Monday, May 7, 2018

A to Z Reflections

The A to Z Reflections....I , once again, enjoyed reading people's blogs and found some blogs very informative while others, I found fun. I think I will change it up next year...famous last words but change is good. I liked the link post  but noticed not everyone used it and, I even forgot a couple of times but that is on me. What was nice was one could still go to the entry list and find more people there.

I feel bad that I did not respond to all the comments and fell behind with some great blogs plus I wish to catch up especially with the people who commented on my blog. It's always tough to comment, read the blogs who follow you or you follow them, and visit new people who participated with the A to Z Challenge. All I can say is I did my best and I enjoyed myself. I think this is what we need to take away...have fun, don't sweat it and expand one's horizon as it were.

That's it for moi! Have a fab Day!!


  1. Good reflections :) I think when we go into the challenge of A/Z (not that I've done it for the last 2 years) we always go in with high expectations that we will read a whole bunch of new blogs, keep up with comments, etc., and then we start to weary as the month goes on especially with everything else that we have on our plate. I think you did a great job with your theme!


  2. It is difficult to keep up with everyone.

    1. Says the man who keeps up with millions of blogs...!

  3. Glad I had time to just read my favorite bloggers. I must be getting old, lol.

  4. I was actually quite impressed that you did as much as you did. It's hard to work all day and play catch up at night, while creating new blog posts, too. I think you should give yourself a pat on the back. I know I have! (MY PAT on the BACK)

  5. Hi Birgit - I'm afraid I just post and some found me - so I was able to follow on. It's a challenge - but worth it .. and I loved your movie recommendations as well as some of your readers' suggestions - an added bonus. Cheers Hilary

  6. You did a great job on the A-Z, Birgit.
    It's impossible to catch all the A-Z posts, so for those you found and followed, kudos:)

  7. You finished your alphabet posts and that's number one in the Challenge. Visiting is hard for a lot of us, especially those who have jobs outside the home or have other obligations. I found that the daily lists were more than enough to keep me busy.

    Thank you for participating again this year. You done good.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. I skipped it again this year. I had my hands full just reading all the posts of those blogs I regularly follow.

  9. Congratulations on finishing the A to Z in style BB. I did it for 7 straight years in a row and skipped this year. As a consolation heres my mugshot for you guys as a runner up booby prize. I've substituted the klingon ship, so now you know who I am at least, fire phasers - lol.

  10. You did brilliantly, as usual - surely you must be running out of movies by now?!

  11. Getting it done is the main thing and having fun along the way. A to Z is always same old same old at our bay.

  12. Excellent attitude, Birgit and I WISH I could think that way. But alas, I feel compelled to respond to everyone and subesequently get burned out. (Main reason why I didn't join this time). There's always next year! Looking forward to what changes you have in mind. Movies are always interesting, though.

  13. But that's what May's for! Catching up on all the blogs you couldn't visit in April ;) Yeah, the hop part gets me every year, too.

  14. I love your attitude, Birgit! Cheers to crossing the finish line!

  15. Hi, Birgit!

    I congratulate you for completing the A to Z run, dear friend. Are you out of breath? :) If you are taking requests for next year's Challenge, would you please do all movie musicals? :) But seriously, as a lifelong movie buff I always enjoy your film selections, trailers, clips and reviews, and always learn something new from your posts, including fascinating pieces of behind the scenes trivia.

    Thank you for coming to see me today and enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend BB!

  16. I enjoyed reading your posts during the Challenge, and clicked the link to follow your blog now the intensity of April is over. Happy film viewing, blog writing, and life!

  17. Congrats on surviving another A to Z. I found keeping up with all the blog visits to be the hardest part. It could literally take hours every night.

  18. You did really well on the challenge, and thanks again for doing it. Don't feel too badly you didn't respond to everyone or that you didn't visit as many blogs as you would have liked to. I figure that's what the road trip is for.
