Thursday, January 9, 2025

Who Should Have Won the Oscar 2020


2020 seemed to be filled with Oscar snubs and the Beat Actor had a few from Adam Sandler to Leo DiCaprio. I was pissed off this year because I hated who won the Best Actor and this is which I am speaking about. 


I was looking forward to this movie and Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of this iconic villain but I ended up being really irritated by his acting and hated this movie. I found he was acting it way too much and his own issues with sanity was coming forward because, let’s face it, Joaquin is quite an odd person. I didn’t like this film because of the writing too. They show this insane person kill and he, at the end, is eulogized by the people, which is gross. There were so many others that were better than him because you couldn’t see them act. Joaquin kept throwing it in my face at how well he is acting and feels he is better than Heath Ledger…which he is not. Just think how Heath would have been in this film. 


This is a great story about 2 people, successful, but their marriage is faltering. We see the demise of their love as we see their work flourish. He is a successful theatre director and his wife acts in his plays but she has now been given the ability to act in TV.  We see them fight for their child and lawyers get involved who are the only winners. This is a well acted film and you feel for the characters. Adam is excellent in this film and you feel for both. He was nominated but didn’t win and I would have been happy if he did.


Taron nailed it as Elton John and you believed him to be Elton. I had no idea how brilliant Elton was when he was so young and this actor showed this man’s complexity so well. You believe the actor and I feel he should have won the Oscar because you believe in him and do not question anything he does. He deserved to win but he wasn’t even nominated. I just don’t understand why.

So do you agree with me or would you choose another actor?

I have to say one thing….i am a proud Canadian and I will fight to remain Canadian. No person would like to be bullied, cajoled and threatened when we have always have been an Ally. I bet Americans would not like being bullied and threatened if the shoe was on the other foot. So Resident Rump can go to the place that never cools. I Am CANADIAN!


  1. 49% of American voters chose a bully, a misogynist, a mentally impaired individual. I fear for my country and my family.
    I haven't seen any of these films, but the Marriage Story seems interesting.

    1. Ughh. Tomorrow is a sad day and I feel for you. Canadians must not show any fear..he feeds on that. Flip him the bird and tell him off.

  2. I did not vote for that horrible man and he does not represent my beliefs. His comments about Canada are insane. He is mentally ill and I am terrified by his return to the presidency. I have never understood how people can be stupid enough to vote for him--not the first time, the second time, and certainly not the third time. He's an embarrassment to our country. Having said that, I also did not care for Joaquin Phoenix in Joker. For me, Heath Ledger is the Joker and no one can ever take Heath Ledger's place.


    1. He is insane but believes that he is THE God to do what he wants. He is a scary fuck. I had no other words but that. Heath Ledger is the best,

  3. He and his twittery sidekick are appalling and terrifying. They are coming after us too in different ways. I’m afraid for the whole world not just America.

    1. Yes, we need to be on guard with this bully and shove him back in his place. I think he will be his own undoing this time and many people will think, “what have I done?”

  4. Heath Ledger was the best Joker, no question! And I enjoyed the Elton John film a lot. Too bad the actor wasn't even nominated.

    As for your rant, I AM CANADIAN too and agree with you, 100%. FUCK OFF Trump! And Musk too!

    1. Yeah!!! Tomorrow will be a sad day but let’s see, he seems more off the rails and I think many people will think, “what have I done!”
      Heath is the best and Taron deserved a nomination.

  5. Not a fan of Phoenix. Sadly, I've heard he's a rather terrible human being. I have not seen any of these films, but I do want to see the third one. Eventually.

    How do I put this delicately? I guess I can't, can I? Yay Canada! And I don't believe for a second that Canada shouldn't remain purely Canadian. The idiot has delusions of grandeur. He seems to think he's going to gain territory. Someone needs to clue him into the fact that that's not going to happen. I could go on for days. Just suffice it to say no true American wants this. We like our neighbors to the north.

    1. Oh yes, I agree with you and I find it interesting that I have not seen his minions agreeing with him. He’s going way off the deep end thinking he can bring Manifest Destiny back in.
      Yes Phoenix is supposed to be quite unlikeable.

  6. Hi Birgit - I wasn't a fan of a couple of these films however at least they're films and not real life - we seem to be being bullied towards the future. I'm with Anabel and her thoughts - and yes Canada is Canadian. Cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, thank god not real life but tomorrow will be a sad day. I know that orange idiot will show, on his face, like the cat who ate the canary.

  7. BIRGIT ~
    It will come as no surprise to you that I haven't seen any of the three movies you mentioned above. The last time I was in a movie theatre was 2008 ('Slumdog Millionaire'), and I like so few of Today's movies that I almost never rent any. I have a pretty large DVD collection containing all of the stuffs I enjoy the most (older stuffs & classic TV shows).

    As for Donald tRUMP... I voted for him in 2016, but just one year into his presidency I knew that I would never, ever vote for him again. In fact, 2016 was the last time I voted for *anybody* for *anything*. I'm completely done with that nonsense!

    ~ Stephen

    1. It’s sad that our vote can be manipulated to bring a certain President or Prime Minister to power. It’s just not right but I will still vote. I’m glad you don’t care for Resident Rump.

      I had to take this recent one because I just can’t stand that movie. I’m with you that I do like older films much more and love my collection. I will always buy DVD’s and feel they will not die. I love the extras on the DVDs and always watch them.

  8. Yeah, I've also not seen any of these. As always, I vote for whatever you vote for Birgit. And I'm interested in watching Rocketman. Love me some Elton John.
    Be well, friend.

    1. Rocketman was a good film and Taron was really good as Elton.

  9. I haven't seen any of these movies so your spotlights were helpful.

    1. Skip the Joker flick…I hated it. I hope you can see some of these films

  10. I haven't seen any of these, Birgit. Blush. Blush.
    And as far as being a proud Canadian, well you should. I'm very impressed with Canada and its government. And, of course, its people.

    1. Thank you! I’m am very proud and will give the Trudeau Salute to Rump. The salute is from Pierre Trudeau justin’s dad.
