklace that he made me! Yup he made me a necklace and I have already worn it. He also made this "bookmark" more like a love poem in wood that goes inside and he burnt in a poem on the one side and wrote a poem on the other side(he copied from the book of Solomon-he's great but he can't write poetry but he still found it). He said this is a keeper of his heart and I am the sunshine that takes the demons away. I am normally cracking jokes, swearing and well, love to think I have some cynic in me but all I could think of was that sappy song from "South Pacific"..."I'm in Love, I'M in Love, I'm In Love with a Wonderful Guy". OK now you can all go a gag...but I don't care!
Oh wow - that is beautiful....your hubby is a keeper!